5.17.3 The Visitor.

"The World is kind to you, to your kid. But it doesn't mean you should keep them blind to the truth. And I am saying this to all of you."

"Reign in your kids, let them see the true world and stop their protesting… I haven't been able to get a single penny for the last few days due to those things." I started cursing the kids and their protest. How I cannot move from here and how the kids were becoming a nuisance due to their protest. 

There was mockery mixed with hate toward the young generation.

Though, for the insightful, one can see the envy that I carried. They could see what I meant from these words. And the man with whom i originally started to fight also seem to know what I meant here.

Hiding won't do, let the kids see the truth of this world, let them know the right and wrongs. Let them experience what their parents and grandparent suffered through.

But most of all, let them know who they lost.