5.17.4 A fun secret.

Farhad, oh Farhad. Living the life of a dog, I see.

A dog with so much freedom, that he could run to his old home if he wanted.

He chose to stay here. He chose to stay with us and learn about us, see what I was doing and see why I was doing it. 

But the true reason he stayed here was simple.

"Don't pursue my sister anymore." he said, showing his submission to me. Which I actually hated to a certain extent. This is not the Grifter I remember. His focus should be on killing me, finding new ways to end me, enjoying my death in various ways.

And when he can't kill me, bidding his time in his cage, waiting to pounce on my throat, ripping it apart.

Grifter was my first real friend, the first thing that actually understood me, the first one who lived that dream along me. 

How could he be so weak now? Or was it a game, I wondered?