6.01.2 What is going on in your mind?

The teacher's title was Flower Mage Aliya, a beautiful woman who existed on an elevated level when compared to Vinnie that was still new to the world of magic. Beautiful to the extreme, and whether it was due to her study of what many considered the life energy, her figure also exuded a mature charm that was rare to see among Mages. 

Making her a beloved figure among the students, specifically the male students who fell head over heels for her. 

And unlike Vinnie, who actually desired knowledge and strength, this woman was complacent due to her position. This was her peak. A high level apprentice mage who generally focused on teaching youngsters on the path of magic.

So when a woman like her made such a remark, I couldn't help but sigh at my fate. 'I should have done something heinous to the woman gender specifically, that's the only explanation why I end up being hated by most of them.'