6.01.3 Amir

"You influenced her to make such a decision?" 

"I won't dare to do such a thing, my dear Empress. It's true that she came up with such a dangerous idea, herself." 

There was little communication between me and Orvillia, as neither of us liked each other's company. But when push comes to shove and if the topic at question is too important, then I use a small pet I sent Orvillia, as my eyes and ears, as well as mouth in her case. 

And today was such an important topic that I had to speak to her about it.

"Your earlier suggestion of going undercover among the enemy ranks. That's the cause for her overblown confidence." She said, without batting an eye toward me, as if I was not even there. "But I won't deny, it's a good Idea, which is a proof of her pedigree. But doing it all herself is probably from her father's side."