6.03.2 Listen to me.

Did she hold any desire for this seat? 

Obviously not, she held no interest in it, nor did she wish to work for Jester. But things have progressed this far, and knowing the fate of Jara, she can't just leave him alone. Saving him was her top priority, while the latter was something that was forced upon her by Jester.

A fate of a daughter killing her father. A fate that was too much for her, but she had to go through it if she ever dreamed of fulfilling her first wish.

And to get closer to that fate of hers, she has to take the whole team two under her wing. And make this nameless subgroup of hers the true leader of their team. But it seemed harder to accomplish, considering how she was not even respected among her current underlings. This was not expected, considering that all three of them were at Adept level, while she was a mere Apprentice level knight who really was considered too green in the eyes of these transcendent.