6.03.1 A test again.

"Work with my potential killers?" 

"Or people who appreciate your talents. And besides, I originally came here to kill you for your identity as a prince. But I have watched you for a while now Prince. I know you are unlike those hypocrites. You are better, you still hold the heart of a mortal in you. So, you are someone perfect to join our organization." 

"Hmm… what is the name of your organization?"

"Now, now, don't get ahead of yourself." With those words, she left the scene, leaving Amir alone in his room. 

"She is confident enough to consider me a potential recruit?... These ones are dangerous." These were the very people that were planning to kill him. And he would have been dead if not for his hobby. 

'If their words hold any truth in them, then my research is very important to them. Or they see a potential that none close to me ever noticed.'