6.10.2 He is from the otherworld.

Were there no totems in Cynark? 

Of course not. Being the greatest nation on Brihma, it was the only nation that could claim to possess a totem-level existence. Though, it takes a lot for Cynark to move such existences. 

"Is it the Woeful Rot?" Deimos asked his uncle. As recently as of yesterday, Deimos has been updated on what has happened in Wortham Principality, specifically the kind of people that Duke has met recently.

Among which the Church of Plagues and Diseases frequented the Duke's palace the most. So, there was a link there, which Deimos can't just ignore easily. 

And being aware of his nephew's prior meddling, Wortham just smiled at him. "It's better if you don't think who it is. Just focus on cracking the weapon below. Find a way to replicate it, then make it stronger." Duke Wortham was in no mood to entertain his nephew, he just gave one look at him and spoke out his absolute will, which Deimos can't deny.