6.10.3 Looking forward to the meeting.

Maher and the other two just scoffed at my claims. Calling me arrogant for flaunting how I learned a new language in just two years' time. Which they were not wrong.

This was the character of Crow I was building, an arrogant youngster with a cruel streak who wished to be adored by others. This was a flaw I have built for Crow, a flaw makes you more human. 

And while we were having such fun, Sheva was doing her job as expected. 

"I won't help you until you ensure my survival." 

"But I already did, a big figure is interested in your talents, and if you coordinate according to our will, you might just gain more than you lose in this transaction." 

"A transaction?" 

"You can treat it as one, not like you have any choice here anyway." Negotiations were not Sheva's department, but the fact of the matter was, none in their group actually held any negotiation training. All of them were closer to enforcers more than anything.