7.06.1 Do you know his backing?

A delay of six months had already taken a toll on Hemant, it's hard to say how long those lower-quality drugs and the artificial hearts can sustain his life. So a month-long delay just made Amir wonder if he should have directly administered the blood to Hemant. 

Sadly, it was not possible as he had just arrived a couple of days ago and there was no one dependable enough in Amir's circle that he could trust with this job besides his Grandfather, who obviously lacked the greed to steal such candy from his grandson.

I meant only one thing.

'I have to wait.' The world was unpredictable as always.

Originally, this place was meant to be his chance to show his talents and accumulate achievements on the battlefield. But due to the curiosity of General Vera, he got to work on his dream project, which his grandfather had made Amir abandon due to many important things in his eyes.