7.06.2 A simple idea.

The Mage armor was fun to ride, Amir won't deny this. But was it necessary?

Amir didn't think so.

There were many differences between the Mages as well as the Knights. And these differences made it so that both paths were barred from enjoying certain luxuries that the other does.

And Amir believed that this mage armor was one of them. 

"The dwarven armor sets will still be preferred over your creations for most knights. Certain things are just not made for everyone." 

Faust, hearing such words wanted to say that he was preaching to the wrong person. This very fact was completely understood by Faust, but the issue was that there were not many mages in this world to begin with.

And those who could be trained to fight on a battlefield were even less, considering that most mages would prefer to join a Tower, and if they were to fight, they would fight from the backlines under the protection of Knights.