Beep beep


The first of the bullet ricocheted from my gun. It hit the other car following after us, causing it to slow down. 

I fired another shot and another before hiding back inside our vehicle. The car I had targeted came to a screeching halt. 

We would have been caught if it wasn't early in the morning. 

"One down," I muttered, checking the side view mirror. My eyes went wide upon seeing the other car lowering its window, and a tip of a gun appeared.

Not only that, but the vehicle loomed closer. 

"Drive faster!" 

Jace stepped on the accelerator, lurching the car forward. I let out an oof but was able to steady my balance.

Hauling myself over to the back seat, I lowered my head while two bullets hit the passenger and driver's side simultaneously. 

They grazed passed, but the bulletproof kept us safe. I pulled out a long gun under the back seat.