Chapter 11

Violet's POV

Summer and I walked away from Jake and his friends who included my mate and the guy who I outed as the warrior last night. Jake and I had a mini argument. Then my mate started to have fun-teasing Jake as well then the rest of the guys joined in.

"Funny you didn't tell me you raced Jake yesterday and WON. Thought we were supposed to keep to our selves and not interact with anyone."

"Yes that was the plan but somehow coach at practice yesterday had records of me running 5km in 5 mins and called me out when we had to run laps for a warm up but noticed that I wasn't trying and make me run against Jake and I may have gotten too into the small competition and yeah…"

"By yeah you mean you won?"

"Sadly yes and combined with yesterdays issues I don't think we will be staying here much longer especially if Jackson keeps showing himself around me."

"Where will we go to next then? We haven't been here that long."

"I know but I have complicated stuff and we most likely will have to move sooner then we both thought. For our safety and Night Star pack's safety"

"Okay but we should prepare after school then."

"I know and we will. Just need to get through the rest of the day, get to the clinic, then home without being followed."

"Should be as easy as pie," Summer laughs, I just roll my eyes at her comment knowing it most likely wont be easy.


Time Skip-After School


I mind-link Summer, to ask where I should pick her up from. I walked to her math class to pick her up where she told me that is here she will be. When I spotted Summer, I walked over to her.

"You ready to go?" I asked her when I was close to her.

"Yeah lets go" Summer said to me.

We walked out of school and towards the vet clinic to pick up Balto. When we were walking I sensed that someone was following us.

"You sense that as well?" I ask Summer in mind-link. Summer nods slightly.

"Yeah" Summer sighs.

"You didn't really think it was going to be that easy did you? Especially after all the things I did and said yesterday."

"I was hoping it was going to be easy to get to Balto then home but I guess not" Summer said.

"Wish it was easy and simple. That we could have a normal live but at the same time I'm glad of us and how far we have come. Especially you sis."

"Thanks Vi what ever happens everything will be okay and Balto and I will always be there for you. You know that right?"

"Yeah I do and I love you too"

"Want to take the long way to the clinic to try and get rid of the people tailing us?"

"Sure lets go to one of the café's near the clinic?"

"Yes! Can we get some food on the way?"

"Yeah sure why not."

While we talked in the mind-link we kept on walking but my senses are more in tuned so I could tell where the people are that are following us and how far they are from us. As I focus on the scent more I can tell there are most likely high ranked people that are following me and about 5 people following us. When I realised that there were 5 high ranked wolves following us I recognised the scents and realised that unless we are able to find a safe place to shift we cant get away from them.

"5 high ranked wolves including Alpha, Beta, Third in command, Warrior and Third in commands little brother. In other words Jackson, Jake, Chris, Edward and Zane. We are stuffed if we want to go home with no one following us."

"Shit this really is harder then I thought it was going to be"

"Told you it wasn't going to be easy." I said to her in our mind-link. We still are heading to the café near the vet clinic but I don't know how we are going to get out of the vet clinic without being spotted.

We arrived inside the café and I ordered our food and drinks whilst Summer sits in one of the booths closer to the door of the café waiting for me. When our order was ready, I collected it and walked over to Summer and I sat with her. I gave her, her food and drink and we had our food first while we wait for the high ranked wolves to get seated and move away from the door.

When I noticed that the guys where a few booths away I gave them a few minutes to settle in there seats after they got their food.

"We should go now whilst they are distracted." I said to Summer who nods her head at me. We waited for a while until all 5 guys are distracted and we walked out of the café. When we left the café we were making sure to mask our scent and to cross our paths a lot so that if they do catch our scent for some reason they wont be able to figure out which direction we went. Summer and I ended up walking aimlessly around the town for about 20 minutes just to be sure before we headed off to the vet clinic to get Balto.

Summer and I walked into the vet clinic and I went to see the one of the other receptionist's at the front desk and talked to her.

"Hi is Dr Rose in her office at the moment?" I asked Suzie who was the receptionist according to her nametag.

"No Dr Rose is out the back doing final check up for one of the animals that got brought in earlier."

"Oh okay do you mind if I go and see if she needs help I'm not rostered on for today but I can help if one of the animals is giving her a hard time."

"Oh? Yeah shouldn't be a problem I will double-check if it is all good with her. Sorry what was your name?"

"Just tell Dr Rose that Vi is here she will know who your talking about" I say as the receptionist's and other staff here apart from Dr Rose knows my real name as I tend to just keep it to Vi with the others.

"Okay will be back soon" Suzie says and walks out to the back then in again in less then 3 minutes.

"She said that you and your sister could go in. I am guessing Dr Rose knew you had your sister with you, as I didn't mention that you came in with another person. She also said room 6"

"Okay thank you Suzie" I said to her and motioned Summer to follow me. We went into room 6 and saw a mess of an examination room.

"Dr Rose is Balto in your office still?" I asked her which she nodded her head not looking in my direction keeping an eye on wolf in front of her who looks like she is ready to attack her.

"Summer go and stay with Balto and make sure he doesn't come here" I said to her out loud.

"Okay" Summer says and goes to Balto.

"Okay what have you gone and done to upset her?" I asked Rose

"Nothing all I know is that some one got her trapped and brought her here in a cage that was too small for her and she has a leg injury but wont let any one close to her when a apprentice accidently let her go."

"Great… so a lone female wolf, no pack? And was I'm guessing dumped here out side? Any cameras catch who dropped her off?"

"Yes, nope, yep and no sadly"

"Okay I want you to back up to me slowly and then stay next to where I am standing right now and not to move no matter what, the she-wolf is really scared at the moment and any sudden movement will startle her. You are going to have to trust me on this one Rose I have dealt with simular stuff and you have to promise that what ever happens in this room stays in this room" I say to Rose as this situation could go either really well and without me having to show who I actually am or it could go the opposite way.

"You Sure Vi I don't want you getting hurt and the She wolf looks like it's wanting to kill or seriously harm one of us."

"I assure that I will be fine unless Balto gets in here sensing something wrong. Which if you don't start moving he will." I say more sternly to Rose who nods her head and slowly backs up to where I am standing. The she-wolf watching every movement and who has been listening to this conversation not fully understanding our words or meaning I don't think.

When Rose is next to me I say to her in a stern but calm voice "Promise that you wont freak out at what might happen next and promise you wont tell anyone"

"Okay I promise I wont utter a thing about what might happen in here."

"Good and thank you this means a lot," I say to Rose who is giving me a quizzical look.

I walk up to the she-wolf calmly making sure my energy is calm and relaxed as not to spook or stress her out. I then reach into her mind and talk to her whilst talking out loud and I am still walking to her slowly.

"I know your frightened right now but I can help I have helped others like you in both worse scenarios and in better scenarios. I am not here to hurt you. I can protect and heal you. I have a friend who is about your age maybe a bit older who lost his entire pack due to enemy wolves and I have looked after him since but we do a lot of traveling. I can help find your pack if you want or you can stay with me and mine although there are only 2 other members we are like a pack. I can help heal you if you want me to or you can have some one else heal you but I promise to protect you."

When I finish what I am saying I have reached her and let her sniff my hand not caring if she snaps and bites me.

"Can I meet this wolf you speak of before I make up my mind and I for some reason feel like I can trust you even though I don't know who you are."

"I can go get him if you want but I will warn you that he is slightly injured due to a fight yesterday protecting our home. He is better then last night though. I am sure he will be happy to meet you. He hasn't had much wild wolf contact since I had to adopt him."

"Can you stay here I don't think I will feel safe if you not here"

"Sure thing, I will get the person over there…" I gesture over to Dr Rose who looks shocked that I am talking to this she-wolf and communicating with her but Dr Rose can only here my side as I am letting her because I have decided I trust her with our secret. "To go and get my sister and the wolf. Will also warn you he might get protective over my sister and me but I will stop him if he gets to over bearing. He could also get exited, as I haven't seen him since earlier today, as I had to leave him here to get rest. Are you going to be oaky with that if one of those happen?"

"I think I will be okay"

"Cool I will ask if he and my sister can be brought in here I will stay next to you though"

"Thank you"

"No problem also do you have a name little one?" I say then ask the she-wolf

"My name is Ruby can I know yours?"

"Thank you Ruby and sure mine is Violet"

"Dr Rose can you please let Summer in with Balto but say calmly"

"Urm sure Vi will you explain later to me about well everything?"

"Sure but only because I have trust in you and I have a feeling we are going to be forced to stay here if I am not more carful"

"Okay thank you, I will get the other two." After that was said Rose walked out of this room and into her office to get Summer and Balto.