Jackson's POV
When we got up today the guys and I decide to go for a walk around the town to see if we can find Violet or her sister Summer. As we were getting close to the edge of the forest of the town, I pick up Violet's scent and follow it with the guys following me. I stop and look in the direction it is heading and see her. Violet stops her running and stands still for a moment and looks to be sniffing the air and looks slightly shocked and a bit annoyed or something. The emotions that are going through Violet's face is a bit of a worry. That's not all that is worrying me as she starts to run off in a different direction from the way she was originally going.
"You guys notice that Violet just changed her direction to the one she was originally heading right?" I ask they guys.
"Yeah, did she also just sniff the air?" Jake asks
"Yep, she definitely did and what ever she scented she didn't like?" Edward said
"Thought she was human though? If she is, she can't have scented us. It could be food maybe or something close to her?" Chris said which me and the other guys just look at him.
"Yeah, I know it was a stupid thing to say but it doesn't make sense. She smells like a human but knew Edward was a warrior, she beat you Jake in a running race and it didn't even look like she tried against you, as she wasn't even out of breath. That is impossible if she is a freaking human. Which is crazy because she smells like a human."
"What if she's more then a human though?" Edward said. Now all of us look at him.
"Common man that's impossible she smells like a human."
"Yes that maybe but remember that wolf that Jackson and I told you guys about and our encounter with it? It was obviously defending something. That same wolf was with Violet and Summer and by the look of it Violet could talk to him and it also looked like he understood her. That's the same wolf that legit dragged be back to the pack house. Also now that I think of it the wolf was at the vets when I first met them both and what's weird is that Summer hid underneath the wolf and I sware I heard the wolf growl at me when he noticed I was in the vets trying to talk to Summer I think Violet nudged the wolf and it looked to be giving her a disapproving look? I also noticed that all Violet did was make a hand gesture and the wolf at one stage and the wolf then stood down. Also it was weird Violet kept looking between me and her sister and then her sister said that she and I quote 'No Vi, I don't know him or recognise him and no he doesn't know my name as I didn't talk to him or anything. I kind of just froze until I smelt you and Balto in the room' also I'm guessing the wolf is called Balto which I just remembered. I know I have said all this before but that was before I knew that the wolf well Balto was with Violet and Summer. And maybe that strange smell that was coming from the place where Balto was protecting was in fact the girls but when they are away they can somehow mask their scent? I know that is a long shot but maybe it is possible, maybe she is more then human." Edward said which with everything that's happened so far and with the added bonus of my wolf acting strange I think it is possible.
"Well let's just follow her from a distance and see where she goes." I say to them and head off to follow her as I feel this strange connection to her.
By the looks of it she is going back to the café she was at with her sister yesterday. Which is funny because we were heading that way anyway. We were going to the café and then maybe heading to the vets as Edward said that's where he first met Summer then Violet who came from somewhere within the building behind the staff doors with that wild wolf that is apparently named Balto, whom accompanies her.
As Violet got to the cafe she didn't slow down her run but just kept on running past it and headed towards the forest again. We follow her but then lose her again. This time there is no scent to follow. No noises either. I did however feel a strange pull to a tree that has lower branches that could be jumped on to climb up but I dint think much of it. That is until I get the feeling of maybe being watched and look up only to see a snowy owl up in a tree but by the looks of it, the bird didn't notice that I had noticed it. This to me was a tad weird as we don't usually get snowy owls around here but, yet again I didn't think much of it. I then see the owl tense and then fly off in a hurry I guess? I don't even know at this point.
'Alpha there are rogues and I have two pups with me, we need back up there's three here.' A pack member said to me in my mind-link.
'Okay tell me where you are and we will be on our way' I said back
'North of the pack house about 5 km south from the lake'
'Okay heading there now'
"Guys shift rogue about to attack three pack members including two pups. Follow me. Jake mind-link the patrol on the north side of the pack house the one that's near the lake and say that there are rogues about to attack 3 pack members." I said to they guys and Jake, then we all head off and we all shift. Jake mind-links the patrol that is on the north side. I then smell the pungent smell of the rogues and see a leopard that is white in colour leap from a tree and instantly killing one of the rogues. The other two rogues that were left decided to team up against the leopard. I was about to help the leopard but then noticed that it was dealing with them just fine and looked like it was enjoying its self as it sort of seemed like it was toying with both rogues until the leopard decided to kill both rogues easily.
Everyone had shifted back to human. I noticed that the snow leopard was about to try to sneak away when I decided to talk to it. The reason why I did is because one, I feel like that the snow leopard is actually a shifter although they aren't supposed to exist anymore and two, because I feel like I have a connection to it. It is also weird that this leopard appeared out of no where from a tree and also the owl from earlier headed this was and was white, which is especially weird because of some rumours that have appeared since the war that happened.
"I would stop if I was you. I don't want to get into a fight with you. I am also sure that you don't want to fight all of us." I say to the leopard.
"You do know that you are speaking to a wild leopard right Jack?" Jake says to me, which the leopard makes a chuff sound that resembles a laugh.
"I don't particularly think that this is a normal wild leopard. For one it looks like a snow leopard, two it just made a sound like a laugh at your questions so it understands us which normal wild animals struggle to and three what wild animal that's not a shifter of any kind, knows how to fight like that against rogue wolves let alone two at once?" I say to him.
"So what's your point?" Jake says to me, which Edward decides to pipe up.
"What do you mean 'what's your point'? The point is, is that that snow leopard that can understand us. It just laughed at you, killed all those rogues and toyed with two of them. I would even have the balls to say that it is the last big cat shifter is they even survived the war. "
"Well what do you suggest we do? Lock the leopard up until it shifts back if it is even a shifter which I doubt cause there are no other type of shifters apart from us werewolves." Jake says.
"There where until that war that happened years ago" Chris says.
"Yeah years ago and no one has seen any of the other shifters since apart from this rumour of theses two that is said to be the most powerful duo that whenever they shift into an animal one is always in a white form of that animal. Like if they are in a wolf form they are white, if a horse they are white. The other is a more natural and common colour of the animal. The one that is always shifts into a white form is said to be the more powerful out of the two. Some rumours say that they are sisters who are hybrids of almost all supernatural beings. This being like shifters, demons, angels, vamps, witches and more possibly. Some rumours say that its not even sisters or that they are hybrids of all or most supernatural beings." I say to them knowing about this rumour.
"So? That is just rumours there is no prof that they are real." Jake says.
"Well tell me why I feel like I have met my mate and also why I feel like I have some sort of connection to this leopard then?" I yell at the end frustrated with the situation and a bit with Jakes behaviour.
"Woah woah woah.. hold up you are just telling me now that 1 you feel like you have a connection to this leopard, 2 you think you found your mate since when? And 3 what type of rumours are you listening to and believing?" Jake says.
"1 yeah I think I have some sort of connection to this leopard, 2 since the first day I got back to school the day after you got beat by Violet which I still don't understand and 3 rumours that have occurred since the war that happened"
After I said all that I noticed that the leopard had growled when I said that I feel a connection between the snow leopard and about the war. I also noticed the leopard made a chuff sound that is like a laugh when I said that Violet beat Jake. By the looks of it both Jake and the leopard noticed this like I did.
The leopard, then decide to growl at all of us and stand in an attack position towards us of them to let me past them.
"Think you pissed it off Alpha" Jake says clearly fed up with something I said which I wasn't happy about.
"Jake you are close to pissing me off with that tone"
"Ohh please I have the right to be pissed off you just told me that you think that you found your mate and didn't tell me straight away. I am supposed to be your best friend so I am sorry if I am upset and feel like you have betrayed me. NOT to mention you haven't ever told me these rumours that you have the knowledge of especially with what happened to MY FAMILY IN THE WAR!" Jake says to me yelling at me in some parts but mainly towards the end.
I notice that once Jake says this that the leopard got angry or should I say pissed to the point that the leopard attacked Jake and no one was able to get near Jake as the leopard would attack the people that got in its way of Jake. I found an opportunity to stand in front of Jake protecting him. The leopard only just stops in time before attacking me and growled at me.
"Stop he is just upset at me he means no harm to me." I say to the leopard to which it growl at me probably not believing me at the moment because of its anger.
"I promise Jake means no harm to me. I promise okay? If I back away promise you aren't going to attack him again?" I ask the leopard. The leopard growls again at me again probably not liking it but decide to stand down and back up and then lay down but flicking it's tail unhappily.
"Thanks. Also thank you for saving my pack members they wouldn't still be here if you took down the rogues in the first place. We will leave you be so you can go back to where you came from. I do hope to see you again soon though." After I say all this they all leave although I look behind me and looks at the leopard again before I leave with the rest of my pack to the pack house.
"You are really stupid you know that right? And you are lucky that the leopard stoped because I got in the way." I say to Jake who is injured but not that badly. This actually surprises me because I know that if the leopard really wanted to injure someone it would easily do so without that person knowing it before too late just by looking and seeing it in action against the rogues.
"Yeah, yeah I know, tell me something I don't know." Jake says to me.
"You are very lucky that I consider you my best friend. And I am sorry that I didn't tell you about possibly having my mate near by. Hell it is so far only a feeling, like when I went to school yesterday after a while, my wolf was very restless at school and since then there have been only a few times when he hasn't been restless. Ones of these times were with that leopard just then. Which is strange again because it's a leopard and not a shifter. Also weird because it sounded like it the leopard laughed a few times and growled a few times when I said I felt like I have a mate connection and when you yelled at me. That is why I didn't say anything Jake. Its not because I don't trust you, its just that I'm not even one hundred precent sure that I have a mate near by. It is purely just a feeling that I have right now. Now lets get you fixed up and go to school before its too late." I say to Jake and we continue to walk to the pack house get Jake healed a bit and then go to school.