Raylene opened her eyes after feeling her body move.
She quietly turned to the other side
as the anxious man was looking at her anxiously and driving fast as well.
Honey, we'll be at the hospital soon. Don't worry.
She started looking left and right, but she had no clear vision. All she could see was blurry.
Ran arrived and quickly stopped the car in front of the hospital door and quickly got out of the car to turn to her side, and he opened the door and carried her with ease and slowness, fearing for her and her fetus.
So he entered the hospital running screaming at the doctors while his men's cars arrived and surrounded the entire hospital with his men. Rendo stood in front of the hospital door, where the police stood by shocking him, while they raised their weapons in front of Rendo, but he made slow steps and put his hand on the
policeman's shoulder and said calmly and the policeman looked at him in shock
- Don't worry, the hospital Safe, all you have to do is stick to where you are.
"Damn it, they're a gang!"
Rendu came close, whispering against his ear, "
It's not as easy as you expect, sir, so I don't advise you to take a step that could lead to your death."
Then Rendo entered the hospital and followed his brother after asking everyone until he arrived and Ran was sitting on the chair hugging his head down and waiting for the doctor to come out to tell him something different from what he was thinking.
- Ran... How is she?
- I do not know.
He answered while looking down with sullen eyes that were sharp and hot, red as if they were emitting embers.
- I hope everything is fine.
- Ran, be patient.
Rindo put his hand on his brother's shoulder after standing by him, unable to do anything either.
Only a few minutes passed before the doctor came out, so Ran got up and burned him and ran towards him until he almost hit the doctor, so he asked him while he was in a state of panic
- Tell me! What is her status?!
The doctor lowered his head for a moment and this made Ran crazy as the doctor grabbed and pushed him hard by his collar against the wall and Rendo was trying to catch his brother but Ran turned into a complete monster.
- Ran! Let him talk!
- He doesn't want to talk, they killed her!!
- M.. please.. um.. give me a moment...
The doctor tried to talk with difficulty while Ran strangled him on the wall, so Ran left him and shouted in the hospital with a strong voice
- my wife told me what happened to her!!
-She... We must perform a caesarean section on her immediately and extract the fetus, or both of them will die.
- I feel... well...
- but...
the doctor hesitated to talk to him, but he spoke anyway in a trembling voice
- Yeh... you should sign on your own responsibility...
- I will sign, but if something happens to Raylene, I will kill you. Oh really!
Ran signs the papers in the doctor's room and throws them on the desk while standing with his shirt half open showing that side tattoo that catches everyone's attention, while Rindo tries to calm him down but he is in a panic and not knowing what he can do for his brother.
All that was happening was that Ran was waiting for Raylene in the operating room, and Rindu called Trish away from Ran and told her everything.
📞- What are you saying?? Raylene in danger?! I'll come right away!
- No, don't come.
📞- Before she is your brother's girlfriend, she is my friend!
You stubborn one, I know I won't get anything from my words, and I know you'll do whatever comes to your mind.
So wait, I'll send a car to take you here.
📞- I'll get myself ready, don't be late!
· · • • ✤ • • • ·
- What next, Steve?
- You thought we could not enter the airport or control it, right?
Mikey stands in front of Steve who made their lives miserable looking at them coldly while sitting on the floor and Sanzo sits next to Mikey and looks at Steve with a crazy smile.
You lost everything, Steve.
What do you think you have yet?
Steve smiled and giggled at Mikey's saying, making Mikey feel obvious anger in his eyes, but Izana stopped him from behind after placing his hand on his shoulder.
- Don't worry, Steve...you kill clean most of the time, even your corpse won't be found by anyone so how reassuring.
Sanzo said those words while looking at Steve with madness in his eyes and came from behind and put a towel on Sanzo's shoulder, the woman who gave her life for him.
Sanzo kissed her hand and then left her on her way to seek refuge in what she was doing of preparing an injection
Lucy approached and put the syringe in Sanzo's hand, and he grabbed it and pointed it toward Steve's eye.
- Do you know what this is?
It's the property your family was killed for.
Steve fell silent and then rolled his eyes we're Mikey and said.
You couldn't even say goodbye, right, Sanu Manjiro?
Those words ignited the dormant volcano inside Mikey and Mikey ended his life with a bullet between his eyes.
· · • • ✤ • • • ·
- You are fine?
- I don't know... I still can't believe it...
- Since we came back my stomach hasn't gotten any bigger, it sucks being a little bloated... -
He hugged her from behind on the balcony and smiled and she smiled too. Then his phone rang and he picked it up while cuddling her.
- Mr. Hanma Shoji, you are invited to a party to be given by Mr. Maike, please come.
- I'll make sure of this.
How about you, come with me right?
Impossible to do this!!
- You want me to go with this belly?!
- I don't see anything wrong with it.
- Hanma, I'd rather no one know about this than Dad, I don't want to be like Raylene...