Chapter 15: Falling in Love With You

That whole night, I tossed and turned trying to get my emotions under control. I was happy because of my building connection with Tyler and our shared kiss; I was content knowing that I felt like I could trust him so easily; but on top of all of that, I was concerned, thinking about what I’d do if Aubrey was right.

Nothing. I’d do nothing. Because she wasn’t right. Tyler wasn’t keeping secrets from me. It’s just the natural progression of a relationship. You don’t just spill all of your cards at all once; it takes time to get there and build a foundation for something solid to possibly sprout up and bloom. How weird would it be if you met someone and on the first date, they told you all their deepest secrets and entire life story without being prompted to? Don’t lie, now. You know you’d be just as turned off as the next person. It isn’t commonplace to tell everyone everything off the bat and I respected his privacy too much to push.