Chapter 39: Boy, This Was Weird

Sammy blinked at the lady in shock. What had she just said?

"How did you...?"

The lady waved her hand in the air that had lots of colorful beads adorning her wrist, whilst cutting her off by saying, "I know things, dear."

The man let out a laugh. "I had no idea. If you had told me that you were pregnant, I wouldn't have let you work in that airtight room and on your feet for that long."

What was going on here? Sammy was barely a month or more pregnant. She wasn't even showing at all. How had the woman known? Was it written somewhere on her that she was pregnant?

Sensing her confusion, the man offered, "Monica my wife here is an empath. She kind of senses things."

Sammy didn't even think this thing was a reality. Granted she had read about such people or seen them on television but had never thought they were real or could really read or sense anything.

"I don't read minds though. I just sense souls, feelings and spirits. You are carrying three beautiful souls in there."