Chapter 42: Previously On: Delusional

The silence that followed was loud. Leo was trying to put his thoughts into perspective but struggling as he leaned back in his chair and regarded the woman in front of him.

It was definitely true that the shiniest apples could harbor the most parasitic worms.

The woman's nose flared as she regarded him. A look of pure disgust passed on her face.

"What do you mean she is carrying your child? How sure are you that it's your child? That girl was nothing but a wh--" Leo raised his hand as a deadly look set in his grey eyes.

"If you say anything vile about Samantha, you will live to regret it," he said. The other two occupants were silent as if they weren't there.

"Regret it? What do you think you can do to me, Leonard? That girl used to flirt with anything in a trouser here, how are you so sure you are the father?" Ruth spat.

Leo exhaled sharply. He couldn't believe he had once thought he loved this Louis Vuitton-clad she-devil.