ch 32 preparation

[Chapter 0032 Preparations]

"Of course there are prerequisites, but this has already touched the core part of the limit breakthrough, so I can't give you a complete answer!"

"However, I can tell you clearly that you must not be able to break through the limit now, because you can't practice other genetic exercises until the basic exercises break through the limit."

"Now you, obviously do not meet this prerequisite!"

Regarding the question of Yun Bing, Zhang Lie did not have any reservations, but poured it down with cold water.

Yun Bing was stunned, Chu Feng was stunned, Yun Gang and Chu Lan were all stunned.

What do you mean, before breaking the limit, you can't repair other exercises?

This! What about funny?

Doesn't that mean that they worry about everything in vain before, and they can't get through the first level?

The rather extreme Yun Gang immediately asked, "What if I break the power? Can I still break through the limit?"

Zhang Lie nodded, "Of course there is no problem in rehabilitating, but for you, this will be a difficult choice, right?"

More than difficult, it is the ultimate trouble!

On the one hand is the tempting limit breakthrough, and on the other is the major cultivation technique that has been repaired for several years. How can one be tangled.

The long-term benefits of the round are obviously cost-effective from rebuilding. Rebuildable means that the combat power has dropped sharply, and the hunting ability has been lost for a long time.

I have to say, this question is really worth thinking about.

At this moment, the brows of the four of them were all wrinkled into Sichuan characters!

After a while, Chu Lan, the only one of the four who didn't speak, finally recovered and asked the last question.

"The last question I want to ask is the success rate!"

"I want to know, if the method is right, it will definitely break through the limit!"

The four of them looked at each other again, but Zhang Lie shook his head and said, "I can't guarantee this, after all, I don't have much experience!"

"All I can promise is that I'll just replicate what I've experienced before, and be sure that this method will definitely work!"

"As for how many people can succeed, it depends on the individual, no one can guarantee it!"

Zhang Lie's remarks made the four of them immediately stunned.

The success rate is unknown, which basically means that they have missed this limit breakthrough.

After all, no one would use their own strength to make such an unsafe attempt.

After the three questions have passed, Yun Bing, Chu Feng and others have a certain understanding of the so-called limit breakthrough mentioned by the mysterious boy in front of them.

Although, this limit breakthrough has little to do with them, but it is of great significance to the family.

This secret is absolutely worth 500 million, or even more.

Chu Feng spoke again, "Little brother, I have to say, your message made us both sad and shocked!"

"But from the family's point of view, I'm naturally very interested in your limit breakthrough. If you continue, how do you plan to charge?"

Zhang Lie weighed his fingers, "It's very simple, if you want to continue, then pay for it, one is for sale, and two are for sale!"

"If you two, then each will take 1.5 million points as a deposit, right?"

1.5 million points, 30% of the full amount as a deposit, which is obviously a bit too much.

Yun Bing and Chu Feng looked at each other after hearing the words, but they did not refute.

"30% deposit is not impossible, but how can you guarantee…"

"No guarantee, after paying the deposit, I won't leave your sight until the candidates you provided have successfully broken through."

Yun Bing is a woman, so she must be careful, but before she could finish her words, Zhang Lie interrupted her.

The attitude expressed by the other party also made her feel completely relieved.

In this way, the two no longer had any ink marks, and immediately transferred 1.5 million points to the account designated by Zhang Lie through the optical network.

As soon as the points were credited, Zhang Lie also received a prompt.

"Okay, very good, since the points are in place, then we should hurry up!"

"Next, you have to act separately, and the two of you go out to do the preparatory work first!"

"First of all, I need to prepare five candidates for each of the two companies. Candidates who have reached the tenth level of genetic skills but have not yet started to cultivate other skills."

"In addition, collect a hundred more white-liquid jade worm inner shells, ten catties of green fish roe, ten catties of blue water frog meat, do you have the count?"

Seeing Zhang Lie's resolute appearance, Yun Bing and Chu Feng naturally did not dare to neglect, and immediately signaled to Chu Lan and Yun Gang beside them to go down and prepare in person.

Chu Lan and Yun Gang knew that the matter was of great importance and immediately got up to take orders.

"After that, send people and things outside the base. In the area under your control, it is best to build a small test field." Seeing the two get up, Zhang Lie added another sentence.

It was this sentence that made the four of them look at each other again.

off base?

That said, the final breakthrough was made outside the base.

This means that this guy is alone and dares to go to the area under their control outside the base.

Zhang Lie didn't realize that what he said was a bit big. Seeing everyone was stunned, he said again, "What are you stunned for, hurry up and prepare!"

Seeing this, Yun Gang and Chu Lan naturally stopped staying there and walked out of the top-secret conference room quickly.

Zhang Lie did not stop at all, and immediately began to describe all the prerequisites for the limit breakthrough.

"There are three prerequisites for breaking through the limit of basic exercises!"

"The first condition, which is the most basic condition I just told you, has reached the tenth level of the basic exercises, and has not started to practice the genetic martial arts."

"The second condition is to devour a sufficient amount of the inner shell of the white-water jade worm, or the roe of the green squid, or the flesh of the blue-water frog, I can't be sure, but these things are not difficult to get, and they can all be prepared. "

"The third condition is that the adrenaline reaches a certain peak. To put it simply, they need to be stimulated."

When Zhang Lie's voice fell, Yun Bing and Chu Feng almost said in unison, "Is that all?"

"Well, that's all, why not?"

"Under the three conditions, it is not difficult. Don't underestimate the difficulty, especially the last one!"

"The uncertainty of success comes from the third condition."

Since the other party has paid Zhang Lie, Zhang Lie is naturally generous, and the breakthrough of the basic exercises is basically said to be 80-90%.

Yun Bing and Chu Feng also had a more intuitive understanding of the risks involved.

To put it simply, the limit breakthrough is definitely a low-risk and high-return for those who have just started to repair chains and other exercises.

As a result, Yun Bing and Chu Feng naturally began to help their relatives to think about it when they missed this opportunity.

Yun Bing has a younger sister, and Chu Feng also has a pair of siblings. They have not been in the Void Realm for a long time.

Among them, Yun Bing's younger sister Yun Meng was just at this juncture. The brother and sister under Chu Feng, although not just right, had just started to practice family exercises.

With such an opportunity, the two naturally immediately began to contact them.