ch 33 trial begins

[Chapter 0033 Trial Begins]

Outside the black iron base, blue maple forest.

The southwest of the base is a forest of towering and dense blue maple trees. There are all kinds of genetic beasts in this forest, and most people don't dare to go deep.

Somewhere on the outskirts of the forest, on a bare open space, stood several temporary military tents, forming a small camp.

This is the place where Yun and Chu have jointly established a temporary stronghold, which was also built by the special at the request of Zhang Lie and used for limit breakthrough trials.

In fact, this camp was soon opened up after Zhang Lie explained it before.

When Zhang Lie, Chu Feng, and Yun Bing came to this place, there were already hundreds of elites from the Yun and Chu families standing on the temporary action territory.

In front of the tent in the center of the camp, ten young men and women stood tall.

They are not very old, the oldest should be no more than 20 years old, and it has not been more than a month since they entered the black iron base of the Void Realm.

The most important thing is that they are all ten-level basic exercises, and they have not practiced other exercises.

Yun Bing's younger sister Yun Meng, and Chu Feng's younger brother Chu Ling, stood among them.

In fact, Chu Feng's younger sister Chu Xun was also there, but unfortunately this little girl was arrogant and did not believe in the so-called limit breakthrough.

So she did not stand in the team, but on the side of the team.

After the three of them came forward, the little girl immediately came up and smelled it.

"Brother, is this the expert you were talking about? Mysterious and mysterious, but you can smell it, you should be young, at most 21-22 years old!"

"I should have stayed at the Black Gold Hotel recently, and it smells like musk from the hotel maid, isn't she a liar?"

The little girl fanned her nose, and Zhang Lie was a little shocked by her concluding remarks.

Can you tell how old you are just by smelling it? Do you even know where you've been?

What is this with what?

Does this chick have such a strong nose?

Looking at the beautiful little girl in front of him, Zhang Lie's eyes flickered.

When Chu Feng heard the words, he was too busy to say, "Little brother, this is my little sister. Don't take it as a surprise when she was spoiled by our parents when she was young!"

"Hehehe, how can it be, Shimei's nose is so powerful, she's quite talented!"

Zhang Lie said haha, and then greeted Chu Xun directly and familiarly.

"Hello, little sister Chu Xun, it seems that you don't believe my limit breakthrough?"

Chu Xun shook his head, "It's been more than a century since the discovery of the genetic space, what limit breakthrough, 80% fool people!"

Hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Lie was not annoyed, "How about we make a bet?"

Chu Xun said a little cautiously: "Bet? Why should I bet with you?"

Zhang Lie chuckled, "Don't you believe the limit breakthrough I said? I bet you on this!"

"If I succeed, you have to use your nose. If I lose, it's up to you! What do you think?"

Chu Xunwei thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Don't gamble, if you lose, you will be cut off by my brother, and it's totally untenable to let me deal with it!"

Zhang Lie was stunned, but he didn't expect this little girl to be quite clever, so he laughed, "Okay, it seems to make sense to you, so let's do this."

"I'll make a small deal with you. You promise me to borrow your nose to use it in the future. How about I let you break through the limit of success?"

As soon as these words came out, Yun Bing, Chu Feng, and even the two high-level executives all had a flash of light in their eyes.

Before, this guy can say that the success rate is not guaranteed.

But this time, he, who had taken a fancy to Chu Xun's nose, could actually promise her.

It seems that this kid did not find them by accident, I am afraid it was deliberate.

As for the limit breakthrough, he must have reservations about them.

"Xiao Xun, promise him!" As Chu Xun was about to refuse, Chu Feng couldn't help but solemnly added a sentence for his little sister.

Seemingly seeing Chu Feng's seriousness, Chu Xun reluctantly said, "Okay, originally I wouldn't promise you happiness, but for my brother's sake, this lady has promised you for the time being."

"But let's talk about it first, I don't smell weird things!"

Zhang Lie laughed, "Thank you Miss Chu Xun, please rest assured, I'm not that boring."

After reaching a consensus with Chu Xun, Zhang Lie turned around and looked at the ten candidates standing neatly.

In front of each of them, there are several kinds of food.

There are ten inner shells of white liquid jade worms, half a catty of green fish roe, and half a catty of blue water frog meat.

Of course, except for the inner shell of the white liquid jade worm, the other two are cooked.

The big family is different. Zhang Lie also appreciates the execution ability of the two families, and said loudly: "I believe that before I come here, you should know the purpose of our coming here!"

"Right now, what you have to do is very simple, kill the food in front of you!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and they all looked at Yun Bing and Chu Feng with suspicion.

After all, Zhang Lie, the guy who covered the bottom in black, didn't have the slightest trust in them.

Among them, Yun Bing's younger sister Yun Meng directly questioned, "Sister, these are the most common genetic foods. What is the difference between them and junk food for us, why should we eat them?"

Yun Bing heard the words and smiled bitterly: "Meng'er is obedient, you will know how it works in a moment. If you don't believe him, you can't even believe your sister, right?"

Yun Bing's generous relief also indirectly answered everyone's questions.

In fact, these things are not too unpalatable, but the amount is a bit large, but for the gene warriors, it is not a problem at all.

Extending the head is also a knife and shrinking the head is also a knife, if you can't avoid it, then eat it.

The speed of eating was fast and slow. Besides, most of the ten people were guards under the command of the Yun and Chu families, and they usually eat at a very fast pace.

Three, five and two, six of them have eaten all the food in front of them.

Zhang Lie didn't ask them to wait any longer. After they finished their reports, he directly asked the elites of Yun and Chu to bring them into the testing ground that had been arranged for a long time.

Next, in this proving ground, waiting for them will be the extreme stimulation of life and death.

From the towering trial ground, countless black-clothed and masked elites have already taken their places.

The six people entered the trial field through six entrances respectively, and the person who brought them in told them that the end of the trial was in the center of the trial field.

Whoever reaches the center first will be able to break through the limit first, so the six people will naturally start to run at high speed with full concentration.

Chu Xiu was a little nervous. As a member of the branch of the Chu family, he was honored to be brought to such a trial ground.

After all, the limit breakthrough mentioned by the main family before is definitely a matter of great significance.

Therefore, with gratitude in his heart, he was extremely attentive in this trial.

In addition, his strength was in the forefront of the six, so he was the first to rush into the inner perimeter of the test field and enter the test area.

Crossing a small haystack like an obstacle in front of him, Chu Xiu even saw the flag with the word Chu in the center.

But at this moment, a shadow of a shadow was several times faster than his speed, rushing out from the edge of the obstacle-like haystack, and a little cold light quickly swept towards his carotid artery.

At the moment of life and death, Chu Xiu's adrenaline surged to its peak instantly, and the blood in the whole body boiled instantly.

At this moment, he didn't even have time to think about why there was a terrifying killer here. The source energy in his body exploded instinctively, and his body speed increased several times, and then he avoided the knife.

At this moment, a voice of will of the void resounded in his mind.