Chapter 42 Let it go

After confirming that the soul-suppressing frog was completely numb, Zhang Lie jumped into the hole after hiding his figure, pierced his brain with a sword, and ended up with the soul-suppressing frog.

"Ding! Hunting the Super Soul Frog without obtaining Soul Jade, eating the flesh and blood of Soul Soul Frog can get 1-10 super genes."

The will of the void sounded, and the hanging hearts of all the team members who participated in the hunt finally fell back into their stomachs.

Inside the pothole, Zhang Lie still had a tinge of red at the corner of his mouth. Before he jumped out of the pothole, Sun Mengmeng said with a look of anticipation, "How is it, Captain, has the Soul Jade come out yet?"

Super soul jade, in the void world, no matter when and where, it must be a rare thing, especially the super soul jade with good function.

Although Zhang Lie said before that they had no share in Soul Jade, Sun Mengmeng couldn't help but pay attention.

Zhang Lie shook his head a little depressedly, "Oh, don't mention it, I didn't come out!"

Zhang Lie at this meeting is not pretending, he is really depressed.

For this soul-suppressing frog soul jade, he quietly shattered two ordinary pot-bellied magic frog soul jades just now, but it still hasn't shipped.

Sun Mengmeng's face darkened, and she said with regret: "It's a pity, but the matter of soul jade cannot be forced, come up quickly, Xiao Wu and the others can't stand it anymore?"


However, Zhang Lie just jumped into the pothole, and Sun Mengmeng already had a few more people behind him.

Looking at Li Hong, who had just jumped up from the pit and was surrounded by five people, the corners of his mouth rose with a smile on his face, "Haha, it's a coincidence that it's better to come earlier!"

"The one in armor, hand over your things, and I'll spare you a death?"

When he was stopped by the translator and others for the second time, Li Hong realized that there was something tricky in it.

Divided into two parts, hurry up and hurry up, and finally catch up.

Zhang Lie chuckled, "Captain Li? The soul frogs are already dead, and there is no soul jade. Even if you get the corpse, it seems that you can't get the gene points, right?"

"Why don't you sell me a face and leave here, so as not to trouble everyone!"

While smiling, Zhang Lie gave Sun Mengmeng a look ready to fight.

"Face? Who are you? Also worthy of…"


Zhang Lie naturally didn't expect that a brash guy like Li Hong would give him the so-called face.

The reason why he picked up on this sentence was to give Sun Mengmeng some time to prepare.

Therefore, almost the moment the other party answered, Zhang Lie coldly interrupted the other party.

The whole body's source energy exploded in full, and he was walking on the waves, like a water dragon, the purple poison ghost sword turned into a faint light, like the teeth of a dragon.

The sword that was going to the extreme stabbed at Li Hong's throat with extreme speed.

Why did Li Hong never expect that after his own troops arrived, the other party said something wrong, and he actually took action directly?

This is amazing, this is Blackwater Beach!

Without waiting for him to think about it, Zhang Lie's shocking sword had already stabbed in front of him.

With such a speed, Li Hong knew that the guy wearing the silver armor in front of him should have a super gene count not lower than himself, or even higher than him.

Instinctively to one side, the spear in his hand was raised in front of the dagger.

However, at this moment, Zhang Lie, who was sprinting at a high speed, changed his stab to a slap at the end, and the short sword drew an arc and slid across his right arm.

The Purple Poison Nether Sword is a super Horcrux, which is rarer than a real super genetic weapon.

His power was so sharp, how could Li Hong's body armor stop him.


There was a soft sound, and blood flashed, and Li Hong was injured in a single glance.

Fortunately, he has dozens of super genes, and his reaction speed is quite good. Almost at the moment when the dagger cut through the skin, he stared at his feet, shook his left arm, and shook the long spear in his hand.


At the same time, Li Hong shouted loudly, bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, and the whole body's light blue source energy exploded with all his strength.


A strange arrow roared, and among the lightning and flint, all the talents of Li Hong's team had just exploded their source power, and a firebird had already bombarded them head-on.

Such arrows naturally came from the hands of Sun Mengmeng.


With a loud bang, various sources of energy exploded. After all, Li Hong's team was a strong team in the Black Water Beach. Even in the face of such a surprise attack, they were still able to deal with it with ease.

The explosion sounded, the smoke billowed, and Zhang Lie disappeared without a trace like a ghost.


In the smoke and dust, a little purple light flickered, and behind Li Hong's team, a young man was holding a spear and was about to throw, his neck was directly pierced.

From beginning to end, he didn't know where this life-threatening dagger was stabbed from.

"Be careful, that guy will have a very powerful concealment technique!"

"Zhang Chao, sprinkle bright powder!"

The long-range pitcher in the team died, and everyone naturally noticed that Li Hongqiang commanded loudly while enduring the bone-eroding pain in his right arm.

Li Hong did not expect that the opponent's sword was actually smeared with poison. I even drank two bottles of antidote during the reversal, but they didn't have the slightest effect.

Originally, when he wanted to come, the opponent's sword was only slightly injured.

Now it seems that it's not that simple. At this moment, 80% of his source power is gathered in his right arm, which can restrain the spread of that terrifying poison.


A handful of white dust was scattered, Zhang Lie was also prepared, and a cloud of water mist exploded all over his body, quickly exiting the smoke and dust range.

At the same time, all the members of Li Hong's team who were previously held by Fang Yi and others finally returned to the team.

Of course, when they returned to the team, Fang Yi, Sun Xiaowu and others also naturally returned to Zhang Lie's side.

The two sides stood still again, and their swords were drawn, but Li Hong's previous state of detachment was gone forever.

At this moment, Li Hong had unparalleled solemnity in his eyes. He knew that, looking at the opponent's attitude and combat strength, he would not be able to get any benefits today.

The main problem is that the guy in the armor has too terrifying combat power, extremely flexible movement, completely invisible concealment ability, and terrifying poison.

If he hadn't underestimated the enemy before, and had not been shot first, he might be able to deal with it with all his strength.

Now, I've been poisoned, and 80% of the 100% source power will be used to suppress the poison.

After taking a deep look at Zhang Lie, Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng, Li Hong's eyes finally focused on Zhang Lie, who was covered tightly in a glass armor.

"The brother in the armor, I, Li Hong, were reckless before. I'll make up for it for you. You think it's better for us to settle down and not settle down. How about we just let it go?"

What's the situation, Li Hong is directly cowardly?

Later, Fang Yi was stunned.

In his mind, this guy Li Hong has always had an arrogant face, when did he speak so easily?

Have you been hallucinating yourself?

No, looking at everyone's expressions, obviously not.

In fact, in this game, Sun Mengmeng was the only one who understood.

After all, she had seen all the previous battles.

From that moment on, she decided to follow the mysterious captain in front of her.