Chapter 43 Li Hong Compromise

Everyone was watching, and at this moment, everyone present was looking at Zhang Lie.

Because what he said next also represented how this not-so-good encounter ended.

From the standpoint of Li Hong's team members, they naturally hoped that the other party would agree to captain Li Hong. After all, the previous long-range team member died too strangely.

To be honest, most of the people present were about the same level as that person.

If he fights again, who knows if he will be smeared by the ghostly Zhang Lie in the next second.

You only have one life, and you can get out of danger with a wave of counseling at this time, so why bother to work hard.

Most of the time they followed Li Hong to do some bullying and fearing hardships. Right now, this is obviously an iron plate.

Heroes don't suffer immediate losses, remember these guys, and find their way back next time.

Of course, they think so, but the people on Zhang Lie's side don't think so.

They are all old rivers and lakes, especially Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng. They are quite clear that if they give up on this today, Zhang Lie may be fine, and the few of them are finished.

Li Hong and the Li family will definitely take revenge against them.

But at this time, the two did not dare to stand up directly and let Zhang Lie continue to fight.

After all, they didn't know at this moment that Li Hong was already a paper tiger.


The two spoke in unison, and their eyes were full of hope. They hoped that the boss could withstand the pressure and solve this trouble completely for them and themselves.

Seeing Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng who were hesitating to speak beside him, Zhang Lie waved his hand, and then gave them a reassuring look.

"Hehe, beg for peace!?"

"Don't you have to have an attitude of seeking peace? Don't you know that your life is already measured in seconds?"

With a chuckle, Zhang Lie gave the answer, but this answer was obviously not acceptable to Li Hong.

"What? What do you mean? What is measured in seconds? I am the Li family, if you dare to move…"

"Don't sign up. If I can be scared by you, I won't give you this poison."

"If you know each other, then hand over all the soul jade, and I may spare your life for Li Jin's sake."

Li Hong was used to signing up for numbers, but he didn't expect that the other party not only didn't care at all, but interrupted him with a calm expression, and even reported his brother's name.

Even, even if his brother came in person, he still had to look at his mood to save face.

"You…I…you know my brother? Who are you?"

Li Hong did not expect that he was only scratched a little, and the consequences would be so serious.

Listen to what the other party says, if you don't take measures, your life will soon come to an end.

"You talk too much, hand over the soul jade, or rot into Momo, you choose?"

Zhang Lie didn't talk nonsense, he spoke again, Soul Jade changed his life, or died if he didn't give it!

The eroding speed of the poison on his arm is getting faster and faster, even if he has blocked all the source power, but in addition to the rapid consumption of the source power, the inhibition of the poison is getting lower and lower.

Up to now, Li Hong also knows that if he doesn't leave anything behind today, he's afraid he won't be able to escape.

I have to say, the long-term flattery and flattery made him forget everything,

What is the current situation, the other party has directly controlled his life, and his thoughts are still so naive.

It would be difficult for Zhang Lie not to teach him how to be a man.

Looking at the team members around him, Li Hong couldn't get off the stage, "Are you sure you want to fight against our Li family?"

"If I take the initiative to cut off my arm now, are you sure you can hold us all down?"

Li Hong made a final struggle. After hearing what he said, everyone in his subordinates immediately cooperated with the explosion of Origin Power.

Of course, when they exploded their source power, Fang Yi, Sun Mengmeng and others on Zhang Lie's side naturally exploded their source power immediately.

"Leave none! Kill!!"

In this case, Zhang Lie stopped writing ink, snorted coldly, and swept out like a giant.


Li Hong saw a purple arc flashing before his eyes, and a very familiar arm flew up.


It was his right arm, and Li Hong screamed. Under the blood dripping, his feet staggered and he was quite weak.

In a short period of time, he lost his ability to fight.

In fact, the poison of the Purple Poison Nether Sword, if the poisoning moment, if the arm is broken immediately, it may last for a while.

But it has been a long time, although the toxin has not been fully diffused, it still has a little penetration into the body.

Corrupting the body can't be done for the time being, but it also makes Li Hong's body more and more numb and stiff.

Although the right arm was broken, the blood at the incision was dyed purple again, and the terrifying poison even deepened a bit.

As a result, Zhang Lie didn't even pay attention to him.

The wave-treading step exploded, the left hand folded the wave palm, the wave fist, the palm of the hand was killed, the fist shot headshot, the right hand monstrous sword, the dance was like a terrifying wave, and it was impossible to resist.

In an instant, the four players in front of him have been resolved.

At the same time, the members of Zhang Lie's side began to explode.

It is worth mentioning that this boy Fang Yi is also of the water zodiac sign. After seeing Zhang Lie's great power, his eyes flickered with divine light.

He obviously did not expect that the water zodiac could actually burst like this.


After using the soft water boxing technique to continuously borrow strength, the devastating punch hit the opponent's heart, and Fang Yi secretly made the decision to hug Zhang Lie's thigh.

There is no way, with their current resources, being able to meet Zhang Lie under such circumstances is a great opportunity.

If you don't catch it, you will be stupid.


On the other side, Sun Mengmeng's Fire Bird Arrow exploded again, directly swallowing one of the opponent's members.

The performance of several captains greatly enhanced the morale of the other side. Sun Xiaowu and others also found their opponents and even gained an advantage very quickly.

In an instant, there were only two people left in the ten-member team. In such a scene, Li Hong slumped on the ground.

"Forgive me, I surrender!"

"Yes, we surrender, pay the soul jade, and pay everything!" 1

However, before he could issue an order, the last two players had already knelt down with their heads in their hands and shouted to surrender.

Even at the same time, they all directly opened the soul sea, and dozens of soul jades were in front of Linglong's eyes.

Such a move naturally caused Zhang Lie to wave his hand to signal the players to stop.

It's just that their soul jade is quite ordinary, and Zhang Lie doesn't like it at all.

Of course, he doesn't like it, it doesn't mean that his team members don't like it. At this moment, their eyes are green.

Soul jade, ten or so at a time, these guys are really rich.

At this moment, Li Hong knew in his heart that he was planted! This time, Li Hong was completely planted! !

"Okay! You are cruel, I admit it, I will pay!!"


With a flash of glare, dozens of soul jades of different shapes filled the eyes of everyone, directly blinding Fang Yi, Sun Mengmeng and others.

Poverty limits their imagination. They did not expect that Li Hong would have so many soul jades.