Chapter 46 Forming a Squad

Of course Zhang Lie would not answer this question, at least not until the team construction was completed, for the time being.

After all, at such a time, it is not necessarily a good thing to rashly tell them about the limit breakthrough.

Without waiting for the three of them to talk more, Sun Mengmeng, Sun Xiaowu, and Zhou Ying had already brought out the dishes and shouted to eat.

Everyone immediately moved, the one who cleaned the table cleaned the table, and the one who took the bowl took the bowl, and a table had already accumulated in a moment.

The soul-suppressing frog was quite large before, and after removing the inedible parts, most of the table was left.

Sun Mengmeng and Zhou Ying seem to know everything about stir-frying, popping, baking, deep-frying, cooking, frying, baking, stewing, and roasting.

A piece of frog meat is made exquisite and eye-catching in more than ten kinds of patterns, and each one is full of color and fragrance.

However, Zhang Lie was still not satisfied, and ordered a lot of hotel-made dishes before eating.

According to his words, just one piece of frog meat was too monotonous, and then he asked for two more bottles of wine.

The wine at the base is called Lien Quan, which is very strong, very strong! Even a strong person with super genes usually only needs one bottle.

Of the six people at the moment, Zhang Lie took two bottles, which was not too much.

Opening the bottle, pouring wine, toasting, and pouring wine for everyone, Fang Yi completed this series of actions in one go.

"Boss, don't say anything else, no matter what your reasons are, I, Fang Yi, thank you for bringing me such an opportunity!"

"Let our gene-hunting process be fast for a few months, I will do it first, you are free!!"

As soon as the words fell, Fang Yi raised his head and drank the wine from the glass.

"Boss, let's do it first, you can do whatever you want!"

Since Fang Yi took the lead, everyone naturally followed suit and drank the spirits with their heads raised.

"Okay, I'll be my brother from now on, so don't be so polite. As for this wine, I have to kill it too!"

Under such circumstances, Zhang Lie naturally had nothing to be hypocritical, and he also raised his head and drank the spirits in the glass.

"Come here, start it, this is a super gene feast."

After a cup, everyone felt warm in their stomachs, and Zhang Lie also greeted everyone to move their chopsticks.

At this time, no one is being polite. As Zhang Lie said, there is a super gene feast in front of you, and you can get super gene points by eating it.

"Xiao Wu, slow down!"

"Hey, Yang Ze, what are you doing, this piece of meat is my chopsticks first."

"Come on, obviously I'll go first!"

For a time, there was a lot of excitement at the dinner table.

Yang Ze and Sun Xiaowu even blushed because of a piece of frog meat, which made Zhang Lie want to laugh.

Yang Ze and Sun Xiaowu originally came from the two teams, so they were able to get along in advance.

Of course, laughing and laughing, he is not idle this time, after all, his super gene is only 19 o'clock.

After drinking a glass of wine, everyone has no time to mention the wine glass.

Completely entered the fast-eating stage, and as they ate, the will of the void began to sound in their minds.

"Devouring the super soul frog, ingesting super genes +1, the current number of super genes is 20."

"Devouring the super soul frog, ingesting super genes +1, the current number of super genes is 21.

"…Currently the number of super genes is 25."

In less than ten minutes, the six people ate the frog meat on the table cleanly, without even leaving a certain amount of soup base, and the speed was not unpleasant.

Zhang Lie did not eat less, and the increase in super gene points was not too small, a full increase of 6 points.

As for the others, it's pretty much the same.

The least amount was 5 points, and the most was Sun Mengmeng. A total of 7 points was taken, which was basically the limit.

Because this is her body, it has a relatively high affinity for the Soul Requiem frog gene.

After eating the frog meat, they felt the change in their physical strength, and everyone looked at Zhang Lie with more respect.

After all, without him, they would definitely not have even a little super gene now.

Gene hunting seems to be infinitely beautiful, but in fact, the slightest carelessness will lead to death in the Void Realm. Under normal circumstances, no one will kill and kill the genetic beasts within their ability.

Not to mention the difference in combat power, there is only one life, and if you die, you will die.

As a result, everyone began to toast Zhang Lie with the hotel dishes that Zhang Lie ordered before.

Zhang Lie did not refuse anyone who came, and the atmosphere reached a climax when the cup was exchanged.

"Boss, since we have formed a team, we must have a name, how about inheriting the name of my whirlwind team?"

Fang Yi, who was slightly drunk, made a proposal with a blushing face.

But without waiting for Zhang Lie's response, Sun Mengmeng said directly, "Go, go, the new team has a new look, the whirlwind team, what taste, boss, you can choose a new name."

As soon as Sun Mengmeng said this, everyone immediately agreed and expressed their approval.

In fact, Zhang Lie had thought about this issue for a long time, and immediately said solemnly: "The name, I thought about it before, how about the extreme team?"


"Extreme Squad!!"

"Boss, tell the truth, is this related to the limit gene points you said?"

"Haha, limit gene points, what the hell, are you drunk, Yang Ze?"

Yang Ze broke out about the limit points, but apart from Fang Yi, no one else had heard of it at all, and immediately began to laugh.

However, Yang Ze did not refute at all, and still stared at Zhang Lie seriously, as if waiting for his answer.

In addition to him, Fang Yi is also the same, three points seriously, seven points of anticipation.

Seeing that the two were so concerned, Zhang Lie nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, the name is naturally related to the so-called limit gene points."

"And, as long as you are willing, in the near future, all of you will have limit gene points!"

As soon as Zhang Lie said this, Fang Yi and Yang Ze were all excited, while the others were confused.

"Boss, it's not fair, what are the limit gene points, we still know everything?"

Seeing Fang Yi and Yang Ze's reaction, Sun Mengmeng immediately apologised.

Zhang Lie smiled mysteriously, "Now these are high-end secrets. I can only tell you that the limit of gene points is the existence that can make you surpass all living beings."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked. Even Fang Yi and Yang Ze didn't expect that the so-called limit gene points could rise to such a high level.

Although they and Zhang Lie had just known each other for a while, from before to now, this guy didn't seem to have said a big word to them.

Fang Yi, Yang Ze, even Sun Mengmeng and the others all had their eyes wide open.

After all, according to their previous estimates, the so-called limit gene points should be the captain's unique increase.

Unexpectedly, this is actually a high-end secret, and listening to the captain's words, it seems that he does not resist telling them this secret, but the time has not come.

Seeing that everyone's curiosity has been mobilized to the extreme, almost all of them have a pig brother appearance, Zhang Lie then asked with a chuckle: "Do you want to get this kind of extreme gene points?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately nodded like chickens pecking at rice.