Chapter 47 First Mission

Seeing that everyone was like this, Zhang Lie didn't give a shit anymore and said with a chuckle, "Simple, after two months in the team, let's examine your potential and loyalty."

"Afterwards, if you are qualified, Ningcheng will see the above and officially join the limit team. I will teach you how to break through the limit, so that you can also have limit gene points that can surpass all living beings."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the team members were rounded, and their faces were unbelievable.

When they want to come, if they want to obtain this kind of secret, then they have to have various conditions and various levels?

Is this… so easy?

"Boss, are you sure you're not too drunk to make fun of us?"

This time, even a fierce and cute girl like Sun Mengmeng did not believe that Zhang Lie's words were serious.

No way, for this level of confidentiality, Zhang Lie's screening is too simple or even child's play.

"Speaking of which, although we have not been in contact for a long time, from before to now, have I lied to you?"

Zhang Lie had a big smile on his face, and he didn't look drunk at all.



Hearing the satisfactory answer again, everyone was shocked, knowing that Zhang Lie was not joking.

"Boss, this is what you said, don't regret it later." Fang Yi spoke again, his words full of energy.

In fact, at a time like this, it wasn't just him, the other team members were naturally full of energy, ready to perform well in the next team.

Seeing that everyone was gearing up, Zhang Lie raised his cup, "Very good, then I'm afraid I wish you all passed my team entry test."



With a light sound, the wine glasses collided, and everyone drank the spirits in the glasses again.

Since all the soul-suppressing frog meat has been eaten, everyone has not swallowed the task, and this is the real start of eating and drinking.

Between the cups and the cups, Zhang Lie had a certain understanding of the six of them.

Sun Mengmeng, a native of Kyoto, an ordinary person, is soft and cute on the surface, strong in temperament, but very rational in doing things.

Sun Xiaowu, a native of Kyoto, Sun Mengmeng's cousin, has a tough personality, is good at reading words and looks, and is obsessed with genetic martial arts.

Zhou Ying, a native of Southern Metropolis, has a medium-sized family, has a quiet personality, and has a beautiful appearance.

Fang Yi, Sun Mengmeng, Yang Ze, Li Feng, Sun Xiaowu, Zhou Ying, after this meal, Zhang Lie had a very good impression of them.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Zhang Lie, who was quite satisfied with these people, gave them the first task.

"Very good, seeing that you are very motivated, then I will not ink any more, your first task is here."

"The Void title battle is about to start, and one of the rewards for this title battle is particularly important to me."

"So, I plan to personally participate in this Void title battle, so within the next three months, I must fill up the super genes as soon as possible."

"So, you should understand what I mean, right?"

When it came to the task, Zhang Lie didn't say it clearly, but it was all about it, and everyone naturally understood Zhang Lie's appeal.

"The boss is the boss, the title battle in the void, we don't even dare to think about it."

"Don't worry, during these two months, we will try our best to find super genetic creatures for you. You can just repair the chain at ease, and leave the rest to us."

Fang Yi made a clear statement that he would definitely complete this task well.

Sun Mengmeng and others also immediately agreed, expressing that they would cooperate fully and reassure Zhang Lie.

Seeing everyone like this, Zhang Lie chuckled and said, "There's nothing you can't think of. Not only do I want to participate, but this time I have a huge demand, so you all have to participate too, and the higher the ranking, the better."

When these words came out, everyone was stunned.


In previous Void title battles, the weakest beings had at least 80 super gene points, and they were proficient in three high-level or higher gene martial arts.

They also participated, and the rankings had to be as high as possible. Where is this, how can they be seen enough?

What is their current state, the mutant genes are not full yet.

Perhaps after possessing a few super genes and a practical mutant soul jade, it would be much easier to deal with mutant genetic beasts.

But it also takes time. Besides, it is the cultivation technique. The highest-level cultivation technique among them is the peak martial technique cultivated by that kid Yang Ze.

This kind of strength, to go to the Void title battle arena, isn't that looking for abuse?

"Boss, you…"

"Don't worry, since I let you participate, I naturally won't let you be sandbags. I will definitely train you well before that."

"Besides, even if it's a sandbag, it's not bad for you to participate more in this kind of competition."

"After all, apart from the fact that the entire Federation pays attention to the event, and there is a certain life guarantee in the battle, which battle in the wild will you have life guarantee?"

Sun Mengmeng's rebuttal words were interrupted by Zhang Lie before he finished speaking, and the meaning of his words made everyone understand his intention.

Seeing that Zhang Lie was confident, Sun Mengmeng immediately said that she would do her best.

Everyone also expressed their efforts to do their best in this matter, and at the same time began to look forward to how Zhang Lie would train them.

From the first time to the present, except for the moment when his face was revealed, everyone was a little stunned and unbelievable. They had always been the kind of unfathomable expert on Zhang Lie's senses.

"This records the approximate haunts of some super genetic beasts, as well as some of their living habits. You can check them out these days to get a feel for them. After three days, start hunting them one by one."

At the end of the conversation, Zhang Lie took out a book from the pocket of the pot-bellied devil frog and threw it on the table.

Fang Yi flipped through it at will, and there were forty or fifty kinds of super genetic beasts, and the pictures and texts were quite detailed.

Most of them, Fang Yi, Sun Mengmeng and others, have never heard of it, let alone seen it.

At this moment, Zhang Lie's mysterious image in everyone's heart was upgraded again.

Zhang Lie didn't explain any further. After the things were handed over to them, the first dinner party of the extreme team came to an end.

Afterwards, Zhang Lie gave Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng 50,000 activity points each, and after leaving their fixed contact information, let them go down.

Today, the wine was originally not much, and although everyone's face was slightly red, no one was really drunk.

Drunken mistake, Zhang Lie has been a good drinker in his past life and this life, but he has never been drunk.

In his opinion, drinking well is far more comfortable than being drunk.

After everyone withdrew, he also withdrew from the room, and in the image of a seat in black, he began to wander around the black body base.

Of course, if it is said to be wandering around, the real purpose is naturally to collect intelligence.

After all, the news that Li Hong's team lost contact should have been passed back to the Li family, which should be a bit of a rumor.

It was said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao were coming, and Zhang Lie had just wandered to the gate of the base, when Li Jin took a large gene warrior and left the base angrily.

At the same time, the people next to me also began to discuss.