chapter 57 Bestowed Soul Jade

"It's good, are there any other soul jades?"

Zhang Lie's face was full of smiles, how greedy and greedy he looked.

But in this situation, man is the knife and I am the fish. Even if the other party's request is too much, Li Jin can only respond with a smile.

"Also for mutant level?"

"Of course, are they all points?"

Zhang Lie was serious and let Li Jin directly autistic, but autism is autistic, and he has to pay it back.

Another flash of dazzling light flashed, and more than 30 mutant-level soul jades, like a dazzling gem, appeared in front of Zhang Lie.

This time, Zhang Lie didn't even bother to look at it, he just waved his hand and pocketed it.

So far, the oil and water on the Li family's young master has been squeezed almost completely.

"Well, very good, your soul jade is really good, then spare your life!"

When the words fell, Zhang Lie's hand flashed with a blue light, piercing Li Jin's chest and abdomen, and breaking through the opponent's gene core with a single blow.

From this moment on, Li Jin was completely reduced to a waste.

"No! Why? I have already cooperated with all my strength, why are you still doing this!" Li Jin roared wildly.

"Needless to say, of course I don't want you to take revenge on me again? Although it's not a threat to me, it's too annoying!"

"Okay now, once and for all!"


Zhang Lie, who was in a good mood, was quite patient. After a wave of explanations that made Li Jin vomit blood, it slowly disappeared like blue smoke.

Only Li Jin was left in the jungle, roaring alone, "Beast, kill me, some kind of you kill me!"

It's just that Zhang Lie couldn't hear his roar.

At this moment, he has made a lot of money, and naturally he has to go back to the base and deal with the spoils.

Coincidentally, this time, before he could return to the base, he was near the base and found a man in black who was almost the same as him.

After all, he is also super hidden, and at close range, he can see through the identity of the other party almost instantly.

"Fang Yi, Yang Ze, Sun Mengmeng, what are you doing?"

The three of them were hiding, closely watching the Li family's movements, and the sentence came out coldly in the void, but it scared the three of them.

However, after a brief shock, the three of them immediately realized that the voice was very familiar.

"Boss! I heard it, it must be you!"

"Are you all right?"

Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng's concern made Zhang Lie a little inexplicable, and he immediately showed his figure and said, "What can I do?" Zhang Lie was puzzled.

"Didn't the Li family make dumplings?" Sun Mengmeng asked.

"How do you know?" Zhang Lie was puzzled.

Fang Yi was a little speechless, "This has spread all over the base, and the Li family almost came out of the nest, can we not know?"

Zhang Lie slapped his forehead, "That's right, the Li family's size is too big, so what are you doing here?"

Sun Mengmeng said, "What else can I do? Of course, I'm trying to restrain the opponent. How are you? Are you injured?"

Zhang Lie shook his head, and probably guessed something, "No wonder Li Jin retreated in a hurry at the end, so you guys gave him a hit!"

"Come on! Hurry up and withdraw, that guy is already miserable enough, we can't bully people too much!"

As soon as Zhang Lie said this, the three of them were at a loss.

To be honest, even if they were on Zhang Lie's side, they couldn't imagine how terrifyingly Zhang Lie would be surrounded and suppressed before.

But when it came to him, how did they become bullying each other?

"Don't ask, go back to the hotel and talk about it!"

Seeing that Zhang Lie was so calm, although everyone couldn't figure it out, they still withdrew their troops as they said, and immediately summoned all the team members and returned to the Black Gold Hotel.

It wasn't until this moment, looking at the super soul jade that was the size of five eggs and shining brightly on the table, that everyone finally understood what Zhang Lie said before, what it meant to bully people.

Of course, at the same time, they were completely dumbfounded.

Could it be that the information was wrong, not the boss was surrounded, but the Li family was surrounded?

It's impossible, it's spread all over the base, how could it be wrong?

"Boss, how did you do this? It's simply unbelievable!" Fang Yi was shocked.

Zhang Lie chuckled, "It's very simple, how about driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf?"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Mengmeng exclaimed: "Blood crystal canyon, bloodthirsty ant colony, super bloodthirsty ants?"

"Boss, you are too good. Is this all done? What about the elites of the Li family? How's it going?"

Zhang Lie nodded, "Mengmeng has a keen sense of smell, maybe that's what happened? It's mainly that Li Jin, who is too immature in all aspects."

"I have abolished Li Jin's genetic core, and the elites have lost about 80%. It is time for the sixth team of the base to be replaced by the fifth team."

Hearing this, all the players in the field were buzzing, feeling like they were listening to a fairy tale.

Is that human being? The power of one person directly turned the Li family upside down, the elites lost 70% to 80%, and even fell out of the sequence of the six major families.

This is too cruel, too bullying, right?

However, at this moment, Zhang Lie, ignoring the shock of others, still spoke indifferently to himself.

"You guys did a good job of restraining yourself spontaneously. It's a miracle to let Li Jin get into trouble!"

"As the captain, you and Fang Yi can choose one!"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng rounded their eyes, dumbfounded.

Happiness came so quickly, so suddenly, that they felt like they were hallucinating.

This is a super soul jade, something that has no market price? Just let them choose one! ?

This is real?

Not dreaming?

"This…this is too precious!" Fang Yi stammered.

In fact, he never dreamed that Zhang Lie would let them choose the super soul jade.

"Don't be pretentious. In the previous situation, one bad move could lead to death! It might even bring disaster to the family!"

"But in that case, you are still willing to take risks for me, what is a super soul jade?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a faint mist in everyone's eyes.

Maxima is often used, but Bole is rare. At this moment, everyone believes that Zhang Lie is their Bole.

He really understands them, understands their hard work, and understands their hardships.

From this moment on, they completely returned to Zhang Lie.

It wasn't that the captain had the courage to directly gift the super soul jade to his subordinates, because this thing was too precious.

It is so precious that some relatives have turned against each other because of this.

Fang Yi was no longer hypocritical and picked up the black snake spear soul jade.

As for Sun Mengmeng, he chose the divine bird giant bow soul jade without any suspense.

"Boss, I, Sun Mengmeng, express my position here, and I will never lose your trust in this life!"

Tears flashed in Sun Mengmeng's eyes, obviously moved.

Super Soul Jade, this is Super Soul Jade!

This is a valuable resource that is not necessarily possessed by the top 50 in the base combat power list.

At this moment, she actually owns one.

Moreover, it is a powerful weapon type that matches itself.

This kind of soul jade can be said to be a geometric multiple of the increase in her combat power.

You must know that in the past, when she faced powerful mutant-level genetic beasts, she might have to cooperate with her team members to defeat them.

But now, with super genes, coupled with this super giant bow, it should be able to do it in seconds.