chapter 58 terrorist data

She is like this, and so is Fang Yi.

This super soul gun is also extremely huge for his increase.

But what was a little surprising was that Fang Yi didn't even slap half a sentence of flattery this time, but just gave Zhang Lie a deep look.

Between men, sometimes there is no need to say much at all.

After giving the two super soul jades, Zhang Lie did not distribute the remaining three soul jades to his members.

This is not reluctance, except for the longevity soul jade, which he plans to keep, the other two will be distributed to them sooner or later, but not now.

Right now, their strength and character still have to be tempered, and it is not necessarily a good thing for them to distribute them now.

Even, he was a little worried about Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng.

I couldn't help but mention again: "The source of these super soul jades, you should all know, the current words must not be too high-profile!"

"So, you should all understand, right?"

When the two heard Zhang Lie's words, they naturally agreed.

It is not that the two of them did not know the stakes involved, and immediately said that they would never use it in front of others easily.

Seeing the two of them like this, Zhang Lie felt relieved.

Afterwards, he said to the other team members, "Don't be jealous, as long as you are sincere with me, super soul jade or something, that's fine!"

"I promise, in the near future, before you participate in the Void Title Battle, you will have at least one person."

As a result, everyone in the team is instantly boiling with self-heating.

They all said that from now on, they will follow with determination.

To tell the truth, when I meet Zhang Lie, such a real, rich, and powerful captain, if his brain is not broken, he will use his strength!

After handling everything, Zhang Lie sent them away again.

Let them start the task Zhang Lie gave them to find the next super genetic creature for him.

As for himself, he is preparing to cook today's spoils – super bloodthirsty ants.

Since it is cooking, it is natural to remove the shell. After all, this thing is not edible, but it is a good material for refining.

At this moment, Zhang Lie, who was handling it, was extremely careful, as if he didn't want to waste any piece of ant armor.

In fact, Zhang Lie had already thought about it, and planned to use the ant armor of the super bloodthirsty ant, plus the scorpion armor of the purple poisonous ghost scorpion, to refine a set of super genetic battle armor.

In this way, he is at a super level on both ends of offense and defense.

Skillfully peeling off the super bloodthirsty ant armor and putting it in his backpack, Zhang Lie finally began to process the super bloodthirsty ant meat like a hill.

The meat of the super bloodthirsty ant is white, and it looks no different from crab meat, except that there is no such thing as crab roe.

It is not as delicious as seafood, but bloodthirsty ants are an extremely strong super genetic creature, and their meat is very textured, like a piece of white beef with distinct layers.

There are also many cooking methods, such as steaming and frying, both are extremely delicious, and the production method is simple.

In the end, Zhang Lie still chose the faster, and he is the most skilled way – frying!

That's right, fry! Deep fried!

In the hot big oil pan, several pieces of marinated ant meat in long strips turned attractive golden red when Zhang Lie flipped it.

The pleasant aroma instantly fascinates the whole room.

Let it cool, fry and eat, Zhang Lie can be said to be in one step.

As he continued to ingest super bloodthirsty ant meat, the will of the void gradually began to sound in his mind.

"Devouring super bloodthirsty ant meat, ingesting super genes +1, the current number of super genes is 26."

"Devouring super bloodthirsty ant meat, ingesting super genes +1, the current number of super genes is 27."

"…Intake of super genes +1, the current number of super genes is 33."

For two full days, Zhang Lie repaired the chain in addition to eating, and finally swallowed the last super bloodthirsty ant meat in the afternoon of the next day.

The final intake result is also quite good, with a full increase of 8 super genes.

Therefore, Zhang Lie's super gene count has reached 33 points.

This super point alone has already firmly entered the top 20 level of the Black Iron Base's combat power list.

Ordinary genetic creatures are easy to find, and mutant genetic creatures are easy to find, but super genetic creatures are not so difficult to find.

It is only one aspect that it is hard to find. The key is that it is not easy to kill. The higher the upper limit of the increase of points, the stronger it will be.

For a normal team, when the mutant genes are full, at least a dozen people are required to fight against the weakest super genetic creature, which shows the difficulty of acquiring super gene points.

After ingesting 8 super genes again, Zhang Lie's body strength increased again.

At the same time, in the process of cultivating and digesting the chain in the past few days, the bottleneck of his cultivation technique in the late stage of the nine-transformation of the fish and the dragon has also begun to loosen during this accumulation.

Perhaps with one or two more super genetic creatures, he can enter the second change, which is a qualitative change.

To be honest, at this moment, Zhang Lie himself is a little curious, what level the so-called qualitative change of the practice can reach.

Because at this moment, Zhang Lie's Void panel data is actually quite terrifying.

Zhang Lie: Ordinary life.

Exercises: Basic exercises · final level, fish and dragon nine transformations · late stage, wave step · advanced, stacking wave palm · advanced, soft water transforming force · advanced, wave boxing · elementary, monstrous sword · elementary.

Number of genes: 160 basic genes, 100 mutant genes, and 33 super genes.

Soul Sea Soul Jade: Super Silver Liquid Jade Insect King Soul Jade, Super Purple Poison Nether Scorpion Soul Jade, Super Bloodthirsty Ant Soul Jade, Super Changchun Mirage Soul Jade, Mutated Wind Wolf Soul Jade, Mutated Potbellied Demon Frog Soul Jade.

The basic genes break through the limit, the mutant genes are full, the super gene is 33 points, and the basic skills break through the limit.

The three high-level genetic martial arts of Treading the Wave, Folding the Wave Palm, and Softening the Water, all of which have reached the advanced level, one is the beginner level of the peak genetic martial arts, and the other is the entry level of the legendary genetic martial arts.

In terms of soul jade, it is even more inhumane, with a variety of insect king soul jade, hidden poisonous weapon scorpion jade, ultra-violent amplification bloodthirsty ant soul jade, and rare self-healing Changchun mirage soul jade.

There are four super soul jades in the body, and they are all extremely rare types.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, Zhang Lie's real combat power is already hard enough to defeat the black iron base from tenth to third in the combat power list.

Of course, this is still only now, once you have formulated the No. 2 limit potion, you will break through the limit of mutant genes.

So even if the Black Iron Base ranks in the top ten of the battle power list, Zhang Lie is not wrong at all.

From the time of rebirth to this time, the most difficult period of dormancy is finally coming to an end.

Next, we will start the second step, leading the plan.

Speaking of this No. 2 limit potion, there should be news from the auction house last time.

After all, in terms of Void Time, it's almost a week.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lie also immediately opened the trading page and began to contact the other party.