Chapter 60 Encounter Bar

After that, the points are delivered directly, and the style is started.

On this forging machine, there are many designs of armors. What Zhang Lie has to do is to choose the one he likes.

Soon, Zhang Lie will get these things done. The matter of the super armor is considered a success.

Next, all he has to do is wait.

After 12 hours, come here directly to get the armor, or send the teleporter to your location directly through the optical network.

It was rare to come to the central area once, but Zhang Li didn't rush to go back, but began to hang out.

Along the way, there are all kinds of shops in the city, no less than the bustling places in the world.

Most of these stores belong to the base, and only a few belong to the industries that the Six Families spent huge amounts of money on.

Zhang Lie finally stopped at the entrance of a Yunmengze bar.

The Void Realm is not a peaceful world. Most of the guys who struggle here have their heads on their belts.

The pressure of living here can be several times greater than in the present world. Alcohol, the ultimate decompression tool, is naturally extremely popular.

In fact, this street is full of bars.

All of them stopped at the door of this house, and naturally found that this house looked like a Yun family property.


Seeing Zhang Lie, who was dressed in black, stand still, two pretty women greeted the guests and approached him very quickly.

"Have a drink. Our store has recently launched a new thunder jelly wine, which is extremely powerful. A real man would say it's cool after drinking it!"

Zhang Lie chuckled, "Haha, then I have to try it!"

The two welcoming girls were naturally overjoyed when they saw Zhang Lie being so eloquent, and immediately welcomed him in.

Entering the bar is like entering another world.

The loud music made the entire bar vibrate.

Countless strange costumes, and even guys in battle suits and armor, are located in it.

The colorful lights flashed these guys like ghosts.

The welcome will take Zhang Lie to a corner, and then give you a list.

But Zhang Lie didn't even look at it, and said loudly, "Come a glass first, what are you talking about thunder liquor!"

The two welcoming girls were stunned when they heard the words, and one of them immediately whispered in his ear quite cautiously: "Sir, it's true that Lei Liquor is a new product, but the price…"

Hearing the girl's words, Zhang Lie immediately glanced at the list.

Thunder jelly, a glass of 800 points!

I'll go, let's not go grab it?

Zhang Lie almost scolded loudly.

What are you doing shopping at night, this time you are taking advantage of it.

But he has already spoken out, so he can't take it back again.

Immediately he waved his hand: "Come on!"

Seeing Zhang Lie being so forthright, the little girl asked loudly, "Okay, do you need to accompany you to drink?"

Hearing what he said, Zhang Lie turned his head and looked around, and found that quite enchanting accompaniment drinks were sitting on many countertops.

Some curiously asked, "How many?"

The welcoming little girl smiled ambiguous, "Black rope 500, red rope 1000, you…"

"Okay, what black rope and red rope, no need, I'll make a fun!"

Zhang Lie refused the so-called accompanying wine, and directly sent the two welcoming guests.

To be honest, he has been to a bar in this world, and this is the first time he has come to a bar in the Void Realm base.

Unexpectedly, there are so many.

In the bar, the distance between the two tables is generally not too large, and with the sound of music, Zhang Lie's order is naturally heard by the adjacent table.

One of the guys in black and white with a suit couldn't help laughing after seeing Zhang Lie's appearance and said, "I'm laughing to death, now this Yun Mengze is getting lower and lower."

"Yingbin doesn't have any eyesight! This kind of pretending to be mysterious turtle is also pulled in, and he doesn't even know his black rope and red rope, so why don't he come out for a dip!"

Zhang Lie didn't expect that he would go to a bar at random, and if he was fresh, some people would go to the pole to make trouble.

His little violent temper came up.

"Young man, is it quite superior?" Zhang Lie was a little playful.

When the people at the next table saw that he dared to speak back, they immediately turned on the bombardment mode.

"Hey, it seems that this turtle has a lot of backbone?"

"At least who is this young master? He is one of the ten masters of the base, the second son of the Qin family."

"Turtle, it's too late for you to apologize now, or why don't you want to hang out at the Black Iron Base?"

"Yeah, I just don't know what it means. When Young Master Qin said a few words to you, he looked down on you, but he dared to bark his teeth?"

Hearing everyone's bombardment, Zhang Lie was rather happy, "The ten masters of the base? Isn't it the sixth master? Is it the Qin family from Qin Xiao?"

As soon as these words came out, the neighboring table was completely boiling.

"What are you talking about, you don't even know the Qin family of the ten members of the base?"

"You stunned youth who doesn't know how to live or die, please apologize quickly, or I guarantee you won't even be able to get out of the base gate!"

"Yeah, if you want to die, you have to find a good family. You are not just you, but your teammates will be implicated to death by you!"

"Quickly kneel down and apologize, Young Master Qin just hunted a super-grade mutant soul jade today, he is in a better mood, maybe he will let you die!"

The second round of bombardment began, but at this moment, Zhang Lie looked at them like a clown.

Don't say it's an apology, he's not even interested in taking care of him.

This Qin family is not the other Qin family, so in Zhang Lie's eyes, it is a shrimp-like existence.

At this moment, Zhang Lie regretted ignoring them, which was a shame.

Seeing that this kid was ignoring it, the next table went out to lead Qin Shao, and the others all stood up, as if they wanted to do something.

"Boy, you really want to find…"

"Qin Feng, you are very capable, you dare to offend this one!"

"Don't blame Miss Ben for not reminding you, if you don't want your Qin family to be destroyed, hurry up and admit your mistake!"

Qin Fengzhen threatened the boy in the corner, but a female voice suddenly came out from behind.

As soon as the female voice came out, Qin Feng's body couldn't help shaking, and he clearly heard the other party.

Chu Xun, why is this little witch here?

But anyway, since this little witch is here, it is necessary to say hello.

Otherwise, if you anger the other party, it will not end.

Even if the other party asks, it doesn't matter if the kid in front of him is spared.

Qin Feng turned his head flatteringly, but the first time he saw the person coming, his whole body was whole.

"Young Master Chu, Yun…you…why are you here!"

At this moment, his whole person froze.

Chu Feng, the eldest young lady of the Chu family, Yun Bing, the eldest young lady of the Yun family, Chu Xun, the little witch of the Chu family, and Yun Meng, the second young lady of the Yun family, came to him at the same time?

No, not looking for him, definitely not a good him!

He Qin Feng, He De He Neng, is worthy of the direct line of Chu and Yun, come to find him in person?

When a message reaches their family, they are not allowed to send him to the family for skinning and cramping?

The moment this thought came up in my heart, I was immediately rejected by myself!

Instead of looking for himself, Qin Feng's pupils shrank suddenly after thinking of what the little witch had said before…

"Could it be…"