Chapter 61 Bar Torture


Are they looking for this mysterious guy in front of them?

No way? This guy looks mysterious, but he doesn't look like some noble guy?

"Do you know what happened to the Li family today?"

Seeing Qin Feng stunned, the little witch immediately became interested and spoke again to guide her.

Qin Feng subconsciously said: "You know? The elites of the Li family were almost wiped out, and Li Jin was abolished?"

"Haha, I know you dare to provoke it. The Li family is still like this. How much does your Qin family have to remind me?"

The little witch had a good-looking expression on her face, but her words were extremely intimidating.

The other people were also smiling and watching the show.

This kind of performance made Qin Feng's brain freeze, and his words were incoherent, "You…he…you mean him…"

"That's right, starting from today, there are only five people left in the Black Iron Base. The one who started all this is the one you just threatened."

Chu Xun's joking voice was like a thunderbolt, hitting Qin Feng and his teammates' hearts fiercely.

At this moment, their hearts are full of remorse.

Are they tired of living? Why mock and intimidate such a being?


With a muffled sound, the man could bend and stretch, and Qin Feng immediately knelt down.

In the sound of kowtow, Young Master Qin's pleading sounded: "This lord, I used to be Qin Feng who had no eyes and eyes, and I have offended many people. I beg you, sir, to ignore the villain and let me live."

"Everything you spend in this bar today is counted on my head, and it's just an apology for the adults!"

Under this situation, his younger brother naturally knelt down and started begging for mercy.

"My lord, in front of you, I'm just a fart, please let me go!"

"In front of you, we are the ants on the ground, and the purpose of survival is to set off your stalwart!"

"I'm sorry, my lord, we were the ones who drifted away before. There are old people and young people here. Let us live?"

At this moment, all the guys who had mocked Zhang Lie before had all knelt down.

How unpleasant their ridicules were before, how hard they were kowtowing, and how exaggerated they were verbally.

Just kidding, this one is an existence that even the Li family can ruin, how can they provoke an existence!

In their opinion, in front of life, dignity or something is a piece of shit!

Looking at the Qin family who were kneeling at his desk, Zhang Lie was a little speechless, "Little girl, why are you everywhere?"

He directly ignored the other party and asked Chu Xun girl.

The little girl was welcome, she gently scratched her nose with her little hand, "No way, the smell on your body is too pungent!"

"The taste of fried super bloodthirsty ants should be very good, right? It's not good to eat alone, don't you have my share?"

As soon as she said this, Zhang Lie naturally chose to ignore it, and pointed at the others with one hand, "Chu, the young masters and young ladies of the Yun family, this should be your territory. I don't need to invite you to sit down for a drink, right?"

Chu Feng, Yun Bing and others, seeing him like this, naturally sat on this corner table.

"If you don't open your mouth, we're really embarrassed to sit down. After all, your performance today is too shocking!"

"To be honest, although we have cooperated before, but seeing you again now makes us so unfamiliar, even a little scared?"

Chu Feng opened his mouth, and in front of Qin Feng and other guys who were kneeling on the ground waiting for the hair to fall, he expressed his fear of the man in black in front of him without any hesitation.

Although Yun Bing and the others did not speak, their eyes were very serious.

This lets everyone know that they are indeed very afraid of the person in front of them.

Such a discovery naturally made them even more uneasy in their hearts, and even shivered a little.

Zhang Lie chuckled, "Am I that scary? This young master Qin can scare me directly. You should be better than him."

As soon as these words came out, the team begged for mercy on their knees, but they worked even harder.

For many of them, their foreheads were already red.

"It's alright, alright, it's almost done, if you keep knocking, Miss Yun Bing will probably blame me for smashing her."

"Remember, next time you bully a countryman like me, you won't be so lucky, go down by yourself!"

Regarding Qin Feng, Zhang Lie is open-minded. After all, the two sides are not at the same level at all, and it is a bit pricey to embarrass them.

"Yes, thank you sir, Qin Feng must keep the teachings in mind!"

"Thank you sir!"

Hearing Zhang Lie's words, Qin Feng and others naturally stood up immediately, ready to leave while expressing their thanks.

"and many more!"

However, just as they turned around, Yun Bing, who had been silent before, spoke up.

"Miss Yun Bing, right…"

"Don't worry, since this guy wants to let you go, I naturally won't let you go!"

"I stopped you to tell you that after exiting this Yunmengze gate, never come in again!"

"I said so, do you understand?"

Qin Feng's face was covered in cold sweat, and he wanted to apologize when he opened his mouth, but Yun Bing interrupted him before he finished speaking.

After that, he naturally didn't dare to say more, nodded his head like garlic, and exited the bar in a dreadful manner.

Before Qin Feng kowtowed, the scene was already quite big.

Coupled with the appearance of Chu Feng, Yun Bing and others, the other tables near this corner watched the show almost all the way.

At this moment, it is natural to pay attention to the table in this corner.

Zhang Lie is nothing, anyway, dressed in black, no one knows who he is, just look at it.

Yun Bing, Chu Feng and others are different, and they are also the heirs of everyone.

Usually it is a private seat, except for the private room, when have you ever sat in the lobby?

This will naturally have some resentment for Zhang Lie who let them be observed: "I said, when will you take off your black skin so that we can see your true colors?"

When Chu Feng came up, he pointed directly at the essence, and his words were full of unkind accusations against Zhang Lie.

For his question, Zhang Lie just smiled casually, "When the time comes, we will see you naturally!"

"However, when the time comes, are you afraid you won't be able to believe your eyes?"

Chu Feng chuckled, "Then why can't you believe it, the black iron base is so big, it's not normal to hide a few masters?"

"Could it be you, you can't be the bottom king, right?"

Chu Feng said casually, but Zhang Lie's heart was tight.

However, it was only for a moment, and there was no sign of any abnormality. He even said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Really? What if I were? What should you do?"

Chu Feng was stunned when he heard the words, and when he was caught off guard, he didn't know how to answer.

"The chat is wrong, what is the bottom king, Chu Feng, you have been led into the ditch, why are you still chatting along?"

"We're here today, but we have a very serious question, what do I want to ask you?"

Yun Bing spoke again with a serious face.

Zhang Lie still looked indifferent, "Ask whatever you want, I'm in a good mood today, maybe I'll answer truthfully!"