[Chapter 0137 Arrogant Lin Xiu]

"Duguxun… just lost like this?"

"This… did you see that guy shoot?"

"I didn't see it clearly! What the hell is going on here?"

"I'll go, is this guy really just a martial arts instructor?"

Many martial arts masters were shocked, and they never imagined that a little-known martial arts director could actually beat the top masters of the Second Realm with his hands.

Qin Chongming, Li Mo, and Wang Han also changed their faces greatly, and Lin Xiu's strength greatly exceeded the expectations of the three.

The three couldn't help arranging in their hearts, where did Zhang Lie find such a martial arts director?

"This guy is not easy, I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with, Dugu Xun was instantly killed." Qin Chongming said in a low voice to Wang Han next to him with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, this was originally an abandoned son who paralyzed the other side, and the main dish is behind!" Wang Han took a deep breath and said with a deep laugh.

The unconscious Duguxun was quickly carried down, and Lin Xiu, who was standing in the center of the training ground, yawned lazily.

With that appearance, how much he needs to be beaten and how much he needs to be beaten, the faces of countless martial arts masters twitch.

"How do you say, is there anyone else who dares to come up and learn from each other?"

Zhang Lie is arrogant and arrogant, and he is quite a fox and a tiger, so arrogant and arrogant, many martial arts masters hate it.

It's a pity that it's useless to tickle your teeth. The strength of others is there, and many martial arts masters who were originally enthusiastic fell silent at this time.

Just kidding, Duguxun goes up in seconds, most of them are not as good as Duguxun, isn't it courting death when they go up?

Just when everyone was silent, Qin Chongming winked at the last seat of the VIP seat.

Qin Lan stood up slowly, and the expressions of many guests changed slightly. Is the Qin family going to send Qin Lan to discuss it?

However, to everyone's surprise, Qin Lan slowly left the martial arts hall, stood up from the guest seat and walked out of the gate of the martial arts hall without saying a word.

"Are you ready to start now?" Wang Han lowered his voice and asked.

"That director Wu's face is familiar to me, I suspect it's him…" Qin Chongming looked at Lin Xiu with fearful eyes.

"Who is he?"

Seeing Qin Chongming's pupils trembling, Wang Han asked even more puzzled.

"Whoever he is, try the water for the main course."

Just when Wang Han wanted to ask clearly, Li Mo said impatiently.

"If there is no one to discuss, the ceremony will end here!"

Lin Xiu, who had been silent for a long time, looked towards the guest seat, but the aura on his body made people dare not look directly.

Zhang Lie, who was standing below, was slightly surprised. When Lin Xiu was in Duguxue's second, even he didn't see the whole process clearly. He only saw Lin Xiu's figure flashing, and Duguxue fell to the ground.

"Where did the captain, the military director, invite him? This is too exaggerated and outrageous, isn't it?" Sun Xiaowu swallowed his saliva and whispered to the people around him.

Sun Mengmeng, Fang Yi and the others did not speak, but their eyes were no less surprised than anyone else. They stared at Lin Xiu, as if they recognized who this person was, but they couldn't believe it for a while.

"It's too early to end it now. Mo Tianshan of Ningcheng Tianyun Martial Arts Hall is a shame."

A thick voice sounded from the guest seat, and then saw Mo Tianshan from the Yunwu Pavilion that day slowly stand up from the seat.

Immediately, the expressions of many guests in the guest seat changed slightly. This Tianyun Martial Arts Hall is the second largest martial arts hall in Ningcheng.

Mo Tianshan is the old owner of this martial arts hall, and the strongest and most representative figure of Tianyun martial arts hall.

"I didn't expect that it would be the old museum owner, Mo Tianshan, who came here this time. Didn't he retreat long ago, why did he appear here?"

"It is said that Mo Tianshan was a peak master of the Second Realm when he retired, and now decades have passed…"

"I'm afraid this martial arts director will be abused very badly. After all, the strength of the old pavilion owner Mo is no trivial matter."

"A moment of silence for this martial artist."

There was a lot of discussion in the guest room.

Lin Xiu was indifferent, while Mo Tianshan jumped up from the guest seat and stepped on the martial arts field.


There was a dull loud noise, and the martial arts field seemed to tremble for a moment.

"Tianyun Martial Arts Hall…Mo Tianshan asks for advice!"

His voice was deep and deep, and he couldn't tell his emotions at this moment.

The water curtain on the martial arts field slowly spread out from all around, and wrapped the entire martial arts field in it. This was Zhang Lie's intention. He knew very well that Ren Tianlong's strength was no trivial matter. If the two let their hands and feet fight, it is very possible spread to the surrounding guests.

"Come on." Lin Xiu said lightly.

When Mo Tianshan heard the words, he stepped on the ground, his eyes gradually sharpened, and he slowly opened his hands.

There is no source of power to swallow, only a momentum like a sword qi soaring to the sky, approaching the sky.

The dazzling golden light of Yuanli flashed past, and Mo Tianshan saw an ancient bell phantom formed around him.

dong dong!

The bells were ringing, and some of the surrounding guests only felt their chests feel tight.

"I'm going, this is the Soul Destruction Bell, this guy Mo Tianshan will kill him!"

"That's not right, doesn't this guy like to travel around and buy martial arts gyms? Could it be that this time it is also for the ultimate martial arts gym?"

Chu Feng murmured.

"I'm afraid that's the case. Zhang Lie may be in danger this time. Although his martial arts director is strong, he is still a little worse for Mo Tianshan."

Yun Bing then analyzed.

Before the battle, the two seemed to know the result.

Zhang Lie held his hands and looked at Lin Xiu calmly. Whether it was Duguxue before or this Mo Tianshan, Lin Xiu couldn't put away the laziness in his eyes from beginning to end.

To be honest, he is also a little curious now, the military is the military, and just pulling out a character can be so strong.

Just at this moment, Mo Tianshan finally launched an attack, and Jin Zhong slammed under the cover with a terrifying pressure in the huge roar.


The sound of the bell continued to echo, and before the clock arrived, the digital yuan flew out of it, turning into swords of slaughter, condensing into a terrifying killing formation, trying to strangle Lin Xiu.

"Devil's Bell, it's a good exercise, you should repair the chain to an advanced level, right?"

In the golden sword of slaughter in the martial arts hall, Lin Xiu was still indifferent, but Mo Tianshan's pupils shrank, and his heart felt inexplicably cold.

The sword of slaughter evolved from the characters in the sky, like a meteor cluster approaching Lin Xiu.

"Devil's Bell? Town!"

Mo Tianshan shouted, this time he directly used the ultimate move.

Lin Xiu still stood still, just when the golden light and the sharp sword roared from the sky, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the source power was swallowed.


The sound of water sounded, and the light blue source surface on his body, as if the water of the Tianhe easily swept the sword up.


With a dragon roar and a muffled sound, the blue Flood Dragon overturned the river and the sea, like a river hanging down from the sky, and all the swords of slaughter turned into nothingness in this turbulent river.

"Water is the source of all things."

Lin Xiu whispered, and the tail of the dragon swept lightly, the stormy waves broke out in full force, and Mo Tianshan flew out like a hammer on his chest.

The entire performance field was completely shrouded in mist.


Mo Tianshan smashed down the martial arts field and couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Thank you for your kindness, senpai! Dare to ask the name of the senpai!"

"Lin Xiu!"

"Lin Xiu? This name sounds familiar, isn't it…"

"What, Mo Tianshan was also beaten by one move?"

"Does anyone know what kind of Lin Xiu is? What is the holy place?"

"Even the old pavilion owner Mo Tianshan can't stop a blow, who else can stop it?"

The surrounding people chatted and discussed that the ending was full of drama and a little unacceptable.

"I didn't expect that kid to have such a martial arts director. Could it be that this guy pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and has a prominent background?"

The expression of Chu Lin in the guest room changed greatly. That martial arts director was by no means an ordinary person. No matter how defiant Zhang Lie was, he was currently only a genetic warrior of the first world.

In other words, he is actually just a stronger child, and his strength will never exceed the full genes of the Second Realm.

And the person on the stage is at least a powerhouse of the third realm, and this powerhouse is no longer limited to the younger generation, but is a real powerhouse among all the three realm gene warriors.

What is the concept of a real powerhouse in the third realm? Strictly speaking, Wuzun Eclipse only thinks that he is a powerhouse in the three realms.

However, in his day, he was at the top of the pyramid.

The light in Yunlong's eyes flashed, and the two great masters felt a little regretful at this moment.

If Zhang Lie is just a genius who can grow against the sky, then there is no need to be so entangled in whether to have a deep friendship. After all, a genius has to grow up.

Originally, according to this kid's series of operations, he should not be able to go far without any background.

But now, at his opening ceremony, a top powerhouse of the Three Realms appeared directly, which was worth thinking about by the two of them.

It's a pity, they have already put their attitudes on that before, and if they want to be friendly at this time, I'm afraid they can't easily do it with a few words. Both of them put their eyes on Chu Feng and Yun Bing.

The three patriarchs of Zhou, Qian, and He, who were also in the guest table, all turned pale, and they didn't want to see this result.

"Don't be impatient, the Qin, Wang, and Li families are more anxious than me, so just keep watching."

Zhou Ruo took a deep breath and said, indeed, Qin Chongming, Wang Han, and Li Mo were already panicking at this time, and the seemingly well-prepared and perfect plan seemed to be disintegrating little by little.

"Only a trump card."

Qin Chongming clenched the fist in his hand. He never imagined that in the end, he would actually use this secret weapon.

"There is no way, that martial director is extremely difficult. If we don't kill Zhang Lie today, we may have to be human with our tails between our heads!"

Wang Han said with a gloomy face.

"Last chance to learn from each other, who will come?"

Zhang Lie stretched his waist and asked, what kind of wage earner can really make him feel much more relaxed.


A voice suddenly sounded, and I saw a man in black with a thin body and a face that could be seen walking out. He looked like he was born malnourished, which was really attractive.

When the person walked out, there was an uproar in the guest seat, but Lin Xiu frowned.

"This guy is going to waste the third opportunity to learn from each other?"

"Go on, don't come out without that strength."

Many martial arts hall owners are sarcastic.

However, the man was silent, and his icy eyes looked at the crowd.

Countless killing intents are quietly condensing in the depths of the pupils, and those eyes are icy and biting. Although it is a dog day, it makes people feel cold all over, as if falling into an ice cellar.


After the owners of the various martial arts halls were silent, the man stood opposite Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu narrowed his eyes, his eyes full of scrutiny.

"In Xia Ningcheng Longteng Wuguan, take off."

The thin man spoke slowly, and as soon as he said this, the faces of many VIPs in the guest seat suddenly turned pale.

"The old master of the Longteng Martial Arts Museum? This dragon who sees the beginning but does not see the end, even came here to mix it up?"

"How many people did this kid Zhang Lie offend? Even the old museum owner was invited out!"

"Alas, as soon as the old master came out, the extreme martial arts hall became cold!"

After a moment of silence, discussions broke out in the guest seat again, and as before, everyone was once again determined to win or lose.

Sun Mengmeng, who was beside Zhang Lie, couldn't help but exclaimed, "Longteng Wuguan?"

Zhang Lie frowned, searching for relevant memories in his mind.

"Longteng Martial Arts Hall, the No. 1 Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng, and the Top Ten Martial Arts Halls in China!"

"The old pavilion owner Tengfei is extremely powerful. He has hunted and killed no less than ten gene warriors of the Three Realms, and there are few rivals in the Third Realm! I didn't expect that someone would invite him!"

Sun Mengmeng's voice trembled a little, it was hard to imagine that such a killing god would appear here.

"Unexpectedly…it will be Tengfei, this guy's strength was about to become respectable back then, and now more than ten years have passed, he…"

"I don't know how many times stronger this guy is than Mo Tianshan, that martial director is dead."

Many viewers started talking again, and almost no one was optimistic about Lin Xiu. After all, Tengfei's strength was too strong.

Taking off on the field, the two sides confronted each other, and a source storm was slowly brewing.

"The master of the martial arts hall who came to learn this time is too perverted, right?"

"If only the owner of the pavilion can fight, isn't Zhang Lie, the dragon wolf, more fortunate?"

"Don't tell me, I just think that the atmosphere between Qin, Wang, and Li's family and Zhang Lie is not right. Could it be that they are going to take action against Zhang Lie?"

In the guest seat, countless audience members discussed carefully.

"I should be older than you, let's do it!" Tengfei looked at the plain Lin Xiudao.

"Age doesn't mean strength, you come first, if I make a move, I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to make a move!"

The corners of Lin Xiu's mouth raised slightly, and the confidence in his words made the audience in the guest seat exclaim in surprise.

Good guy, who the hell is this Nima Linxiu? It's too arrogant, he doesn't take Tengfei as a person at all!

"You… since you know I'm soaring, how dare you be so arrogant?"

Teng Fei's voice trembled a little, as if he was trying his best to suppress his anger.

Lin Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a contemptuous smile gradually bloomed.

"It's just a slightly bigger mouse in the Three Realms, does it really cherish its feathers?"

Hearing the casualness of Lin Xiu's words, Tengfei frowned, not sure whether the other party was pretending to be a mystery, or whether he was really an expert in the third world.

"who are you?"