Chapter 0138 One of the Four


"You don't deserve to know my name!"

Lin Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a contemptuous smile gradually bloomed.

The aura around Yuan Li Huan suddenly became a bit gloomy and cold, and the dark attribute Yuan Li exuded a dim light, making Tengfei look like a sinister scorpion.

"Hey, you're making a fool of yourself! One blow kills you!"

Tengfei's face was distorted, the whole body's source power burst out, and a black arrogance instantly rendered the audience.

"This martial arts director is too arrogant, dare to anger the curator Tengfei like this."

"Not much BB, this guy is dead!"

Such an intense conversation before the battle naturally made the guest seat lively again, but most of them were optimistic about taking off.

After all, compared to the unfamiliar and arrogant Lin Xiu, Tengfei once had a bigger reputation.

"Pluto is coming!"

In the thick black fog, everyone could only hear Tengfei's low voice, the dark attribute source power was constantly being swallowed up, and the entire martial arts field was infected with dark attributes.

Black smoke shrouded and rose, gradually condensing into an ancient throne, on which a dark figure seemed to be sitting.

"Come on, Teng Fei's Pluto is born!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

The figure on the throne slowly stood up, followed by a gloomy cold wind that was endless.

In an instant, the dark clouds gathered on the martial arts field, and a pair of withered claws suddenly tore through the dark clouds, pressing down like the palms of the sky.

In the dark fog, Lin Xiu still stood still, as if he was stunned, without any defensive action.

"That's it, Tengfei shot, how could this martial arts director be able to stop it?"

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, and they all believed that Lin Xiu would definitely die.

"The Pluto came into the world, your practice seems to be a little late!"

Lin Xiu muttered to himself, no one heard what he said, only Zhang Lie found that this guy had already started to operate the source.

When the claws were attacked, a flash of blue light flashed and the dark clouds gathered in an instant, all dispersing, like absolute light in the darkness, not dazzling but irreplaceable and irreplaceable.

When everyone regained their vision, Lin Xiu was still standing, and Tengfei was lying motionless on the ground like a dead dog.

On its chest, a finger-sized hole was dripping with blood.

At this moment, there was a loud bang in the minds of all the guests. It was as if a bomb had exploded.


This is too Nima shocked! That is soaring! ?

Lie like a dead dog in one move?

It has not been as long as Mo Tianshan's persistence, but the strength gap between the two is obviously very large!

"The old master of Tengfei also lost like this?" Someone in the audience whispered.

"The discussion is over, let it go."

Lin Xiu yawned, and gave up his interest in a lack of interest, then turned around handsomely, and appeared directly beside Zhang Lie with a single step.

In the audience, the expressions of Li Mo, Wang Han and others changed drastically, and they all clenched their fists.

"The master of the martial arts hall in Ningcheng, is he a piece of trash?" Wang Leng snorted, and began to resent these local experts, who couldn't even handle a martial arts director.

"No, it's not that they are useless, it's that the other party is too strong! If I read it correctly, then the martial arts director is likely to be one of the four venerables of Huaxia Fenglin Volcano, Lin Zun!"

As soon as Wang Han finished speaking, Qin Chongming opened his mouth in frustration, and his eyes already had a desire to retreat.

Because he knew very well that with Lin Xiu here, they absolutely couldn't hurt Zhang Lie in the slightest.

"The Four Venerables, Lin Zun? Don't these guys belong to the military and have always been known for being mysterious?"

"How can it be involved in the opening ceremony of this kid Zhang Lie? Is it sent by the Chinese military?"

"No, how the rank exists, with Zhang Lie's current level, there is absolutely no way the military can dispatch the rank to protect him!"

And as soon as he said these words, Wang Han immediately began to analyze.

"Okay, don't analyze, this is the end, we have no way back!"

"The most urgent task is not to let the discussion end like this, Venerable, we can't afford it, then find a way to let Zhang Lie end in person!"

"In a word, we must not let this great opportunity slip away!"

Li Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was extremely resentful.

After Lin Xiu came back, Zhang Lie took the stage again, preparing to announce the final luncheon of the ceremony.

But he had just staged the martial arts stage, and the discordant voice immediately came to mind in the guest room.

"Wait a minute, the competition in the martial arts hall is to verify the overall strength of the martial arts hall. It would be too shabby for just one martial arts director to show his strength. It's too early, I suggest a few more competitions!"

Wang Han stood up from the seat with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, what's the point of this martial arts hall opening ceremony without Master Zhang?"

Li Mo followed him like a shadow, and immediately stood up and agreed.

"Yeah, there should be a few games."

"Master Zhang hasn't even shot yet, so it's too boring."

Some martial arts forces who were afraid that the world would not be in chaos followed suit.

The corners of Zhang Lie's mouth raised slightly, even if he came to the Qin, Wang, and Li families, he would not give up.

"That's right, Master Zhang, you should give other martial arts more opportunities. The master of the Kyoto martial arts center hasn't even made a move yet."

Zhou Ruo, the head of the Zhou family, also stood up and said, this is quite the appetite of Qin Chongming and others.

The Qin, Li, and Wang families, together with the three great masters in Kyoto, as well as some martial arts forces, are so persecuted. If Zhang Lie refuses, then today's opening ceremony will not go smoothly, and it will even affect the reputation of the martial arts center.

Zhang Lie squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the guy who was making trouble, and couldn't help but raise a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, then add three more games, but it's still the old rule. Only the martial arts director who beat me is qualified to challenge me."

Zhang Lie said in a deep voice, responding to everyone's request.

While Qin Chongming breathed a sigh of relief, the vertical lines between his brows deepened a bit.

Zhang Lie confirmed that he promised to continue to discuss, but Lin Xiu was like a big mountain, between them and Zhang Lie.

If you want to move Zhang Lie, you must cross this mountain.

"With the support of the existence of the rank, this guy agreed readily!"

Wang Han also frowned slightly, but Zhang Lie did not hesitate to answer, which also made him feel a lot of pressure.

Lin Xiu's strength is too terrifying, and his confidence is gradually dividing.

"It's okay, our opponent has not always been the Venerable, but Zhang Lie behind him. We will send two games first, and in the last game, I will definitely let Zhang Lie come down in person!"

Li Mo is still calm, he is very clear in his heart, what kind of guys are going to play next.

"Excuse me, Senior Lin!"

Zhang Lie turned his head and shrugged helplessly at Lin Xiu, and then walked off the martial arts arena.

As for Lin Xiu, he took another step and stood in the center of the martial arts field.

"Captain, there is absolutely no need for you to agree to their unreasonable demands. We have already followed the rules, and these guys have to add more money!"

Sun Mengmeng was a little displeased.

"It's okay, don't let them toss enough today, these guys won't give up!"

Zhang Lie waved his hand indifferently, with Lin Xiu present, no one came up and sang.

In the rebirth, although the strength of the previous life is gone, but the vision is still there, looking at Lin Xiu's performance before, at least it is a respected existence.

Seeing Zhang Lie like this, Sun Mengmeng naturally stopped talking.

Lin Xiu continued to stand in the center of the martial arts field, his eyes still calm and languid.

"Who wants to come up and learn?"

Lin Xiu spoke softly. Although the sound was not loud, it instantly resounded through the audience.

As the voice sounded, the guest seat became agitated again, but this time it was not crowded.

After all, Duguxue, Mo Tianshan, and Tengfei were all killed. If it wasn't for the strength of the three, no one would dare to challenge.

"Is there anyone?" Lin Xiu asked impatiently when he saw the silence around him.

As soon as these words came out, Qin Chongming in the VIP seat gave a look, a tall and burly guy in the direction of the Kyoto Martial Arts Hall slowly stood up, and the sensible guests stood up one after another to make way for him.

"I didn't expect it to be Nintendo."

"This guy has faced three super genetic beasts of the Three Realms alone, and he is much stronger than Takeoff!"

"A lot of strength is good for fart, didn't you see that take-off was directly killed?"

"From my point of view, I'm afraid this Ren Tianlong won't be able to please him, it's a good thing if he doesn't get a second!"

There was a burst of discussion around again, but at this time the attitude of the guests had reversed.

Ren Tianlong is indeed a legendary figure, but this Lin Xiu has never really taken a shot from the beginning to the end.

"Hello, senior, in the next Tianlong, please enlighten me!"

Ren Tianlong stepped out of the crowd and jumped onto the martial arts field.

Compared to the previous three masters of the Ningcheng Martial Arts Hall, this guy is much more low-key.

The national character face, loose clothes and armor, and the expression is extremely solemn, and he did not shoot the first time.

Lin Xiu looked at Ren Tianlong with his hands in his arms, and the atmosphere between the two suddenly became a little weird.

"Nen Tianlong, it looks pleasing to the eye, but you don't seem to be the real Nintendo!"

Lin Xiu said casually, his voice was so low that only Ren Tianlong heard it.

"Your Excellency is so powerful, I'm afraid it's not as simple as the martial director of the extreme martial arts hall!" Ren Tianlong was not annoyed at all when his identity was revealed, and he was even a wise anti-general.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows Lin Xiu's extraordinary qualities, otherwise Ren Tianlong would not be allowed to appear.

"It's hard to change your face, isn't it?"

Lin Xiu squinted and said, Ren Tianlong's expression changed slightly.

"Your Excellency has good eyesight."

He knew that if he continued to talk, his identity would be completely revealed, and the source energy on his body exploded in an instant, and a strange light enveloped him.

"The Qin family, it seems that you are well prepared to deal with Zhang Lie!"

"However, since you have cultivated the water zodiac sign, you dare to stand on the stage to fight against me, which is commendable courage!"

Lin Xiu smiled lightly, and a faint blue light bloomed on his body.

"Noisy, take me a punch!"

Ren Tianlong was not talking nonsense, he kicked his calf hard and punched Lin Xiu directly.


With a roar, he punched out the terrifying waves, and in an instant, the terrifying waves turned into a unicorn with fangs and claws, and the fierce spirit slammed towards Lin Xiu.

"Kirin Fist, a legendary technique, it seems that I guessed right!"

"Unfortunately, you still owe a little bit of heat!"

The waves were rushing, and the unicorn roared, but Lin Xiu just stretched out his fingers and gently moved forward.


There was a crisp sound, the space was distorted, and ripples like a curtain of water rippled.

Ren Tianlong smashed his fist on the water curtain, and the ripples spread rapidly, instantly dissolving his fist strength.

The unicorn roared and collided frantically, but the water curtain that looked extremely fragile was actually so tough at the moment.


Lin Xiu flicked his fingers slightly, and the unicorn water curtain exploded in an instant, and finally turned into a dragon-shaped water column that shot Ren Tianlong.

Ren Tianlong was shocked, he never thought that the opponent could use strength to fight back with a snap of his fingers, and immediately turned his fist into a palm and slammed it out.


With a soft sound, blood splattered, and the dragon-shaped water column was like an indestructible arrow, instantly pierced through Ren Tianlong's palm and pierced through his right shoulder, and finally flew into the sky like a streamer.