Chapter 139

The protective light curtain on the performance field immediately retreated, and the blood on the performance field was extremely dazzling.

There was silence in the auditorium, Ren Tianlong stood quietly, the blood on his palms continued, and the smell of blood immediately dissipated.

Another one-shot kill?

"This is Ren Tianlong from the Kyoto Martial Arts Academy. What is the origin of that guy?"

"This disparity in strength must be too huge!"

After a moment of silence in the audience, more heated discussions erupted.

The Kyoto Martial Arts Hall was one level higher than the Ningcheng Martial Arts Hall. Ren Tianlong was even more mysterious and powerful. The power of that blow was enough to move everyone, but it was easily resolved by Lin Xiu.

The faces of the Wang family, the Qin family and the Li family are as ugly as they are.

"This guy!"

"Feng Lin Huo, Lin Zun is undoubtedly!"

Wang Han grabbed the handle of the guest chair tightly, and with his strength, the rock handle cracked open.

"Four respects, even if you use extraordinary means, I'm afraid it will be difficult to shake it!" Qin Chongming took a deep breath and said.

"Don't worry, the key to this battle lies in the last game!"

Wang Han took a deep breath, then glanced casually somewhere in the VIP seat, and a bald man immediately understood.

While nodding slightly, he quietly took out a potion from his arms. The rest of the people were focused on the martial arts field, and no one noticed what this guy was doing.

He put the syringe close to his arm, and the light blue light was injected into the arm, the blue veins on his face bulged, and a faint blue light flowed past.

The abnormality lasted for less than a second, and soon returned to normal. Seeing this, Wang Han finally felt relieved.

Qin Chongming and Li Mo didn't say any more, they both leaned on their chairs and quietly waited for the next competition.

"Anyone else coming up?"

Ren Tianlong was taken down. In fact, he was not seriously injured, but he also knew the absolute gap between himself and the other party, so he directly chose to admit defeat.

Lin Xiuqing snorted again and looked around, but no one dared to look at him.

The discussion in the auditorium stopped, and countless faces were scanning the auditorium.

"I want to challenge myself."

After a short silence, a figure stood up from the audience and said.

It was a bald-headed martial arts hall master who was a little thin and stood up.

"This is… Liu Shuang, the owner of Xingyao Wuguan?"

It seems that someone in the guest room recognized the bald pavilion owner.

"It's really Liu Shuang, the former owner of Xingyao Martial Arts Museum. This guy seems to be active in the Three Realms after he became famous!"

"It's a bit strange. Today's opening ceremony, the lineup that came to the stage to learn from each other, is quite terrifying!"

"No, to deal with a small extreme martial arts hall, it is too much to have such a character dispatched…"

"Oh, don't care who he is, if you want me to see, it's useless for anyone to come!"

"That's right, the martial director Lin Xiu on the stage is invincible, isn't it? Anyone who comes is a move!"

The audience began to discuss in a low voice, but this time no one was releasing any harsh words.

Although they were amazed by Liu Shuang's identity, most of them believed that Lin Xiu could win.

After all, the shock that Lin Xiu brought to them in the previous four battles was too great.

Lin Xiu watched coldly. Liu Shuang, who was slowly taking the stage, smelled a strange smell from him.

"This is, the forbidden drug Qianjunji! This guy used Qianjunji!"

Zhang Lie's brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. This smell and aura must be the bite of Qianjun.

"No drugs, it's really the Wang family's favorite method!"

"Captain, can the military director still be able to resist?"

Sun Mengmeng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, each time the characters who come up to discuss, one is stronger than the other.

What's more, this guy also used the Qianjun bite!

"Fight down? For a guy of this level, another dozen won't be enough for our martial arts director to clean up!"

Zhang Lie showed a mysterious smile.

Qian Jun devour, the reason why it is called this name, mainly named after the meaning of swallowing thousands of troops.

He is like a stimulant. In a short time after the injection, the activity of the source increases by 500%, and the pain response will be lost.

Generally, this banned drug is used only when life is threatened, and its side effects are extremely great.

The use of this forbidden drug when discussing with people is enough to show the opponent's murderous intentions.

"As the master of the martial arts hall, even the basic martial virtues have been lost. It's sad!"

After Liu Shuang stood on the field, Lin Xiu's face became completely gloomy.

"Hehe, no way, Your Excellency is too powerful."

Liu Shuang grinned dryly, since everything has been seen through, there is no need to continue to hide and tuck.

"Unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, the so-called banned drugs are just a joke!"

Lin Xiu spoke lightly, a blue beam of light shot up into the sky, and the source energy of the whole body erupted for the first time!

"What, the military director took the initiative to explode the source power?"

"Fuck, what level of source power is this Nima, it's terrifying!"

The audience exclaimed.

The blue source beam of light soared into the sky, and the terrifying pressure was like a majestic sea, pressing down on Liu Shuang.

At this moment, the other party hasn't really made a move, but he just exploded his source power with all his strength, which has already made him sweat profusely.

Lin Xiu stepped out slowly, and the blue source power instantly spread throughout the martial arts platform, turning the entire martial arts platform into a dark blue field.

And as his footsteps moved, blue ripples hit Liu Shuang like waves.

These waves, one wave stronger than the other, converged into a terrifying life force field in an instant.

In this position, Lin Xiu seemed to be transformed into a god, with endless coercion, like an endless sea, madly squeezing Liu Shuang.

Let its seven holes gradually overflow with traces of blood.

Under such terrifying pressure, Liu Shuang's entire body was forced to curl up, not to mention any moves, he had to run the source of the thunder zodiac all over his body in an embarrassing manner, fully resisting Lin Xiu's power.

"This… This is the Sea God Domain!"

"Fuck, Fenglin Volcano!"

In the VIP seats, someone finally called Po Linxiu's identity, which made everyone's heart stunned.

As for Liu Shuang, although he couldn't hear the discussions in the VIP seats at the moment, a figure appeared in his mind.

"Impossible, this level of pressure is more terrifying than the 10,000-meter deep sea, and it is comparable to the Sea God Domain. Is it really him?"

"No, that person is an absolute high-level military officer, how could he appear here!"

He shook his head vigorously, throwing the unrealistic thoughts out of his mind.

"If you admit defeat now, I will spare your life!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, as if it was in Liu Shuang's ears.

The next second, the majesty suddenly became heavier, and Liu Shuang's spine made a cracking sound.

Lei Mang huffed, Liu Shuang burst into full force, and a peculiar smell came out.

"How is it possible, he… he… he can force out the forbidden drugs in the opponent's body, this…"

Seeing this, Wang Han in the audience's face changed greatly, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Kneel down!"

With a loud shout, Liu Shuang only felt his back sink, the enormous pressure was pressing on his spine, and with the sound of fine bones cracking, Liu Shuang's body did not listen to the control, as Lin Xiu said, he knelt down with a bang. on the ground.

Everyone watching the battle below was stunned. Liu Shuang, who was taking banned drugs, fell to his knees directly in the middle of the other's footsteps.

Even Zhang Lie was slightly startled. At this time, Lin Xiu seemed to be completely awakened.

"People like you really don't deserve to be the master of the martial arts hall."

He looked down at Liu Shuang condescendingly, and Liu Shuang also rolled his throat, as if he wanted to say something.

"Don't explain, the little friend opened today, it's not appropriate to kill people, don't let me see you again, get out of here!"

Lin Xiu was a little disgusted by Liu Shuang's begging for mercy, he suddenly swept away, and kicked Liu Shuang, who was kneeling on the ground, like a ball.


The wind whistled, and its speed was so fast that it instantly flew out of the VIP seat and out of the extreme martial arts hall.

The audience was silent, and most people were still immersed in the previous shock.

In particular, Lin Xiu's last words were constantly echoing in everyone's minds at this moment.

"Liu Shuang, I'm scared to kneel!"

"My Nima, isn't he too hot?"

"What Fenglin Huan, who is the martial arts director, to have such terrifying strength."

"You bastard, Feng Linhuo, the Four Great Venerables of China don't even know about it! The name of the Sixth Sea Emperor Lin Xiu should be known, right?"

"I'm going, Liudao Haihuang, it's actually him, I'm going, how did he become a martial arts director!"

"Stupid, what kind of martial arts director, isn't this obviously here to protect Zhang Lie?"

"I'll go, so Zhang Lie has a military background!"

"Haha, I have decided to let my son enter the extreme martial arts hall in the future!"

After a brief silence, the VIP seats became lively again.

However, compared to before, almost everyone in the VIP seats has seen the form.

Fenglin Volcano, the six sea emperors Lin Zun personally escorted, Zhang Lie was obviously on board with the military.

After many discussions, not only did it not damage the reputation of the extreme martial arts hall, but it completely knocked out the extreme martial arts hall's signboard.

After today, the name of the extreme martial arts hall will definitely resound throughout China, and even the entire Federation.

Lin Xiu, who sent Liu Shuang out of the martial arts gym with one kick, returned to his normal state of laziness, and said again: "It's okay to learn from each other, but don't come here, you will die! Two games have passed, who will come in the last one?"

Lin Xiu stood with his hands behind his back, like an ordinary person without any threat. His identity and strength were placed here. When his words fell, no one answered for a long time.

Just kidding, that's Lin Xiu, the emperor of the six seas. The terror of his strength is beyond imagination. That martial arts master who doesn't have long eyes dares to fight?

Wang Han's eyes were gloomy and cold, and Lin Xiu seemed to be blocking Zhang Lie's face with a mountain, which really made people feel a little tricky.

"Old Li, what do you say, if we go on like this, we will be completely planted!"

"That's not necessarily true. The Six Paths of the Sea Sovereign is indeed scary, but after the identity is exposed, the seniority is there!" Li Mo said slowly.

"Oh? It seems that Brother Li has already made up his mind?"

"Chengzhu doesn't dare to say it in his heart. In the end, the key depends on whether Zhang Lie actively cooperates!"

Li Mo's eyes flashed, and although the words were not full of smiles on his face, everything was already exposed.