Chapter 0162 Assault Test


However, just when everyone was laughing at Zhang Lie, an angry order suddenly sounded from the sound of the training room.

"Lin Yue, get out of here, and I'll go through the transfer formalities for you right away!"

With this order, the needle fell instantly in the training room.

What, play for real?

Really fired? Is the captain really going to be fired?


"Whoever dares to intercede, get out of here!"

In the phalanx below, someone immediately wanted to stand up and speak for Lin Yue, but they were blocked by Commander Su as soon as they spoke.

At this moment, the sergeant in the phalanx finally realized the seriousness of this matter.

On the other hand, Lin Yue completely calmed down under Commander Su's order. After comforting a few close friends in the phalanx, he quickly walked out of the training room.

So far, in this training room, the only one who gives orders is Zhang Lie, the instructor.

"To be honest, if Commander Su hadn't asked me to come, I would really despise you bastards!"

"My lord, let me say tens of millions a minute, how can I have time to play with you guys!"

"The limit breakthrough is opened by me, and the limit gene is discovered by me. To put it bluntly, you are garbage, scum, and the most stinky shit on this road?"

"It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders. You don't even follow the orders of the highest commanders and you call yourself an elite. You don't know what it means!"

At this moment, Zhang Lie was no longer polite, and directly scolded everyone present.

Such scolding naturally caused everyone below to get angry.

It's a pity that Su Feng's previous orders hung over their heads like a sharp sword.

"You all think that you are very good, and that I am not qualified to teach you, right?"

"Okay, yes! I'll give you a chance, whoever doesn't agree, stand up and practice alone!"

The throat rolled, Zhang Lie's voice was not loud, but it was like a drop of water falling into the hot oil, and the scene instantly became lively.

Everyone's eyes were like a sharp arrow projected on his face, including contempt, anger and even tyranny.

Zhang Lie is very clear that this group of people is very unconvinced, and what he wants is this unconvincing momentum.

In other words, if you want these old oilers to break through the limit, you must make good use of this unyielding momentum.

Therefore, the fundamental solution to this problem is to use the most direct way between men.

One-on-one, one-on-one practice!

"Instructor, are you sure you want to practice alone!"

"It's okay to practice alone, the rules must be made clear, and you won't be responsible if you break it!"

"Dare you? Hairless little instructor?"

In the phalanx, four or five burly youths stood up in an instant, all eager to try to teach Zhang Lie a lesson.

"Dare, don't beg for mercy for a while!"

"Really, Instructor, you are really arrogant, then let Wu Hao come and experience your brilliant tricks!"

In the phalanx, a burly young man stepped out of the way.

Wu Hao, the commander of the first unit of the special operations team, is also the captain of the first unit. The Second Realm is full of genes, and the real combat power is comparable to that of the ordinary Three Realms. It is not weak.

"To be honest, I admired your performance in the Kyoto defense battle before, but I didn't expect some false names to make you swell to such a degree!"

"Don't worry, let me tell you what you are like in the real world, right?"

Wu Hao snapped his knuckles, and the clicking sound kept coming.

"Very good, then don't talk nonsense, let's take the first photo!" Zhang Lie also moved his neck gently, and the square below immediately dispersed to the edge, leaving the venue for the two of them.


Wu Hao's eyes focused on the source of energy, and after a low roar, he stepped on his feet suddenly, and the ground shook and trembled.

"The Art of Ten Thousand Beasts? Beast Tide!"

The throat rolled, the muscles of the limbs suddenly swelled, the arms clenched into fists and dozens of animal figures appeared behind him.

In an instant, the beast roared again and again, and even the space distortion was slightly distorted, and it was obvious that the first shot was a killing move.

Zhang Lie's face didn't change at all, he was still calm, the source energy in his body was running, his left hand was clenched into a fist, and his right hand was a wave of waves.

Considering that these guys had just broken their way, he only used relatively elementary techniques.

The fist turns the water into the weather, the palm turns into the waves, one rigid and one soft, and both rigid and soft.

Myriad beasts roared and rushed, waves of light and waves surging, and the seemingly ferocious phantoms of myriad beasts were torn apart and shattered when they collided with Folding Wave Palm and Wave Fist.

Wu Hao's face changed slightly. He knew very well that Zhang Lie's martial arts skills were not high, but the power was completely beyond his imagination.


Under the waves of the fist, a crisp sound was particularly harsh, Wu Hao let out a muffled groan, and then flew out.

Above his cheeks, a five-fingered mountain is clearly visible.

"Trash! As I said, you are all rubbish, not as bad as shit!"

A crisp sound, a low shout, clear like a twilight drum and a morning bell, rang through the entire training room.

Wu Hao's whole body was directly pumped out by a big mouth.

At this moment, the faces of all the sergeants present were hot, because this slap not only hit Wu Hao, but also hit them.

Even Su Feng, who was silently paying attention to this place, frowned and showed a little displeasure.

It's not like hitting someone in the face, not to mention this kind of competition, Zhang Lie is obviously intentionally trampling on Wu Hao's dignity.

In other words, he is trampling on the dignity of everyone in the Black Wind Squad and the dignity of the entire military.

At this moment, Su Feng, who knew that Zhang Lie would not be like this for no reason, was a little unhappy, and one can imagine the mood of the Black Wind Special Forces members who were enduring all this.

It's no exaggeration to be so angry!

"You… I fought with you!"

Wu Hao, who fell to the ground, touched his cheeks in disbelief, and his eyes rushed towards him with scarlet fury.

Under such stimulation, his spirit and energy reached its peak, and the adrenaline in his body was instantly pumped to the peak, breaking the limit unconsciously.


There was a muffled sound, and it was a pity that the violent Wu Hao still failed to take revenge in the end. Instead, he was slammed into his abdomen with an old fist by Zhang Lie, and passed out inexplicably.

With one foot on Wu Hao's head, Zhang Lie looked at the people below with incomparable contempt.

"Trash! Too rubbish, too weak! Why don't you all go on together, it will save me a lot of time!"

"What, let's go together? Zhang Lie, you are too crazy!" Wu Hao's friend Lin Wei was obviously furious when he heard the blue veins in his temples.

"Then tell me, how many of you can compare to this big guy?"

Zhang Lie's vamp lightly stepped on Wu Hao's face twice, and a devilish smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he was mocking everyone.

"Okay, let's go!"

"This is your own death!"

It has to be said that Zhang Lie in front of him is indeed strong, and it seems that the rumors about him before are not much.

Wu Hao was knocked unconscious with one punch. The fighting power of this guy in front of him is definitely stronger than that of the general Three Realms gene warriors.

Lin Wei's eyes turned cold, and Yuan Li began to operate. Several comrades in arms beside him also turned Yuan Li to prepare for the attack.

"Incompetent rubbish, come on!" Zhang Lie continued to mock, obviously on purpose.

"Be careful, we won't show mercy this time!" Lin Wei roared with a flushed face, leading the crowd to attack.

Zhang Lie still responded with indifference, but the black source power in his body also erupted in an instant.

"The Eclipse Realm · Now!"


With a low moan, a crisp sound, a drop of black water fell from the sky, black ripples surging on the floor of the entire training room, like a black river, and like a curtain of light shrouding Lin Wei and others.

When the black water Styx appeared, when the blood stained the bright moon, the eclipse field was activated! !

In an instant, the terrifying pressure pressed everyone directly to the ground, especially when the blood moon appeared.

An inexplicable mighty force made the source energy in Lin Wei and the others rapidly decompose and disappear. .

"This…is this the eclipse kung fu?"

Lin Wei exclaimed, in front of this terrifying field, let alone an attack, it was extremely difficult for him to even move.

"Boom bang bang…!"

Under the eclipse moon realm, no matter whether they have done anything before, they are all kneeling on one knee at this moment, and they can't even stand up.

"As I said, you are all rubbish, all arrogant and ignorant waste of the country's resources!"

The low, nightmarish voice resounded throughout the training room again, causing everyone to kneel on one knee, and the blood in their bodies burned.

At this moment, all the members of the Heifeng Special Forces team who were kneeling on one knee were all desperately exploding their own source power.

They want to stand up, they want to prove to Zhang Lie that they are neither garbage nor waste.

They have killed countless alien creatures, they have been chained in blood and fire all the year round, and they are special soldiers full of honor.

In an instant, the entire training room was covered by a continuous low roar.

Everyone tried their best to stand up, but that blood moon was like a world. Even if they stretched their skeletons to the point of creaking, no one could really stand up.

During this process, some people fainted due to excessive force, and some people unknowingly broke through the limit during the full explosion.

Su Feng's office in the Black Wind Fortress, who witnessed everything in the training room, finally understood the various reasons before Zhang Lie at this moment.

"It turns out that, although it's a bit messy, this is the most efficient way, this kid really has some ways!"

The corner of Su Feng's mouth raised a light smile.

Under the eclipse moon realm, time seems to be much slower.

At this moment, it was only 15 seconds before Zhang Lie began to eclipse the moon domain.

But in this short 15 seconds, all 80 people in the training room fell to the ground without exception.

Their faces were severely pressed to the ground, and they couldn't even stubbornly look up at Zhang Lie.

This was the most humiliating moment in their lives, and it allowed them to fully explode their potential.

"Boy, your grandfather Lin Wei admits that he's down, give me something to cheer me up!"

Lin Wei, who had already broken through the limit and didn't even know it, was desperate at this moment and just wanted to die quickly.

"Yes, we are special forces soldiers, special forces soldiers who have faced death countless times, don't try to make us surrender!"

"Yes, you can kill us, but never break our spines!"

In this state, for the self-respecting special forces team members, life is not as good as death.

"Death! Give in? Be happy!? No, no, no! You are all Commander Su Feng's baby bumps. I don't dare to do anything to you!"

At this moment, Zhang Lie grinned and returned to normal.

At the same time, the blood moon of the Styx disappeared instantly, and the mountain that was pressing on everyone disappeared instantly.

"Okay, the surprise test is over. Everyone performed very well. After getting up, you can feel the changes in your body!"

As the pressure disappeared, Zhang Lie spoke again, but everyone in the training room was stunned.