Chapter 163 near-term goals



What test?

Could it be that everything before that was really just an assessment?

Feel the body change, what body change?

No, my physical strength seems to have increased a lot, and my source power is also a lot stronger!

No, I actually broke the limit?

When did this happen?

Was it when he was just angry and ready to find that kid desperately?


The presence of all the elites of special warfare, perhaps because they have been awarded for a long time, so some arrogance is definitely not stupid.

If you don't know what happened by now, your life will be in vain.

"Sorry everyone, I apologize to you for my words and actions just now!"

"Zhang Lie has no intention of trampling on your dignity, everything is for you to break through your limits!"

"Honor is my life, and I'm glad you are all such soldiers!"

"But because of this, the test of life and death is completely ineffective for you, so I have to resort to this strategy to stimulate you!"

"Okay, the surprise test is over, if my perception is correct, you should all break through the limit!"


At this moment, Zhang Lie bowed with a serious face, and then walked quickly towards the training room while everyone was bewildered.

"Sure enough!"

In the office, the smile on Su Feng's face became stronger and stronger.

Experts are experts, and their understanding of limit breakthroughs is incomparable to them. A surprise test actually allowed the entire Heifeng special warfare team to break through.

"Commander, this…"

At Su Feng's side, Lin Yue was still unable to react at the moment. He didn't expect things to end like this.

"Okay, you need to train your brain, come back to the team!"

"Ah… yes!"

Lin Yue's face was stunned, and she naturally reacted instantly. From the very beginning, she felt that Su Feng and Zhang Lie were used as pawns.

In the training room, just as Zhang Lie walked to the door, Lin Yue, who hurried back, walked up to Zhang Lie and bowed respectfully, "Instructor, I'm sorry!"

At this moment, he naturally understood Zhang Lie's true intentions before, and this apology was definitely not hypocritical.

Lin Yue was like this, and the team members in the training room naturally reacted and said respectfully in unison, "Instructor, I'm sorry!"

This instructor also means that everyone in the Black Wind team accepts and agrees with Zhang Lie's instructor status.

Even, blushing for their previous performance.

After all, their attitude towards this instructor was quite unfriendly before.

Among them, their pride has become the biggest incentive.

The most important thing is that Zhang Lie, who was an instructor in the end, apologized one step ahead of them.

At this moment, everyone looked at Zhang Lie with a bit of guilt, as if a stupid student was shameless to his teacher.

"It's okay, step up your training!"

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Zhang Lie obviously didn't take everything to heart. After waving his hand at will, he walked out of the training room.

The next thing is simple, the team members only need to be familiar with the benefits brought by extreme genes as soon as possible, and then they can enter the next stage of training.

As for Zhang Lie, he quickly returned to Su Feng's office and asked him to imitate the breakthrough of other troops after his own model.

It was getting late, and Zhang Lie, who had been busy all day, was finally put back home by Su Feng, who was relentless.

The military affairs have come to an end, and naturally the next thing is the matter of the extreme martial arts hall.

When I returned to the martial arts hall, it was already late at night, and even so, the lights in the extreme martial arts hall were still bright.

Zhang Hong and a group of martial arts staff did not rest, because there were still some poor people standing in front of the martial arts hall, anxiously waiting for news.

After their children received the admission test, the martial arts hall kept them waiting for the results.

This wait is a week. These parents have exhausted their patience and have to stay outside the martial arts hall for 24 hours in order to get the news as soon as possible.

Lin Xiu was smoking a cigarette leisurely by the martial arts platform in the martial arts hall.

There were a few nervous teenagers standing on the stage. Seeing that he was only about ten years old, Lin Xiu's face was relaxed, but there was a flash of admiration in his eyes.

"Huh? It's so late, what are you doing?" Seeing this, Zhang Lie quickly approached.

"Heh, you also said that the tasks arranged by Zhang Hong's little doll are not allowed to sleep until they are screened!" Lin Xiu looked helpless, but Zhang Lie couldn't help but laugh.

I didn't expect Zhang Hong to be so capable, so Lin Xiu was directly subdued.

"Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie, I finally saw him."

"Qi, what's so exciting about this? Entering the extreme martial arts hall, we are his disciples, and we will see each other often in the future?"

"That's what I said, but the real person is so handsome, no way, I'm going to fall!"

When the boys and girls on the martial arts stage saw Zhang Lie appear, they began to discuss in a low voice.

It wasn't until Zhang Lie approached that the discussion slowly disappeared.

Zhang Lie looked up and down this group of people, most of them were only 10 years old, which was indeed a good age for repairing chains, and most of them were from poor areas.

"You all want to enter the extreme martial arts hall?"


"Please complete the owner!"

"I adore you!"

On the martial arts stage, all kinds of compliments sounded immediately, of course, these must have been instilled in their children by parents.

"Extreme Martial Arts Hall is not a place where flattery can enter. If you want to truly become disciples of Extreme Martial Arts Hall, the first thing you must do is loyalty!"

Zhang Lie spoke slowly and put forward a basic condition, which is also the question he has been emphasizing.

"Yes, loyal!"

Zhang Lie's eyes turned cold, and he looked directly at the group of young girls, and the powerful coercion was released.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words. They were only this age, and their concept of loyalty was actually a little vague.

The main reason for them coming to the Extreme Martial Arts Hall is that there is Zhang Lie here, and it is also the birthplace of extreme breakthroughs.

At this moment, in the face of Zhang Lie like this, no one dared to speak, not even to look into Zhang Lie's eyes, what's more, his legs trembled and his face was horrified.

"I promise, I will be loyal to the ultimate martial arts hall in this life!"

A young voice suddenly sounded, and a disheveled young man in the team looked at Zhang Lie firmly.

The clear pupils are full of sincerity and expectation, the dirty little face, the tattered clothes, and even the slightest sour smell on his body.

After him, the two people around him immediately echoed and expressed their attitude.

Zhang Lie was stunned for a moment. From his point of view, after deliberately creating an atmosphere, no one should answer this question so quickly.

"What's your name?" Zhang Lie looked curiously at the boy who spoke first.

"Jun Jiuxiao!" The boy swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said timidly.

Jun.. Jiuxiao, this name is very big.

I can't see that such a dirty little guy has such a "big" name.

"What about you?"

Zhang Lie looked at the two people beside him again, the elder with a deliberate tone.

The two teenagers glanced at Jun Jiuxiao first, and then stood up one after another, even though their legs were trembling, they still answered with the stubborn teeth that belonged to the young man.

"It's the same with us, once we worship in the martial arts hall, we will never leave you for the rest of your life!"

"It's a good one who will never betray you for a lifetime. He knows a lot at a young age, but this is no child's play, you should think about it clearly!"

Zhang Lie continued to release the majesty and looked at Jun Jiuxiao and his party again.

Even in the face of such great coercion, Jun Jiuxiao still straightened his back and looked at Zhang Lie with hot eyes.

The rest of the people also followed suit, and all of them were worth their salt.

"Okay, yes, I look forward to your future performance!"

Seeing this situation, Zhang Lie gently put away his majesty, and then left with his hands behind.

As for this group of young girls, under the leadership of Sun Mengmeng, they finally lived in the dormitory of the disciples of the extreme martial arts hall.

In fact, at this moment, they are basically no different from other disciples.

If they had to say yes, it meant that they met Zhang Lie unexpectedly and passed Zhang Lie's test at the same time.

After everything was arranged, Sun Mengmeng walked into Zhang Lie's room with a list.

"Captain, the night admission list is out!"

"What are the names of the other two teenagers?" Zhang Lie casually glanced at the list and said nothing.

"The boy's name is Wu Wei, the girl's name is Ye Xianchen" Sun Mengmeng seemed to have expected Zhang Lie to ask.

"Okay, these three little guys are a bit interesting. During this time, I will give them the soft core of Baiye Jade Worm, and focus on training them!"

Zhang Lie stretched his waist and said lightly.

"Yes, Captain!"

Sun Mengmeng nodded in response, and then walked out of the room without disturbing Zhang Lie.

The room was quiet again, Zhang Lie let out a sigh of turbidity, and the eclipse technique followed.

The halo was throbbing, the devil snake was full of moon and shadow, and the two phantoms were slowly overlapping, and the little stars scattered around, making the whole room show a strange color.

However, just as the phantom was about to merge, Zhang Lie suddenly opened his eyes and gasped heavily.

"No, it's still a little bit worse after all."

Every time he tried to fuse the two, the feeling of being out of control made him have the urge to vomit blood.

It seems that after all, the idea is to hit the ultimate creature.

Thinking of the ultimate creature, Zhang Lie's thoughts were flying, but just for a moment, the picture in his mind was frozen under the calm lake in that bay.

Moonlight Lake, Moonlight Jiao! !

Moonlight Jiao, a legendary creature in the void world in the past life, and the ultimate genetic beast after confirmation in this life.

To hunt down the ultimate genetic beast in a short period of time, Moonlight Flood Dragon is the best choice, although it is much stronger than Zhang Lie.

But no matter how you count it, it is the ultimate creature in the world. If you can dispense the No. 3 limit potion, break through the limit of the super gene and cooperate with the limit team, it is not impossible.

After making up his mind, Zhang Lie began to prepare for the hunt for the Moonlight Flood Dragon.

Early the next morning, Zhang Lie walked out of the room and saw hundreds of disciples practicing the entry-level Dragon Tiger Boxing on the main field of the martial arts hall.

Jun Jiuxiao, Ye Xianchen, and Wu Wei, who were recruited yesterday, were also impressively listed. After wearing the martial arts costumes, they felt a lot more energetic and cleaner.

After a little scrutiny, Zhang Lie did not linger at all, and directly entered the Void Realm through the martial arts teleportation array.

According to the time in the Void Realm, more than ten days have passed since the matter of the magic pattern forest, but there is still a lot of uproar in the black iron base.

Especially after Zhang Lie appeared, it caused a small sensation.

However, this sensation was sensational, but no one dared to approach him at will, and even subconsciously cautious after hitting him.

Just kidding, this guy even dares to kill the Long family directly, who dares to provoke him easily?

I go, why are you looking at me like that, am I so scary?

After making a weak rant, Zhang Lie first walked around the black iron base, then walked towards the deserted desert before disappearing invisibly.

Let some guys who are interested in following them all do nothing.