Chapter 0164 came here admiringly


He was somewhat unhappy about being followed in the Magic Pattern Forest before, so Zhang Lie would naturally be a little more cautious when he took action afterwards.

Besides, since the last time I persecuted several big families here, many people are extremely curious about the creatures in Moonlight Lake.

With his current reputation, if he appeared in Moonlight Lake in front of everyone's eyes, it would inevitably make people think about it.

Walking into the forest, Zhang Lie's body was filled with the source of light, and then the Wind Wolf Soul Jade turned on, and the whole person turned into a white light and went straight to the direction of Moonlight Lake.


But after a while, the sound of the waterfall's water could be faintly heard. After confirming the direction, Zhang Lie quickened his pace, passed through a jungle, and came to the familiar waterfall again.

Below the waterfall is the Moonlight Pool. Because of the waterfall, the water pool is constantly rippling, and the sound of rushing water continues to sound.

Countless water droplets splashed on Zhang Lie's body, and the cold water droplets instantly shocked him!

"Moonlight Lake."

Zhang Lie murmured, unlike last time, this time he was able to take a good look at the entire lake.

Without this rushing waterfall, the entire Moonlight Lake would be extremely calm, and the lake water was so clear that the visibility was full of ten meters of water plants scattered and a few small fishes could be seen swimming by.

However, there is an endless abyss below the center of the lake. The abyss seems to be a bottomless mouth with bubbles floating up from time to time. Standing above and looking down, it seems to be facing a huge monster, which is inexplicably creepy. .

Zhang Lie looked down at the abyss, and at the very bottom must be the existence of the Moonlight Jiao, which was also his goal in the Void Realm in the near future.

After looking at the lake, Zhang Lie looked around, and the surrounding environment was basically a little damp. In such a situation, fighting against the Moonlight Flood Dragon, the water attribute method can gain a certain advantage.

But the Moonlight Flood Dragon itself is a genetic creature of the Flood Dragon class, and it has a stronger advantage than anyone else when it fights with it in places with water.


Just when Zhang Lie was choosing an excellent fighting environment, a lot of bubbles suddenly appeared on the lake. Seeing this, Zhang Lie's eyes narrowed, and he hurriedly used the Wind Wolf Soul Jade to leave Moonlight Lake.

Now is not the time to fight the Moonlight Flood Dragon. After all, this is the Void Realm. If no one is vigilant, other genetic warriors will hear the movement, which will not do him any good.

Leaving quickly, and engraving the surrounding environment in his mind, Zhang Lie left the Phantom Forest.

After he left, the originally boiling Moonlight Lake returned to calm again, but in the abyss, a pupil the size of a lantern suddenly opened…

Just when Zhang Lie was inquiring about Moonlight Lake, the black iron base on this side was boiling.

There are no gene warriors hunting gene beasts, but the Black Iron Base is overcrowded.

"What's the matter? No room?"

"I'm still thinking of taking a comfortable bath, and I will participate in the Void Title Battle the day after tomorrow!"

"Don't think about it, many people made reservations a week ago."

Countless genetic warriors cursed.

At the same time, Zhang Lie also just planned to return to reality from the Black Iron Base. When he heard all this news, he was stunned. He didn't expect that there were only less than two days left in the Void title battle?

"Zhang Lie, long time no see."

A familiar voice sounded, Zhang Lie retracted his thoughts and raised his head to look back, only to see Chu Feng and Chu Xun walking over with smiling faces.

"It's been a long time, this Void title battle is about to start." Zhang Lie smiled helplessly.

"Yeah, this time the Void title battle has not even started, and it has already made me a little nervous."

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said, enough to see his excitement.

"Hehe, brother, you must have met Zhang Lie nervously, and then got beaten up?"

The little girl Chu Xun made a face at Chu Feng and said.

"Cough cough! You still know that I'm your brother, so can't you save me some face?"

Chu Feng coughed awkwardly, and then glanced at Zhang Lie cautiously.

To be honest, let's not talk about other places now, just among the younger generation of Huaxia, who is not afraid to meet Zhang Lie in the title battle in the void?

"By the way, speaking of this matter, brother lie, should you sign up?" Chu Feng immediately changed the subject.

"Sign up?"

Zhang Lie was stunned for a moment. During this time, he was really busy. First there was the Black Wind Fortress and then the martial arts disciples. This Void title battle was ignored by him, and he has not signed up yet.

"Brother Zhang…you won't forget to sign up, right?"

Seeing this, Chu Feng's face twitched, and his heart can be described as mixed.

Judging from Zhang Lie's current strength, he is an uncrowned king, and even if he does not participate, he cannot shake his most advanced strength in the Void Realm.

"Well, I really forgot, can I still apply now?"

Zhang Lie asked flatly, and Chu Feng's face twitched again. If others forget to sign up, they may be in a hurry at this time, but it doesn't seem to be too important to Zhang Lie.

"You are lucky, today is the last day."

Chu Feng took a deep breath, quite a bit like a dead person.

"Haha, brother, are you jealous, jealous?"

The little girl Chu Xun laughed immediately, and didn't give Chu Feng any steps to go down, and even dismantled the platform directly.

"That… brother lie, sign up for the Void Realm too, I'll take you there!"

Chu Feng coughed awkwardly and once again skillfully changed the subject.

"It's work." Zhang Lie smiled.

Then Chu Feng and Zhang Lie squeezed into the crowd and walked towards the central area of the Black Iron Base.

Because the title battle in the void can only be participated in by one world, the registration points are specially set for each, and the battle after that is in this world.

Today is the deadline, after all, the time in reality is different from that in the Void Realm.

Walking to the depths of the black iron base hall, a somewhat lazy genetic warrior was sleeping on his head.

No way, today is the last day to sign up, those who should sign up have already signed up, so today he is extraordinarily free.

"excuse me..."

"Just enter the details on Jingyuan to sign up."

"Then can you help your combat members sign up?"

"As long as you are the captain and the genetic team is registered at the base!"

The staff member replied lazily, without even raising his head.

Hearing this, Zhang Lie breathed a sigh of relief. He pressed the data entry instrument on the table with one hand, held the crystal element of the instrument and conveyed the data he wanted to convey in his mind.

"Ding! Competitors, the captain of the extreme team–Zhang Lie, the team members–Sun Mengmeng, Fang Yi, Sun Xiaowu, Li Feng, Yang Ze, Zhou Ying."

When Zhang Lie released Jingyuan, the data entry device immediately broadcast the report.

In an instant, the surroundings became quiet, and everyone immediately turned to Zhang Lie and the others.

The staff member suddenly raised his head and stared at Zhang Lie.

"What, did I fill in the wrong information?" Zhang Lie asked in a daze.

"Yes… No! God, Zhang Lie still signed up for the competition!"

"What should I do, the champion of this Void Title Battle seems to have been born!"

"It's over, if you're the first to meet him with bad luck, what's the point?"

"Don't worry, it should be the people in Ningcheng who panic first."

Many genetic warriors suddenly began to discuss in whispers.

Chu Feng sighed, Zhang Lie, the god of killing, participated in the competition, making this Void title battle almost nothing to watch.

"Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie, why did you sign up now?"

"You should have told me earlier that it was you who signed up."

The staff member even asked with a smile and concern.

The staff chatted with all kinds of enthusiasm, which was in stark contrast to the sloppy appearance before. Even Chu Feng, the eldest young master of the Chu family, was left aside.

After all, this enthusiastic staff member informed Zhang Lie about the subsequent competition.

Zhang Lie finally got the time to participate and the order of appearances in the preliminary round. This so-called Void title battle is a battle for the glory of genetic warriors, and it is also a super-large event for the country and even the federation to screen talents.

Screening from various cities, countries and planets, it is divided into five stages: city ranking battle, national ranking battle, planetary hegemony station, and void title battle.

Zhang Lie's household registration is in Ningcheng, so the order of appearances obtained is naturally the order of appearances of Ningcheng.

"Hey, why am I from Ning Cheng?"

"There is no doubt that Ning Cheng's champion has appeared."

"Forget it, the top three can advance, the first is gone, let's fight for the second!"

Many of Ningcheng's gene warriors let out a long sigh.

Zhang Lie did not hear it, and after having a general understanding of the process, he returned to the world through the teleportation array.

Compared with the title battle in the void, what he values more now is the matter of the Moonlight Jiao.

"How long has it been, he has grown to such a level, alas, the old man in the clan, what a shame!"

Looking at Zhang Lie's back, Chu Feng sighed again.

"Okay, don't be sentimental, except for our Zhang Lie, you are also a top-notch type, work hard, or you won't be able to see the shadow of being dumped!"

Chu Xun gloated, and his elbow was even more than 108,000 miles away.

"You girl, are you the Chu family or the Zhang family?"

Chu Feng looked at the quirky Chu Xun and said helplessly.

"It's still the Chu family for now, but it will definitely be the Zhang family in the future!"

The little girl looked at Zhang Lie's back, her eyes full of seriousness.

Besides, Zhang Lie, after returning to the world from the Void Realm, he returned to the Extreme Martial Arts Academy and informed Sun Mengmeng and others about the registration.

However, as soon as he entered the trial area, he saw Sun Mengmeng chatting with a few new faces.

Zhang Lie didn't have much to hide in his own martial arts hall, and walked out directly.

"Captain." Sun Mengmeng greeted immediately.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes immediately cast on Zhang Lie, including those few faces.

"Master Zhang."

Several people spoke in unison, and Zhang Lie also took this to look at a few people.

Dressed in neat armor, all with straight waists, most of them are around 30 years old, and from the perspective of energy fluctuations, at least they must be genetic warriors of the Second Realm.

Seeing this, Sun Mengmeng also explained to Zhang Lie, it turned out that this group of people were all Ning Cheng's gene warriors, and like Zhang Lie, they did not belong to any faction, and they were all well-known in Ning Cheng.