Chapter 0165 The event will start


This time, he came here because of his reputation, and his main appeal was to find an errand in the extreme martial arts hall.

Just happened to run into the extreme martial arts hall beckoning the martial arts instructor, even if he learned that Zhang Lie was not in the martial arts hall, he still chose to wait patiently here.

"Hello Master Zhang, this is Wang Li."

"Next is Xu Xiu."

"Ding Qiang is here."

The three leading people all stepped forward and respectfully introduced themselves. Judging from their age, they were a little older than Zhang Lie, but Zhang Lie's eyes did not despise them in the slightest.

Gene martial arts, the master is the teacher!

For now, Zhang Lie is at a height that they can't touch, whether it's cultivation technique or combat power.

"Zhang Lie!"

Since the other party is polite, Zhang Lie will naturally not be too cold.

"How many would you like to teach at my extreme martial arts hall?" Without any politeness, Zhang Lie went straight to the point.

"Yes, in addition, if possible, I hope Master Zhang can guide us in his spare time."

Xu Xiu took a deep breath, a little war spirit in his eyes.

Being born in a slum area can achieve this level. In the eyes of genetic warriors without any background, Zhang Lie exists like a god.

If they can fight against Zhang Lie, they will definitely benefit a lot.

"You can guide, you can teach, but in my extreme martial arts hall, there are regulations for each zodiac and martial arts!"

"In short, you may have to break down and rebuild, so are you still coming?"


A rough voice sounded, and one of the strong men said quite boldly.

Seeing this, the others also joined in.

"Okay, so the extreme martial arts hall welcomes everyone to join!"

Zhang Lie said with a smile, these people have shown enough attitude, Zhang Lie naturally will not make things difficult.

As for what happens after that, it depends on their subsequent performance.

Wang Li, Xu Xiu, Ding Qiang, Luo Xiao and others were all relieved. In fact, they had already broken down and rebuilt before that.

If Zhang Lie refused, the three of them didn't know what to do next. Fortunately, the worst did not happen.

Zhang Lie is indeed extraordinary.

The next thing is simple, and soon this batch of new martial arts directors will be arranged by Sun Mengmeng.

I believe that it will not be long before the martial arts hall will be put into normal operation.

To be honest, during this period of time, Sun Mengmeng and others were quite tired. Due to the overwhelming response, the martial arts hall was short of manpower, and everyone in the extreme team could be said to be both a disciple and a mentor.

After this batch of martial arts instructors came in, their pressure was bound to drop sharply.

Everything was handled properly, and the tasks of Sun Mengmeng and others were temporarily over. Zhang Lie immediately called the entire limit team. The main thing to discuss was naturally the Void title battle a day later.

With all the members here, Sun Mengmeng and the others were still somewhat tired.

"Have you forgotten about the Void Title War?"

Looking at the tired crowd, Zhang Lie took a deep breath and said suddenly.

The voice echoed continuously throughout the conference hall, and everyone in the extreme team was stunned for a moment.

"Fuck! I forgot about this!" Yang Ze was the first to exclaim.

Sun Mengmeng had heard Zhang Lie say it before, but naturally there was not much response.

Zhang Lie was speechless, these guys really follow his temperament, and this kind of thing will be forgotten.

"Captain, what should I do now?" Li Feng and Yang Ze suddenly became anxious.

"Don't worry, since the captain told us like this, it has naturally been arranged."

Fang Yi was calm, and even guessed that he was inseparable.

"Yes, I also learned from the Void Realm that we almost missed the last day of registration today." Zhang Lie said helplessly.

The hearts of everyone in the extreme team are tight. The title battle in the void is extremely important to everyone, and it is almost the battle that every Void Realm Gene Warrior yearns for the most.

In addition to being able to obtain a series of honors, it is also possible to obtain rich rewards from China and the Federation, which is an event not to be missed for every gene warrior.

"Well, the Void Title War is one thing, and I have one more thing to inform you!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Lie's expression suddenly became solemn.

Such a performance naturally caused everyone in the extreme team to immediately restrain their expressions.

After all, they wouldn't dare to neglect something that could make the captain pay so much attention.

"During the Void Title Battle, we have to go to Moonlight Lake a few times." Zhang Lie said solemnly.

Sun Mengmeng was startled, and immediately took a breath, Moonlight Lake! What can I do in Moonlight Lake?

Naturally, he wanted to do something to the legendary creature in Moonlight Lake. In the last Shadow Forest incident, many people knew that there were super-powerful genetic beasts in the depths of Moonlight Lake.

Judging from the fact that Chu Feng and others teamed up to fight and even killed a Li family member, almost no one can do anything about that big guy, and now the captain has his mind on that thing.

"If you don't want it, I won't force it."

Zhang Lie continued to speak, his expression was indifferent, and there was no trace of waves.

"No, why would you not want to, since the captain is going, we will naturally go too!"

"That's right, what Captain Jian Feng pointed out, I'm waiting for what my heart wants!"

Everyone in the Extreme Squad immediately made a statement.

"Okay, when to act, I will tell you after a preliminary investigation, and now prepare for the Void Title War!"

As Zhang Lie's words fell, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of everyone in the extreme team.

After ten years of sharpening a sword, Frostblade has never tried, and this moment has finally come.

At the same time, Zhang Lie's opponents also began to prepare.



Lingnan Long Family.

"The Void Title War is about to begin!" Long Xiao asked while looking at the elders below.

"Yes, tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the Void Title War." One of the elders responded immediately.

"Really, can Zhang Lie sign up!"

Long Xiao continued to ask, with a slightly wrinkled face with IQ and no mood swings.

"That Zhang Lie almost missed the registration, but at the last minute, he signed up with his extreme team!"

The elder sighed lightly, clearly knowing what Zhang Lie's participation represented.

When the disciples of the Long family below heard the words, their expressions changed, and their eyes couldn't help but feel a little resentful.

"Why do you want to join in their fun even at that height?"

"Why did you miss the registration deadline for the Void Title Tournament, but it arrived at the end."

This is the innermost thought of every Dragon family disciple.

"Okay! Since he dares to participate, let him participate."

Long Xiao's face suddenly twisted without any sign, and there seemed to be some deep meaning hidden in his words.

The entire Long Family discussion hall was immediately enveloped by an icy aura, and many of the elders and elite disciples below were afraid to breathe.

"Prepare for the title battle in the void, I will handle the matter of Zhang Lie."

In the blink of an eye, Long Xiao returned to calm again, but the family council was still shrouded in a severe cold.

Hearing the order, many elders and elite children of the dragon clan scrambled to retreat.

After a while, until all the elders and disciples left, a person in the shadow of the conference hall slowly walked out.

"Recently try to find a way to get Zhang Lie's whereabouts, I want you to kill with one blow!"

Long Xiao opened his mouth in a deep voice, and the terrifying murderous intent in his turbid eyes instantly bloomed.

"Yes! This subordinate knows!"

The shadow immediately responded respectfully, and then his body melted into the darkness, as if it had never appeared before.

It was only at this moment that Long Xiao took a deep breath, and the corner of his mouth raised a sinister smile.

Ningcheng Wang Family, the two cowered and walked to the Wang Family Mansion.

Along the way, the two were extremely uneasy, and they kept looking around, as if they were afraid of being seen.

"Old Yang, do you really want to trade this video?" Reporter Xiao Liu lowered his voice extremely uneasy.

Old Yang shook the chip tightly and swallowed his saliva. This chip was naturally the video of Zhang Lie at the martial arts alliance's combat strength assessment point.

It has been preserved by Lao Yang until now and has never been broadcast.

However, recently he was short of money, so he naturally came up with the idea of videotaping under the trend of interest.

He secretly released a video explaining Zhang Lie's fighting style in detail, and the Wang family contacted him not long after the news was released.

"These days, the daring and timid starve to death, do you want this video to be sealed forever?"

Lao Yang gave Xiao Liu a white look, and the Wang family's offer was so high that he couldn't refuse.

As long as they can successfully trade, they will have nothing to worry about in this life, and they will even turn themselves into high-ranking people from now on!

This is naturally self-evident for the temptation of the two.

Looking at Lao Yang's red eyes, Xiao Liu finally fell silent.

The two were finally brought into the Wang family mansion by the Wang family guards and walked into a dimly lit room.

However, after Lao Yang and Xiao Liu walked in, they never came out again…

On the contrary, the head of the Wang family, Wang, walked out with a cold face. His hands were covered in blood, and he held a wafer in his hand.

"Send this to the Killer Squad, this time will be successful no matter what!"

Handing the chip in his hand to the guard next to him, a confident smile appeared on Wang Han's cold face.

The guard cast a glance at the half-closed door and secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"This subordinate knows, send it immediately." He trotted out with the chip in hand.

"Call someone to clean up this room, and sweep all the waste in it to feed the dogs!"

Wang Han wiped the blood in his hand and said coldly to the other guard beside him.

The guard nodded hastily, and immediately rushed out.

Zhang Lie didn't know and didn't need to know what the Wang and Long families were planning, because the height Zhang Lie was standing at at this moment was already beyond the understanding of these Chinese families.

Therefore, no matter how they calculate, in the end, there will be no second result other than self-destruction.

As for Zhang Lie at this time, he is training the extreme team in person.

During this period, he spent most of his time in the martial arts hall, extreme squad, and special training in Black Wind Fortress.

Especially for the extreme team members, these two days have been an unforgettable nightmare for them.

No way, who asked Zhang Lie to set their goal to be the top ten in the Void Title War.

In this way, it is natural to train these guys hard.

In the early morning of the next day, a red sun had just emerged in a semicircle, and the largest performance square in Ningcheng was already overcrowded.

Most of the comers are strong and imposing, and they are obviously genetic warriors who have returned from the Void Realm.

Such a grand event also means that the city ranking battle in the first stage of the Void Title War is about to start…