Chapter 0167 Victory without a fight


"What, that Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie probably doesn't bother to participate in the city ranking battle!"

"It was Li Sanqing who picked up a bargain."

Many gene warriors complained one after another.

"Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie was not present. According to the rules, he will be deprived of his right to participate in the Void Title War."

Bai Lao coughed, as if to remind Su Feng of something, Su Feng suddenly felt a headache.

The kid told me before that he was going to participate, so he didn't really forget it!

This is a lot of warriors from the world, and it is an opportunity that cannot be found.

"At the last minute, players who do not appear at that time will be regarded as abstaining!"

Bai Lao opened his mouth in a deep voice, and the countdown began in the upper right corner of the big screen. At the same time, the battle had already begun in other arenas.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Li Sanqing stared at the clock intently and muttered, he desperately hoped that the clock would return to zero soon.

That way, he can win games without breaking a sweat.

"It's only thirty seconds, that kid probably won't come."

Su Feng sighed helplessly, although Zhang Lie's strength did not need to be proved by the Void title battle.

But the rewards of this competition are quite generous. Could it be that he doesn't like it?

What a headache guy!

"Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie, didn't you arrive?"

Bai Lao moistened his voice and asked in a deep voice, the silence below, and many gene warriors breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Zhang Lie would not be able to attend.

"It's here, it's here!"

However, at this critical moment, several figures shoved from the crowd into the battle preparation area.

At such a moment, who else can it be if it is not the limit team.

The prepared elites who had just breathed a sigh of relief were all gasping for air.

When Li Sanqing above heard the sound, he almost fainted in front of his eyes.

From hell to heaven, and then from heaven to hell, what a terrible word.

"Come up quickly, you are almost late at this juncture, what are you thinking, it's ridiculous!"

Su Feng coughed a little warmly, but then looked at Li Sanqing on the battle stage with pity in his eyes.

Zhang Lie didn't say much and got into the light curtain, and Zhang Lie appeared directly on the battle stage when the light flickered.

At this time, Li Sanqing was already trembling in both hands, and he had no fighting spirit.

Just kidding, this is the dragon wolf Zhang Lie, the dragon slayer and the Li family, a total of five great descendants!

After Zhang Lie stepped onto the battle stage, he first stretched his waist, and all the muscles and bones all over his body made a crackling sound.

Accompanied by the sound of bones and muscles, the source energy of the whole body slowly bloomed, and the terrifying breath made Li Sanqing feel suffocated.

"I haven't moved my muscles for a long time."

Zhang Lie murmured, his words were quite relaxed and comfortable.

But after hearing this in Li Sanqing's ears, that's not the case.

From his point of view, the other party said that he wanted to move his muscles and bones, that is to say, he wanted to use him for surgery?

The more he thought about it, the more nervous he became, and many bloody images flashed through his mind.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Lie."

When the preparations were completed, Zhang Lie greeted him with a smile on his face, and that smile really came from the heart.

After all, it's just a discussion, and Li Sanqing has no grudges or hatred with him, and his strength is more like a child in his eyes.

Seeing this smile, many of the gene warriors below who were paying attention to this side all looked strange.

Once upon a time, when the extreme martial arts hall opened, they had seen similar smiles, how friendly and amiable, but…behind this amiability, there was endless blood and blood.

"I surrender!"

Li Sanqing's heart beat faster, and then he gave a low growl and conceded defeat.

Its speed is so fast that everyone has not yet reacted.

"I'm going! I'll admit defeat, this is the first round, cowardly!

"Cowardly? Funny? That's Zhang Lie, the dragon wolf!"

"What a wise choice, I'm going to face the dragon wolf Zhang Lie, and I'll just admit defeat if I don't even get on stage!"

"This guy is not very lucky."

Everyone below said that they were not surprised by such a result.

"Li Sanqing, you can think clearly, if you admit defeat in this battle, you can only participate in the elimination round!"

Bai Lao is not surprised, after all, many people in the past chose to preserve their strength when they knew they were lost.

"I figured it out."

Li Sanqing swallowed his saliva and replied, who would dare to confront this killing god, wouldn't this be courting death?

Zhang Lie's ferocious record is well-known in the entire Void Realm. Whether it is the Wang family, the Qin family or the Long family, none of them can take advantage of him.

He was decisive in killing, and his methods were really outrageous. Li Sanqing inexplicably regarded Zhang Lie as a devil.


Zhang Lie was stunned for a moment, the title battle in the void would be a rare opportunity for every genetic warrior of the world.

Besides, under this kind of competition system, he would definitely not do anything to the opponent. The opponent actually surrendered directly, which surprised him somewhat.


Li Sanqing didn't say much, and quickly left the fighting platform.

The winner of No. 363 fighting platform, Long Lang Zhang Lie!

Li Sanqing's admission of defeat means that the battle here is over, and the blue light on the fighting platform condenses into a line of small characters, declaring Zhang Lie's victory.

At this time, on the rest of the fighting skills stage that started first, the battle situation is still extremely fierce, and it is feared that the winner will not be determined for a while.

As a result, Zhang Lie, the guy who started the fight last, but ended the fight first, once again became a much-anticipated outlier.

"Captain, you're too powerful, you're going to scare your opponent out of the water if you don't make a move."

As soon as he returned to the area where the extreme team was located, Sun Xiaowu said with his eyes shining.

Sun Mengmeng and others also agreed, and the competition system was set there, so Li Sanqing had absolutely no need to be afraid.

"Leave me alone, there is still time now, hurry up and study your own opponents!"

Zhang Lie smiled indifferently, and said angrily.

After looking at the schedule, Sun Mengmeng and others began to look for their opponent's information.

As for Zhang Lie, because of the victory, I am afraid that the second battle will not start until the afternoon, which makes the other gene warriors relax.

"The second batch, No. 451 Fighting Platform, Sun Mengmeng VS Yang Piaopiao!"

Sun Mengmeng's name was broadcast on the light screen, Sun Mengmeng's expression became condensed when she heard the words, and then she immediately entered the standby area.

"Sister, come on!"

"Come on Mengmeng!"

The members of the extreme squad are all cheering for it.

Sun Mengmeng looked back at everyone, and then took a deep breath.

"Captain, do you think Sun Mengmeng can do it?" Fang Yi and the others looked at Zhang Lie and asked.

Zhang Lie's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew Sun Mengmeng's strength. After breaking through the limit of ordinary genes, she took the No. 1 limit medicine. According to Li Lun, her strength was stronger than that of Chu Feng, Yun Bing and others.

Coupled with Zhang Lie's carefully selected exercises and Soul Jade advantages, defeating that Yang Piao Piao should not be too easy.

However, judging from the data, Yang Piaopiao comes from Yinzong Wuguan, and is good at using strange sonic attacks, which is often hard to guard against!

Although Sun Mengmeng has some actual combat experience, she seldom fights enemies who use sonic attacks.

"It takes time to urge sound waves. If Mengmeng is on the field, her long-range advantage will explode, and she will definitely be able to win in an instant!"

"But if you are hesitant and let the other party keep urging the sound waves to superimpose each other, it may be a waste of time!"

After a simple analysis, Zhang Lie gave the answer with a chuckle, obviously very relieved to Sun Mengmeng.

Speaking of Sun Mengmeng, the moment she stood on the fighting platform, a light curtain flickered on the opposite side, and a woman with a big brown wave in her arms appeared.

Its face is beautiful, lying silkworm Dan phoenix eyes, purple eyes, a little bit coquettish, a leather battle suit, and the bumps against the figure.

One charming and charming, one quiet and heroic, coupled with Sun Mengmeng's identity, the battle between the two beauties naturally attracted the attention of many people.

"Mengmeng sister, are you a member of the extreme team?"

As soon as he came up, Yang Piaopiao greeted him very well, and it was like a fan meeting an idol.


Sun Mengmeng chuckled, but the source energy in her body began to condense secretly.

"Everyone is so overwhelmed by Zhang Lie, can you let others, Piao Piao doesn't want to lose too ugly!"

"How about letting Piao Piao play a solo song for you?"

Yang Piaopiao stretched her waist, revealing her perfect figure, as if she wanted to attract Sun Mengmeng's attention.


"Sorry, this is a fighting stage, not a stage, take it!"

Sun Mengmeng was unmoved by it at all, and almost the moment the other party said that he wanted to play solo, the source of fire all over his body burst out.

With a shock in the right hand, the divine bird bow was in hand, the bowstring vibrated, and the bow and arrow were bent, all in one go!


A low whistling like a phoenix sound resounded through the entire fighting stage, and a purple fire phoenix shot Yang Piaopiao with terrifying power.


Yang Piao Piao obviously did not expect that the opponent would make such a decisive move, and the first move was a ruthless move.

When the strategy failed, Yang Piao Piao also roared, the whole body's source energy exploded instantly, and immediately began to counterattack.

The jingling guzheng sounded clearly in Sun Mengmeng's mind, and the beat of every note shocked her mind.

"I'm going, let's fight!" Sun Xiaowu exclaimed below, and the extreme team and even the surrounding people immediately watched the battle between the two beauties.


"Sound Wave Technique, Beast Roar!"

In the huge roar, Feng Ming and the beast's roar overlapped, and the source power of wind and purple erupted, and the scene was unusually hot.


In the aftermath of the two-color source force, Yang Piaopiao fluttered out, and the sound of the guzheng stopped.

With the quality and thickness of the source power, Yang Piaopiao is naturally not Sun Mengmeng's opponent.

With one arrow to retreat the enemy, Sun Mengmeng endured the discomfort in her head, the bowstring vibrated continuously, and several arrows connected into one character, directly blocking all Yang Piaopiao's movements.

Yang Piao Piao's eyes turned cold, but her figure disappeared like a ghost.


However, at this moment, a burst of the fighting platform suddenly shook, and Sun Mengmeng's feet burst into flames, rushing out like a lioness.


The sound of rushing fists and palms suddenly formed a line, but it was only for a moment that calm returned.

The aftermath of the two-color source power completely dissipated, and Sun Mengmeng, who was holding Yang Piaopiao's neck in one hand, appeared indifferently in front of everyone.

No. 451 Fighting Stage Winner – Sun Mengmeng!