Chapter 0168 Defeat Sun Li


"How is this possible?" Yang Piao Piao couldn't believe it.

Before, he had clearly activated the super virtual soul jade, so the other party should not be able to capture her position.

How could it be possible to find him in an instant, and take him in melee combat before his own blurring was complete?

Doesn't the data say that the woman in front of me is a long-range firepower output in the extreme team? Why is the melee ability so strong?

In her hands, she couldn't make three moves! What kind of monsters are in the extreme squad! ?

Seeing this, Sun Mengmeng raised her mouth slightly, and smiled lightly: "Nothing is impossible, the ability to blur the soul jade is really good, but unfortunately the process of blurring is too slow, and you are not the only one who owns the soul jade!"

"As long as you are still alive and have even the slightest bit of warmth on your body, I can find you right away!"

At this moment, all the spectators below gave Sun Mengmeng a deep look.

Only at this moment did they realize that Zhang Lie was not the only one who was stronger in the extreme team, and Sun Mengmeng was also not to be underestimated.

After the battle was over, Yang Piaopiao's neck was loosened, and after Sun Mengmeng gave another clasped fist, she returned directly from the fighting platform to the preparation area.

"Sister, are you too good?"

"Yeah, I just pinched the woman in three or two!"

As soon as they came down, Sun Xiaowu, Yang Ze and others swarmed up, asking all kinds of questions.

Sun Mengmeng shook her head with a wry smile, and seemed too satisfied with her previous performance.

For a long time to come, no one in the extreme squad will play again.

On the contrary, some children from aristocratic families began to enter the battle stage one after another, and most of them successfully advanced to the next round.

Time flies, and it's almost noon in the blink of an eye, and the seventh batch is finally about to start.

In this batch, the extreme team Fang Yi was on the list.

"Preparation for the seventh batch of duels, battle platform No. 9, Fang Yi VS Sun Li!"

The list was listed on the screen and the voices were played in sequence. When the names of Fang Yi and Sun Li of the Tianhuo Wuguan appeared at the top of the screen at the same time, the preparation area below instantly boiled.

"It's your time, Fang Yi!" Zhang Lie said with a light smile, his tone was relaxed, making Fang Yi inexplicably at ease.

In fact, among all the opponents of the team members this time, this Sun Li should be the most background and strongest opponent.

Because this guy is the number one existence in the Tianzhou Base's combat power list, and is also the last row of this generation of disciples in Tianhuo Martial Arts Hall, his strength is no less than that of the major young masters in Kyoto.

The owner of the Tianhuo Martial Arts Hall shuddered slightly when he heard the words, but in the end he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Like said that he has been one of the most promising martial arts disciples in recent years, but he didn't expect to suddenly kill a monster like Zhang Lie.

A light curtain appeared on the battle platform No. 9, and Sun Li was also relieved.

"Go, Sun Li, let the people of Ningcheng know that there is not only one extreme martial arts hall here!"

The owner of Tianhuo Pavilion couldn't help but speak, and there was some resentment in his words.

After the opening of the extreme martial arts hall, it was a devastating blow to the entire Ningcheng martial arts field.

But even so, they could only be angry at Zhang Lie, because this kid discovered the limit gene.

Because his relationship with the Huaxia military is very shallow, if he acts rashly, it is not a new thing to directly fold it.

Now that he has the opportunity to openly and honestly kill the prestige of the extreme martial arts hall, he is naturally happy to hear it.

However, remembering Sun Mengmeng's previous performance, he immediately added: "Won the game steadily, don't underestimate the enemy!"

Sun Li took a deep breath. Yang Piaopiao's experience was still vivid in his mind. How could he underestimate the enemy at this moment?

"Don't worry, owner, watch me move back to a city for you and Tianhuo!"

The voice fell, and Sun Li stepped into the light curtain and appeared directly on the No. 9 battle platform.

When the preparation time came, Zhang Lie on the other side wrote lightly, "Go on Fang Yi, that guy is definitely not your opponent!"

Although Zhang Lie's words were an understatement, he did not deliberately lower his volume, causing the surrounding gene warriors to turn around curiously.

Such an understatement to say these words is enough to see how confident Zhang Lie is in Fang Yi's strength.

Fang Yi nodded heavily. With Zhang Lie's words, his confidence greatly increased. He strode directly into the light curtain and quickly stood on the No. 9 battle platform.

The two sides entered and looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

The owner of Tianhuo Pavilion was secretly tight. From Sun Mengmeng's performance before, he knew that Zhang Lie's team might not be easy, and he was still somewhat worried.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Lie and the others, not only Zhang Lie himself, but also Sun Mengmeng, Sun Xiaowu, Zhou Ying, etc. who were present, and they didn't seem to be worried at all.

Fang Yi has always been in a strong main attack position in the extreme team. In terms of hard power, except for Sun Mengmeng's strength, everyone else is definitely not his opponent.


Fang Yi held the black spear in a deep voice, then clenched the body of the spear and stared at Sun Li.

Just pulling the stance, Sun Li trembled inexplicably.

In his eyes, Fang Yi, who did not move, seemed to be a thunder beast hiding in the dark clouds.

Is this oppression?

What a joke, he is Sun Li of the Tianhuo Martial Arts Academy, how could he feel this sense of oppression from his peers!

Impossible, illusion, must be an illusion!

"Please advise, Sun Li of Tianhuo Wuguan!"

After trying to calm down, Sun Li didn't say much. He also opened his stance and looked at Fang Yi with great vigilance.

Obviously, at this moment, he has been captured by Fang Yi's breath, and he does not dare to take the initiative.

Fang Yi's eyes narrowed when he saw this, but he was not polite at all.

"Take me a move, wind and thunder kill!"

With a low shout, the military boots stepped forward, and there was a thunderous sound, and a small lightning bolt drilled out of his body like a snake.

At the same time, there was a sudden gust of wind all over his body, and he instantly turned into a god holding wind and thunder.

"The source power of the wind and thunder!?" Seeing Fang Yi's power, Sun Li couldn't help but exclaimed.

At the same time, the skin all over his body was instantly red, and then he quickly retreated without hesitation, and even in a hurry, he was able to bring bursts of afterimages, and the speed was not unpleasant.

At this time, Fang Yi, who turned into wind and thunder, was stunned by the cold light of the black spear, and the power of wind, thunder and lightning lingered on it in a spiral shape.

"Whoo… bang!"

A shot was fired, the wind whistled, the thunder danced wildly, and even the azure light that formed the battle platform shook a little in an instant.

The entire battle platform was immediately enveloped by wind and thunder, and Sun Lize turned into a small boat in the violent wind and thunder, and had to flee with all his strength.


However, his speed is fast, but Fang Yi's marksmanship is even faster.

The silver lightning flashed, and Sun Li's body suddenly flew upside down. The instant the thunder poured out, Fang Yi's pupils shrank suddenly.

Rao is so, Sun Li, who flew upside down, vomited blood while still in the air.

As soon as he landed, a long spear hit his throat. Cold sweat poured from Sun Li's forehead. He was disheartened and said without hesitation, "I admit defeat!"

Fang Yi's pupils sharpened, and he quickly retracted his spear.

"excuse me!"

With this sound falling, it also means that the battle between the two has ended.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and the audience who followed this side didn't even understand what was going on. The battle was over!

"I smack, what's the situation? Am I dazzled? Sun Li was instantly stunned!"

"You're not dazzled, at least I saw it, aren't we dreaming?"

"Extreme team, it's just not right, even Sun Li was beaten up, let's just abstain from the vote!"

There was a moment of silence, and an uproar immediately erupted.

Before, everyone thought that there would be a battle between the two, and most people even thought that Sun Li would win.

Unexpectedly, Fang Yi won Sun Li cleanly with just one move, which was much bigger than the impact of Sun Mengmeng's victory before.

The face of the owner of the Tianhuo Pavilion turned black in an instant. Sun Li was the signature of the younger generation of the Tianhuo Martial Arts Pavilion. Since he was defeated, the Tianhuo Martial Arts Pavilion was defeated.

Moreover, Sun Li was not placed in Zhang Lie's hands, but was defeated by his teammates.

In this way, it is tantamount to giving Tianhuo Wuguan a big ear stick, and it is not an ordinary force.

At this moment, the owner of the fire hall that day only felt a burning pain in his old face.

On the other side, Wang Han's face turned gloomy, and the extreme team was this extreme team again.

What kind of team is this, everyone in it is unknown, but all of them are extremely powerful.

Where the hell is Zhang Lie, and where did he find these perverts?

If Zhang Lie is nothing, then Sun Mengmeng and Fang Yi are so strong, it makes no sense.

You know, the stronger they are, the more disadvantageous it is to the young leaders of the Wang family!

"The winner of the 9 battles – Fang Yi!"

No matter what the Wang family or other enemies thought, Qingguang immediately gathered Fang Yi after the battle, and his name was also included in the winner group.

Sun Li gasped for breath, his face was extremely pale. Although it was only a match before, Fang Yi's attack just now made him feel the danger of death.

In other words, if the other party hadn't withdrawn most of the force from the previous shot, he'd probably already be dead at this moment.

That kind of fear of death made his opponent Yi regenerate no hostility.

He knew that this time he was completely defeated, no matter from the battle control, to the accumulation of source power, to the application of the exercises, everything was a complete defeat.

In the battle between the two sides, except for the equipment-type weapons and armored soul jade, he didn't even have the opportunity to use other super soul jade to be placed under the opponent's thunder.

Complete defeat, defeat simply, defeat convincingly!

He struggled to stand up, put away all his arrogance, and said with all his heart: "No matter what you do, thank you for your mercy!"

Seeing the changes in the arena, the owner of the Tianhuo Pavilion couldn't help but scolded: "It's a waste, I've thrown it home!"

How vicious his eyes were, he could naturally see that the power of Fang Yi's previous blow was more of a force, and he used the force of wind and thunder to control his courage, making it hard for Sun Li to resist.

In fact, if he took the initiative to attack, he might still lose, but he would never lose so badly.


Fang Yi shook his wrist and retracted his black spear to face Sun Li. He was arrogant during the war, like a god descended from the earth, but after the end, he was low-key and restrained, completely different from before.

"Been taught a lesson!"

Sun Li respectfully returned the salute, and after that, he didn't say much more, and went back to the preparation area first.

After Fang Yi and Sun Li fought, the morning game was coming to an end.

Fang Yi just returned to the team not long ago, and Bai Lao directly announced after looking at the time that the morning competition was temporarily over, and the first round of auditions continued at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

As a result, the genetic warriors below the square scattered in an instant, or went to a nearby hotel to rest, or found a clean place to adjust their status and prepare for the afternoon battle.