Chapter 0170 is not what it used to be



Niu Minglong roared, and in an instant, the battle platform was shrouded in red and white source power.

"Hmph, just a few pounds?"

The corners of Wang Xuan's mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes were full of disdain.

From his point of view, the other party is taking the move in the flesh, and it belongs to the behavior of courting death.

In fact, Bai Longguang's print is a close-up exercise, and it is equipped with a body-refinement exercise. Such a collision is actually in Li Feng's arms.


In the roar of Niu Minglong, a roar suddenly broke out, and the white dragon and the bull were completely connected, and then bursts of dazzling white light burst forth, directly swallowing the blood-colored bull and everything in front of him.

"What? Impossible! How is this possible?"

Seeing this, Wang Xuan's pupils shrank, and when he exclaimed, he was directly hit by a white light, and his body flew out like a broken kite.

In the end, like a sack, it fell on the blue light wall on the left side, and after a large amount of blood donation was scattered in the air, it slowly fell to the ground.

How miserable and miserable it was, the audience below fell into a state of stunned again.

"I'm going, what's the situation, Wang Xuan is also defeated in one blow?"

"That's the No. 1 combat power list in the Black Gold Base. This Li Feng was a little-known person before!"

"Wang Xuan is in his hands, so he can't walk in two?"

"Damn it, how defiant is the Extreme Squad?"

The result was obvious, and the spectators below were discussing again.

No way, who let Zhang Lie and his team go against the sky.

Whether it was Fang Yi or Sun Mengmeng before, the process of winning was quite easy, and people had to pay attention.

Even elders like Bai Lao and Su Feng had a hint of surprise in their pupils. Li Feng's performance just now was too dazzling.

You know, his opponent is Wang Xuan, who was trained by the Wang family.

"The winner of the 35 battle stage – Li Feng!"

While everyone was in a daze, the light-brained big screen gave the final result.

At this time, Li Feng was still in a state of confusion.

what happened? where is this? who I am?

From his point of view, he just blasted out a dragon with all his strength, and the other party flew directly?

"Li Feng on Channel 35, if you don't go down, are you waiting for the next match?"

It wasn't until Elder Bai with a smiling face spoke up that Li Feng quickly reacted and walked down the stage.

In fact, at this moment, not only is he a little stunned, but even the rest of the extreme team is a little stunned.

"How do I feel, that Wang Xuan is like a piece of paper, a madman can't handle it with a dragon, is it too wasteful?" Sun Xiaowu's mouth twitched slightly, somewhat puzzled.

"Yeah, the lunatic was actually a little flustered just now, not even full of energy!" Zhou Ying was also full of doubts.

According to the conclusion of the two, Wang Xuan is simply too weak, not as strong as rumored.

"Is this Wang Xuan really on the same level as Chu Feng? Why do I feel that he is like a piece of paper, and it will shatter when touched!"

Li Feng, who came back, said the same thing as soon as he opened his mouth, which undoubtedly made Sun Xiaowu and Zhou Ying even more convinced of Wang Xuan's weakness.

As for the genetic warriors near the extreme squad, all of them twitched and smiled bitterly.

Wang Xuan = paper tiger, it will shatter when touched! This girl doesn't take Wang Xuan as a human at all!

If Wang Xuan heard this, he was afraid that he would be spurted out by a mouthful of old blood.

"You all think Wang Xuan is weak?"

On the other hand, Fang Yi said lightly after seeing that everyone seemed to have reached a consensus.

As soon as these words came out, the extreme team, except Zhang Lie and Sun Mengmeng, all focused on Fang Yi.

Li Feng said even more seriously: "It's very weak, the move Long Teng just now is at most 70% of the usual strength, so he didn't catch it, so he's not weak?"

"No, you are all wrong, it's not that Wang Xuan is too weak, it's that you, Li Feng, are too strong!"

"Calculate the number of your own genes, and then calculate the super soul jade on your body, as well as the proficiency and level of the exercises, and you will understand why you can knock him up with one move!"

Fang Yi said so bluntly that everyone was stunned, and even Li Feng, who had always been slow, reacted immediately.

After following Zhang Lie to become a member of the extreme team, they all experienced life and death experiences several times, and all of them broke through the ordinary extreme genes.

Afterwards, Zhang Lie was given the No. 1 limit potion. Ordinary genes had already reached the maximum limit of 160 points. In terms of gene points, even Chu Feng and Yun Bing would have been left behind by them.

Speaking of the Soul Jade Cultivation Technique, at this moment, they all have at least three or more super Soul Jade that are extremely suitable for their own source power.

The practice method is in a state of getting better after being rebuilt, and the entire Void Realm is definitely the top few people.

At this moment, everyone suddenly woke up. It turned out that before they knew it, they had already surpassed many existences they once looked up to.

The next battle continued, and the remaining members of the extreme team also entered the battle stage one after another. Fortunately, several people were distracted, and there was no phenomenon of the same team fighting.

With their strength, as long as they didn't encounter their own teammates in the Ningcheng ranking battle, they were almost invincible, and naturally they all advanced to the next round.

At the same time, when the Ningcheng War was in full swing, the ranking battle of the Fire City on Mars was almost simultaneously launched.

On the battle stage with the fiery red light curtain, countless figures flew out of it and smashed to the ground.

Martians have always been violent, and the rules of urban warfare have also adopted a more direct melee mode.

There are 1,000 people in a battle stage, but only the last person can advance to the next round.


"I just lost like this?"

"I'm not willing to…"

The genetic warriors who fell from the battle platform were still roaring unwillingly even if they vomited blood.

However, no matter how unwilling they are, they will never be able to return to the stage. Because of the rules on Mars, falling to the battle stage means elimination.

In Arena 7, Yang Ze stood upright, and there was another person standing opposite him.

This also means that as long as they can defeat each other, they can immediately advance to the next round.

"Yo, isn't that the one from the Yang family?"

"Bastard? Didn't you mean going to Junk Star? How can you still have the face to come back to participate in the Void Title Battle?"

Just as Yang Ze was adjusting his state, the surrounding gene warriors sneered again. Obviously, this was not once or twice. Yang Ze didn't even look at those guys.

No way, who made his life experience so unbearable?

Clenching his fist, countless unbearable memories flashed through his mind, and finally settled on the face of Zhang Lie's same extreme team.

Soon, soon, he will end everything here and return to the garbage star these guys call it!

Looking at Yang Yao on the opposite side, a chuckle suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If he ends Yang Yao here, the old guy should vomit blood, he is really looking forward to it!

At the same time, the surrounding spectators finally saw Yang Ze's final opponent.

"Yang Yao!"

"I'm going, the final battle on Channel 7 turned out to be a civil war between the two Yang families?"

"There's a good show to watch, this Yang Yao is the young head of the Yang family, and he has not dealt with this Yang Ze since he was a child! He usually teaches Yang Ze a lot!"

"Looking at the situation now, this is a game of grievance!"

"What kind of grievance game is this? The abuse game is almost the same. Don't say that Yang Ze doesn't have the strength. Even if he has the strength, he doesn't have the courage to win, right?"

"Yes, Yang Yao is the successor of the Yang family, Yang Ze is just an illegitimate child without inheritance rights, there is no suspense!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, the Yang family patriarch can sit on it!"

The gene warriors were talking a lot, but Yang Ze didn't hear it, and just walked slowly towards the center of the battle platform.

On the other side, a young man in purple armor came out with a gloomy face. The two looked at each other, and they even looked a bit similar.

The atmosphere was dignified, and a hurricane roared inexplicably, blowing the corners of their clothes.

"The humble abandoned son, now dare to come back to participate in the Void title battle?"

"Admit defeat, I'll leave you a way to live!" Yang Yao said lightly, his words were arrogant, and his face was full of charity.

Yang Ze didn't speak, instead he looked up at an old man in the spectator seat, but the old man looked away subconsciously when he saw this.

Yang Ze's heart tightened, and then he smiled bitterly: "Your annoying appearance really hasn't changed at all!"

Hearing this, Yang Yao's eyes were sharp, "You dare to talk to me like that?"

Yang Yaoyuan swallowed hard, and the familiar wave roared, but Yang Ze's complexion was complicated and he let out a sigh of relief.

"How dare you talk to you like this, I will step on you in a while, so that you can also taste the taste of being bullied!"

"Just you?"

Yang Yao's eyes burst out with cold energy, and the movement of his movement turned into a breeze that shot Yang Ze.

Yang Ze stood still and let Yang Yao approach, which made Yang Yao even more unscrupulous.

He is very clear about one thing, that is, the cultivation method Yang Ze cultivates must always lower his own numbers.

Moreover, Yang Ze has left the Yang family for several years. Without the help of the resources of the Yang family, Yang Ze has no ability to compete with him!

"Tianxuan Gong!"

The dark purple source power and the armor echoed each other, and the purple light swept the entire battle platform. Under the pressure of the powerful momentum, Yang Ze's brows could not help but frown slightly.

After entering the attack range, Yang Yao was not polite at all, the purple spear in his hand took Yang Ze's neck while he was hesitating, and he meant Yang Ze's life when he shot.

"The Yang family's Tianxuan function stimulates the human body's potential for a short period of time. It is already equivalent to a piece of soul jade that defies the sky, and it is also a piece of soul jade that is constantly evolving. It is simply against the sky!"

"Does Yang Ze intend to capture him just like that?"

"It looks like that's the same thing, his strength is far inferior to his brother, and the consumption of the previous melee was also quite large, I'm afraid this will not work!"

The gene warriors watching the battle below spoke one after another, and the final result of this game seemed to have already appeared.

Even Yang Yao thought that Yang Ze was shocked by his Tianxuan Gong, and it was too late to react.

"Heh, the Yang family's profound art is really good, but it's not invincible, let me break your pitiful pride!"

The motionless Yang Ze suddenly spoke, causing Yang Yao's brows to wrinkle suddenly, a hint of anger flashed across his face, and his hands couldn't help speeding up a bit.

"Waves of Light!"

Just when the head of the gun was less than an inch away from Yang Ze, he suddenly burst out with light blue source power in a low voice, and ripples suddenly arose on the red battle platform, as if the calm lake suddenly fell into stones.

"call out…!".

At the same time, Yang Yao's spear head stabbed Yang Ze's neck, and the audience suddenly became silent. The Yang Patriarch who was sitting in the VIP seat tensed up and suddenly stood up from his seat.

"How does it end?"

"No, is Yang Ze here to die?"

"Hey, now Patriarch Yang is going to feel distressed for a while!"

"I feel bad for a hammer. Yang Ze and his mother are in the Yang family, and they are similar to his handymen. What do you feel bad for?"

The gene warriors below immediately began to discuss, but the supervisor Zhan Niu Yuan looked at Yang Ze's figure in astonishment.

"Wow wow…!"

Yang Ze, who was originally stabbed, suddenly drifted away, like a mist in the sky and as if the shape of the gods was destroyed.

Yang Yao's expression changed slightly, and he immediately looked down at the other side of the battle platform, where there was still a strong smell of water-attribute power, and Yang Ze's figure suddenly appeared there.

"What? Yang Ze! How dare you give up everything in the Yang family, even the practice?"

Holding the spear, Yang Yao turned around slowly, his pupils staring at Yang Ze who suddenly appeared, and these words resounded throughout the battle arena.

"The previous movement was not the Yang family's hundred training steps at all. It turns out that Yang Ze has already abandoned everything in the Yang family!"

"However, he who gave up everything in the Yang family, how could he be Yang Yao's opponent, and he will die on this battle stage sooner or later!"

"Hey, no matter whether he is active or passive, this guy is the one who was abandoned by the Yang family after all!"

"A sin!"

The gene warriors watching the battle below are all of the type who are not too big to watch the fun, and directly start the crazy hi-hi mode.

Continuing to talk about the Yang family affairs, this also made Yang Yao blushed and his eyes became more murderous.

Yang Ze! All this is Yang Ze, if it wasn't for this guy, how could the Yang family be talked about like this! !

"Yang Ze, I want to end all this!"

Yang Yao's voice suddenly became hoarse, and the whole body's source energy began to explode. .

Ultra-Order Soul Destruction Jade · Kai!

At the same time as the source power erupted, a touch of black soul jade waved and bloomed on his body.

"I'm going, the soul jade of the super soul destroying beast! In this way, Yang Yao's attack can be accompanied by a soul attack. With the increase of Tianxuan Gong, the power of this attack is still enough?"

The Gene Warrior, who was watching the game and had some eyesight, could not help but exclaimed, and immediately saw the extraordinaryness of Yang Yao's soul jade.

"Tianxuan Spear Technique: Thousands of Silence!"

The whole body was enveloped in a strange purple wind energy, Yang Yao groaned and put the spear in his hand slightly, the sky under the battle platform instantly darkened, and the entire battle platform seemed to be covered by the cold light of his spear head.

At this moment, Yang Ze's expression became extremely solemn.

Just because he hasn't eaten pork doesn't mean he hasn't seen Pig Run. He hadn't practiced Tianxuan Shooting or Tianxuan Gong, but he'd seen it countless times, so he naturally knew something about it.

If I remember correctly, this annihilation is to compress Tianxuan Gong to the extreme, and then burst out with all-out group moves.

As soon as this move came out, all the ten directions were destroyed. It seemed that Yang Yao was really angry, but he was afraid that he would swim with his body and wanted to use this move to end him.

"Hehe, good! It's good to come here, it's really good to test the swordsmanship for me!"

Faced with such an attack, Yang Ze did not panic at all. Instead, he showed a frantic look. He shouted loudly and waved his giant sword, and the source force rushed out.

"Monster Sword, Chasing the Waves!"

"Wow wow wow…!"

The sound of water roared, and with the wave of his giant sword, a wave appeared inexplicably, and it also had the power to cover the entire battle platform.

However, at this moment, such a cultivation technique and such power naturally caused the audience to fall into shock.

"I'm going? What's the situation? Is Yang Ze so strong?"