chapter 171 Trample Yang Yao


"It's not the Yang family practice, but the power is still amazing!"

"I heard that Yang Ze joined the extreme team, that is the team of Long Lang Zhang Lie!"

"Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie, Galaxy Fighter? That kid who discovered the ultimate gene?"

"So, this Yang Ze came back to settle everything?"

After a brief shock, a genetic warrior told Yang Ze's current situation.

Yang Family Patriarch Yang Feng's expression became a little complicated, and there was even a flash of light in the depths of his pupils.

"Haha, with you bastard, you also want to compete with my Tianxuan Spear Art, go to hell!"

Seeing this, Yang Yao laughed wildly, his eyes were full of contempt, and he took a deep breath and yanked his spear.

I saw a flash of light from the purple gun body, and countless sharp spiral gun lights shot out like a violent storm.

At the same time, Yang Ze's monstrous sword qi also surged with unparalleled might.


"Boom boom boom…!"

The dazzling dazzling light suddenly erupted, and the two extremely violent energies collided fiercely.

No one looked at the outcome of the collision. After all, in the eyes of most people, the final winner of this battle would definitely be Yang Yao.

The annihilation of the Yang family will inevitably tear up all the waves.


Yang Yao laughed happily, his eyes were extremely piercing, and his resentment towards Yang Ze was beyond everyone's imagination.

Yang Patriarch raised his hand to stop it, but in the end he let out a long sigh.

At this moment, everyone felt that Yang Ze was bound to die.

After the last roar, the dazzling purple light completely dissipated, but the waves continued to roll.

The entire battle platform was surrounded by hurricanes, and the seemingly dazzling light of thousands of annihilations melted like ice and snow under Yang Ze's sword waves.

The edge of the long spear was swallowed up in an instant, and the entire battle platform was filled with sword energy that was constantly swept away, making people tremble with fear.

Yang Yao's eyes widened and he looked at Yang Ze in disbelief. At this time, the exercises that he had devalued were destroying his thousands of annihilations.

When the ray of light bloomed to the extreme, the gene warriors on the scene looked at everything on the stage in shock.

The strongest technique of Yang Yao's Yang family was easily cracked by Yang Ze?

At this moment, even Patriarch Yang's eyes widened, and he firmly grasped the armrest of the chair with both hands.

Obviously, the results in front of him completely exceeded his expectations.


With a muffled sound, Yang Yao was swept away by the waves transformed by the sword energy, and the battle armor was swallowed up in an instant, and the skin covered by the battle armor burst into blood in an instant.

At this time, Yang Ze, like Li Feng, was also a little confused, a monstrous sword was just chasing the waves, and this defeated Yang Yao?

In his memory, this Yang Yao's growth can be accompanied by the selfless dedication of the family, and he is also a well-known figure in the large-scale beacon fire base, and it can be solved in a monstrous way?

Seeing such a dramatic scene, the bottom was silent again. Those guys who provoked Yang Ze before, swallowed a mouthful of saliva in horror, and couldn't help but feel a little scared.


Yang Yao, who fell to the ground and covered in blood, widened his eyes and looked at Yang Ze in disbelief.

The monstrous sword qi still remained in the air, and its monstrous and fierce momentum still made people feel terrified at this moment.

"Nothing is impossible, I said I would stomp your proud face on the ground!"

The waves under his feet flickered, and Yang Ze appeared beside Yang Yao in a flash, and a brown leather boot stomped on Yang Yao's fair face.

While stomping on, he did not forget to look at Patriarch Yang on the VIP seat and said, "Yang Yao, tell me, in the end, you can't do it, or is it an old man's vision?"

"The family has tried their best to train you, but you can't even handle an expelling person like me, it's too wasteful!"

"Admit defeat? Or die at my feet, choose one?"

At this moment, Yang Yao's face blushed, obviously he never thought that he would fall into such a state.

"You dare…you dare to kill me, the Yang family will never let you go?"

"Hehe, who doesn't let anyone go, since my mother left, I have no intention of letting go of the Yang family, and now I'm just getting some interest back!"

"I ask you one last time, give up…or die!"

At the end of the battle, Yang Ze's body was full of murderous intentions, and the raised giant sword suddenly aimed at the latter's head.


At such a moment, Yang Feng couldn't sit still any longer, and suddenly stood up and shouted loudly.

However, his subconscious shouting had no effect other than attracting the attention of the surrounding audience.

Except for a small smile on the corner of Yang Ze's mouth, the giant sword still slammed down with a thunderous force.

If this sword really fell, Yang Yao's head would explode in an instant.

"Wait…I admit defeat!"

There was a rushing cry, and a rushing wind whistled almost at the same time. At the last moment, Yang Yao couldn't stand the pressure of death, and he cried out with red eyes.

At this moment, the tip of the giant sword was already attached to the latter's temple, and if he slowed down any further, he would die with a headshot.

The rules of the Skyfire City Ranking Tournament unless you admit defeat, otherwise no one can interfere, regardless of life or death.

Hearing that Yang Yao finally bowed his head and conceded defeat, Yang Ze retracted the giant sword with a contented expression and said, "Right, this looks like a waste!"

When the words fell, Yang Ze didn't look at the other party again, and walked directly off the battle stage.

The winner of the No. 7 battle platform – Yang Ze! The position of the battle platform No. 7 on the red light screen is displayed.

At the same time, Niu Yuan, who was supervising the battle, coughed and said, "Someone, bring Yang Yao to heal."

After that, he glanced at the Yang family master inexplicably, and this glance made Yang family master Yang Feng wish he couldn't find a crack to burrow in.

With a complicated expression, he glanced at the direction of Yang Ze's disappearance, and immediately asked two Yang family genetic warriors to take the stage to carry away Yang Yao, who had lost too much blood and was in a coma.

So far, in the eyes of many surprised and even admired, Yang Ze temporarily ended the first battle of Tianhuo ranking.

At the same time, in the direction of Earth's Ningcheng, everyone in the extreme team also advanced in sequence after the fierce battle.

The winner of the battle platform No. 598 – Sun Xiaowu!

The winner of the No. 521 battle platform – Zhou Ying! "

Bai Lao numbly murmured the name of the winner, which made the gene warriors on the scene extremely shocked.

Anyone from Zhang Lie's extreme team has never lost in the first round.

After a round of screening, they will be able to join forces with Zhang Lie for the finals. Such strength is truly appalling.

"Such a team is already comparable to the military's special forces. How the hell does this kid have a head, what a freak!"

Su Feng was also shocked, and even turned his head to look at Zhang Lie.

He was very curious, how did a teenager who is less than 20 years old cultivate such a strong team!

"Okay! Today's first battle with Gao Jie, tomorrow will start the 2 rounds of promotion, and the first-ranked player can directly advance to the final!"

In the evening, when the results of the last battle platform appeared, Old Bai stroked his long white beard and smiled.

However, the genetic warriors below all shook their heads with a wry smile, as if they were not interested in the place to directly advance to the finals.

In fact, it's no wonder they are like this. Judging from the current situation, that spot must belong to Zhang Lie, or a member of his extreme team.

After the second round of screening tomorrow, the number of qualifying places will be sharply reduced from 10,000 people on the first day to 100 people.

The third day was the final battle. As usual, the top ten places would receive awards from Ningcheng.

And because of the different rankings, the rewards are also different, but in this situation, the top ten will probably be half of the extreme team.

"Hey, let's go! Today's Void title battle is definitely the most suspenseful year."

"That's not necessarily. This is just Ning Cheng. Don't forget that there are many strong people in other regions!"

"Stronger? Are you kidding me? Even that guy like Wang Xuan who is full of genes and soul jade has been beaten for seconds. How can other powerhouses be stronger!"

"To put it bluntly, this Void title battle is compared to the limit genes. If you look at the power of the limit team, it must have already broken through the limit!"

"That's right, in my opinion, they have not only broken through the limit long ago, but have even brought the limit gene into full play!"

"In front of them, we, who have just started to come into contact with extreme genes, are actually like babbling children, and there is no comparison at all!"

"Oh, I really envy those guys in the extreme squad!"

The surrounding gene warriors who participated in the battle were all downcast. Ning Cheng's finals had not yet started, and most of them had lost their fighting spirit.

The gene warriors below began to disperse, and the bigwigs in the VIP seats above also began to leave.

"Let's say goodbye first!" Seeing that the crowd below was scattered, Wang Han was the first to stand up with a gloomy face.

"Yeah, at this time, it's time to take care of Lingling Lang's injury!" The owner of the Tianhuo Martial Arts Museum took the opportunity to sneer.

"Master of the Tianhuo Pavilion, it seems that your disciple, Sun Li, was also seriously injured. Shouldn't you go and see?"

Tianhuo Niaoren has repeatedly committed humiliation, and Wang Han is naturally no longer polite, and his face twitches directly back to the past.


The words fell, Wang Han said no more, and with a long sleeve flicked his two guards and quickly left the place.

The crowd dispersed, and the bustling central square became deserted again.

Zhang Lie and others also got on the flying car of the extreme martial arts hall.

"I didn't expect that our strength would be so terrifying!"

"What family son, is not our opponent at all!"

On the way back to the martial arts hall, Sun Xiaowu and Li Feng laughed like a fat man weighing a few hundred pounds.

The result this time was obviously beyond the expectations of the two of them, and it was reasonable for them to have such a reaction.

Of course, among the six people sitting in the car, there were only two of them.

The rest Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng had already had a profound self-awareness of their own strength, but Zhou Ying had never been shy.

"Okay, look at your achievements, forget the goal I set for you before?"

"Everyone is doing well today, but tomorrow we might have trouble with a crash!"

"Here, in order to preserve your own strength, I will first set a rule for you, and you will win or lose by guessing when you crash!"

"The second round of screening has to play at least three games. As long as our people don't encounter two of our own people in these three games, we can successfully advance to the finals!"

"The first game of the final is a 100-player melee first, and then the top ten ranking battles. If we do it properly, we can definitely advance to the Huaxia ranking battle!"

"I said so, everyone understands?"


Taking this opportunity, Zhang Lie revealed tomorrow's deployment, and everyone immediately nodded in response.

To be honest, if there is any opponent for the extreme team in the city stage, it is themselves.