Kid Psychic I

The Stranger Things C418 theme music was being played in the background. It was still hip at this time and not the retro that it would be known as in the future.

A starry field canvassed by the night sky appeared to be the most picturesque depiction of the galaxy.

When the music peaked, Cosmic Pictures was slowly formed with its golden font and the galactic canvas.

This new company and its new intro were a great surprise to the audience!

It also made them wonder when they would get bored with it, like how they are with all the other production company introductions!

An even greater surprise is the picture quality of the movie being a level above the rest. They were now perceptively aware of low-quality pixels and high-quality ones!

Even Alexander was not expecting such a move from his father.

The surprise was not yet over.

Just when the critics and onlookers were expecting a moderate to James Bond-level opening sequence to introduce key film contributors, they were caught off guard by something a level ahead of that.

The funky and catchy music of 99 by the Mob Choir was played. It was completely translated into English and Alexander Creed's latent vocals debuted.

'If everyone is not special then...

maybe you can be what you want to be...

you're searching for the answers,

you will find them all... time...!'

With a gradual uprising and rocky counting of the percentage. The audience was baptized by the hype and tenacity of anime openings.

Those producers, directors, and cast were interspersed in a visual hodgepodge of James Smith's animated self rampaging against animated and ghoulish spirits.

This song is about the illusions and downsides of being special and looks at the upsides of not standing out. Instead of Mob being repeatedly chanted, the word Kid is used instead.

The catchy percentage slowly rising to its full potential was raising the blood levels of the listeners. Even though quite a few hate the ear-worming music, they still can't help but feel swept by the enthusiasm of the people around them.

Although this was supposed to be a silence please cinema, rock fanatics, and music enthusiasts can't help but chant along with the song around them.

'81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99...!!!'

Just when the crowd was hoping to chant the much-awaited '100', they were blue-balled by the ringing of a school bell and the title 'Kid Psychic' covering the screen.

The audience was completely embarrassed and finally remembered that this was supposed to be a movie!

They sat down much to the relief of the theater staff who didn't know what to do about their chaotic outburst.

Kid Psychic played on and the crowd was sufficiently hooked.

The ringing school bell woke up a quiet boy in the corner.

He was shaggy-haired and cute but was the complete background character compared to his rowdy preschool classmates.

"Time to go home, class! Wait for mommy, daddy, or your guardians to come to pick you up, okay?!" The pretty teacher announced.

"Okay!" The rowdy kids got even rowdier and scuffled around. The quiet boy was calm in his seat and waited for them to leave one by one.

An excellent use of fast-forward and still backgrounds were used in this scene and when the boy was all alone, the teacher advised from her table after a small talk on the phone.

"James, your father just called to tell me that you can go home by yourself."

It sounded heartless but the boy was used to it.

"Okay, teacher! But... can I use the restroom?"

"Sure! But make it quick!" The teacher warily said as if she really had no good impression of the boy.

The boy quickly took his backpack and went to the room.

When he came in, he was in a normal child's attire. When he came out, he was in the familiar black uniform that was shown in the exhilarating opening sequence.

"Goodbye, tea... cher!" The boy abashedly excused himself but got no answer from the teacher.

Just when the audience thought that was the end of it, the boy's eyes suddenly lit into a concealable blue.

'Why do I have to be assigned with this, ghost kid?! He is even wearing that ridiculous costume! Can't this weirdo's father just find both of them a mental asylum?!'

The teacher's graty and somewhat echoey voice could suddenly be heard while her mouth was not moving at all.

It was as if only the boy could hear the sound and those harsh words made him downcast and sad as he walked out of the school.

The downcast boy met people on his way and was still hearing those echoey noises.

'Well, well, well! If it isn't the weirdo.'

'My mommy said he is crazy, I should avoid him!'

'Oh no! I looked into his eyes! Waah. I will die.'

Although they weren't speaking those words from their mouths, the evasion and animosity in their face were enough to tell who those voices belong to.

The dark-uniformed boy eventually walked out of the gate and towards the street that was familiar from the preview.

It was only him and another person walking ahead of him on the wide but lonely streetwalk.

An echoey voice could be heard again but this time around, it was the voice of the boy. He introduced himself in a manner that was familiar and different from the evocative trailer.

'Hello to those who can hear my telepathic voice. My name is James Smith...

...if you are wondering, how I can do that... see, I am a psychic...

...and maybe it is time for you to see things from my perspective!'

The blue glow in the boy's eyes became a bit clearer and the two-person streetwalk became a bit crowded.

Ethereal but silenced ghost was manifesting their mangled forms in a smoke-like appearance and disappearance.

They appeared left and right during the boy's simple stroll and the onlooker's eyes were trying hard to pick up where to look.

It was rigorously detailed and flowing which made people truly associate such things with reality!

The sad note of the film suddenly became grimmer with the mangled and aesthetically displeasing figures that the ghosts showed themselves in.

Just as the feint-hearted moviegoers were about to scream, the smoky and ethereal ghost suddenly had their silencer removed and the echoey voices sounded out to match them.

'How do you do?!' Said an eyeless ghost from the 1800s as he greeted another ghost. He was English, gentlemanly-dressed, and polite that the audience didn't know what to expect of ghosts anymore.