Gas Station

Bo Xi received Xiao He's gaze and immediately shut her mouth.

She stretched out her hand, intending to take the jar away. However, Su Feifei stepped back and she missed.

"This is for Bo Silin. He'll be going with you to check on his leg later. It's his birthday in two days, so he probably won't be able to return to the island to spend it."

Su Feifei smiled. 

"It's alright. I've prepared for it."

She loved to celebrate his birthday. Therefore, since it was Bo Silin's birthday, she naturally could not miss it.

Xiao He was already numb.

A silent prayer of thanks echoed in his ears...

[If it's convenient for everyone, take a look at Xiao He. I think he's about to pee in his pants.]

[Xiao He's expression would be ingrained in my head forever. If I'm ever having a bad time, I can just think of this and have a good laugh!]

[Why do I feel like the thing in this jar is…]

[It looks like…]

[Could it really be that?]