Happy Birthday

Bo Silin slowly reached out his hand and wiped it off with a dark face.

[Mom!! Help!!]

[I'm laughing so hard that I'm rolling on the floor. Hahahaha.]

[It turns out that words can kill!!!]

[I'm covering my ears in front of the screen, but what's supposed to come still came.]

[Bo Silin's public relations team should be resigning soon, right? They won't be able to handle the intensity of the hot search now...]

[Su Feifei, you're amazing.]

Bo Xi gulped down the remaining wine in her mouth. Then she turned to look at Su Feifei and then at Bo Silin. "Do you have a kidney deficiency, Bo Silin?" She asked.

If looks could kill, Bo Xi would have been six feet under right now. 

[Bo Xi, you'd better turn around. I know you're smiling.]

[It's hard not to notice the way his shoulders are shaking.]

"This wine is a gift from our team." Su Feifei added, "Xiao He found the scorpion..."

Bo Silin's eyes swept across his face.