Dead To Me

Bo Silin was speechless.

Salary card?

He closed his eyes. This time, he would answer first. "You were taught by Qiao Hefeng, right?"

She shook her head.

"Bo Xi said it." She said, "She drank some wine on the day of the banquet and said that she was working hard outside. She didn't know who to give her salary card to when she got home and was very lonely."

Bo Silin was speechless.

"You spent a lot of money on the island." Su Feifei said, "Keep this. I'll bring a bigger one back next time to help with the family."

Bo Silin paused and chuckled.

To supplement the family... Come back with a bigger one...

He pulled Su Feifei's hand over. He placed the card in her palm and rolled it back.