Our Family

The woman's expression couldn't hold back anymore. "Are you crazy?!"

Su Feifei narrowed her eyes. 

"Kiss. Him."

The woman was speechless.

This person must be crazy!

"What's stopping you?" Su Feifei glanced at Qi Cheng.

Qi Cheng's expression froze.

This Su Feifei... Every time he saw her, she had a new cold expression for him.

He pursed his lips. "Why do I need to prove it to you?"

"You don't sound convincing." A sexy voice came from behind.

The few of them turned around.

Bo Silin got off the motorcycle. He smoothed down his messy hair and calmed his breathing. He regained his handsome appearance and walked forward.

"You forgot about me." Bo Silin looked at Su Feifei. His words were calm, but every syllable was filled with grievance.

Su Feifei shrugged.

"I'll definitely remember next time." 

"Alright, then I won't be sad for the time being."

Qi Cheng's mouth twitched.