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The next second, he saw Su Feifei pouncing on him!

He immediately opened his arms.

"Don't be afraid..."

The next second, Su Feifei reached out and pulled him into her arms.

The sounds of swords clashing could be heard.

The entire screen shattered!

In the cinema, screams rang out one after another.

Five minutes later.

"This is the compensation clause. Bo Silin, you... You just need to sign it." The theater manager handed the document over. "Actually, this is really not a big problem. You don't have to compensate us…"

"I should."

Bo Silin signed and turned to see Su Feifei standing at the side with her hands behind her back, also looking like she was sincerely apologizing.

Bo Silin was speechless.

He walked forward and pulled her sleeve. "Let's go."

Su Feifei followed him out.

"I thought it was trying to attack you." 

Bo Silin felt touched when he heard this.