Really Scared

Bo Silin guessed it when he saw it.

This is a box for keeping goldfish.

In the past, the old man often bought these things at home to raise at home.

"Come on, let's see the little goldfish."

He had already thought of a name for this little baby in his heart.

"I picked this gift with great care." Su Feifei said.

Bo Silin listened carefully and sighed heartwarmingly.

As long as it was carefully thought of, it was fine.

Su Feifei opened the box and handed it to him.

Bo Silin immediately locked eyes with the thing inside.

The smile froze on his face and disappeared bit by bit.

The car was silent for two seconds.

"It's healthy and long-lived. The boss said that if you take care of it well, it can send you away well. I hope you'll be like that too…"

Bo Silin immediately covered her mouth with his hand.

A pair of round eyes peeked out from his fingers.