A Child's Words Carry No Harm

Now, they had practiced the structure of the strokes and their ability to control the pen well. The first thing they learned to write was their own names. However, when they saw their mother write their names on the board with a pink and white stick-like object, they could not help but be stunned. The words looked quite good.

Especially Da Bao, he had once sneaked to the neighboring village and sneaked into the private school to take a look at the classroom. He only remembered that the teacher's seat was a long desk, but there was no board for writing.

But he didn't ask this question out loud. Women would come up with strange ideas or strange things from time to time. They should be used to it.

Now, it was just that Mother had changed the way she wrote, making it more convenient for them to see. However, their paper and brush were still writing brushes and inkstones, and there were no special changes.