The Four Treasures Know How To Play

She quickly shook her head, afraid that it would really come true.

"San Bao, although your idea is right, if Sir were to ask you this question, you would be tongue-tied."

Mo Ruyue sighed. She was starting to feel that it wasn't a good idea for her to teach the babies.

However, if she were to find a temporary teacher, she didn't know what kind of rumors would spread in the village.

There was a lot of trouble in front of a widow's door. Who asked her to have such an identity now?

"Mother, I don't understand."

San Bao was puzzled. "I feel that mother's way of doing things is not wrong. The principles taught in the books are not wrong. The answer I thought of is not wrong either. Why is this answer wrong in your eyes? "

At his age, he could not understand more complicated things, such as this society, groups, conventions, and rules.