Saving The Wolves

Since she couldn't guess the cause of the incident, she still wanted to find the remaining wolves as soon as possible. She didn't know how many of them were still alive.

The wolf that she had saved kept sniffing at the bodies of its dead companions. Its eyes were sad, and it kept whimpering in pain. The scene made people who saw it feel sad.

"Can you take me to the rest of the wolves? There might still be hope."

Mo Ruyue tried to ask, and the wolf immediately sniffed around. However, it was not known whether it was because the smell information here was too mixed or for some other reason, but it just kept going around in circles, as if it couldn't find the direction to track at all.

Seeing that the wolf was so confused and helpless, a light suddenly flashed in Mo Ruyue's mind. She thought of a possible hiding place, so she immediately called the wolf to follow her and ran in one direction.