Dealing With the Court

After Mo Ruyue finished speaking, she turned around and left the valley. When she looked back, only one wolf head was sticking out of the cave. It was the black wolf king's. The other wolves did not follow.

Finally relieved, Mo Ruyue quickened his pace and began to run down the mountain.

As soon as she reached the foot of the mountain, she saw Da Bao looking in her direction anxiously. As soon as he saw her, he immediately came up to her.

"Mother, you've finally come down the mountain! What delayed you today? There's almost no time!"

He knew that his mother was going to have a lawsuit with his grandmother today. If his mother was absent from such an important matter, then wouldn't she be gossiped about again?

"We'll talk about this when I come back. I'm going to the Liu family to get the carriage and go to the county first. Let's go."