Seeing A Doctor

She had only interacted with this person because of the illness of the prefect's daughter. After this matter was over, she would become strangers with this middle-aged woman. It was not worth her any emotions.

Mo Ruyue was arranged to stay in a side room. Seeing that she could carry the personal seal of the magistrate and the letters, she was arranged to have tea and fruits. After all, no one knew what the old master's attitude towards this woman would be.

It would be terrible if one accidentally offended the future noble.

After the time it took to make a cup of tea, there was the sound of footsteps outside, followed by a few regular knocks on the door.

The sound of hurried footsteps could be heard from the room next door. The person ran over and opened the door. Then, someone said, "Old Master, you're here."

"Yes, is she here?"

A dignified voice replied.

"She's here, she's waiting in the side room!"